Page no. | German |
English |
2 |
mein Gott |
my God! |
was ist dann, wie kannst du |
what is it, how can you? |
3 | Meine kleine Maus, Mein Häschen, Liebchen |
My little mouse, my little rabbit, lovey. |
Meine kleine Maus, mein Hugo, Geliebter |
My little mouse, my Hugo, beloved |
4 | Mutti |
Mommy |
5 | Blutwurst, Leberwurst, Bratwurst–was willst du? |
Blood sausage, liver sausage, bratwurst–what would you like?All pork sausages unavailable in Bombay. |
6 | Coelho, Da Silva |
Portuguese names, the Portuguese settled early in Bombay; the others are typically Indian names. |
du Dummkopf |
stupid! |
7 | baksheesh |
alms |
9 | sahib |
Sir formal term of respectful address for a foreign man |
10 | masala |
spices which cats would not like |
11 |
his god Zoroaster |
Farrokh, like many of his neighbors, is a a Parsi, a follower of the ancient Persian religion taught by the prophet (not god) Zarathustra, whose name is usually rendered “Zoroaster” in English |
13 | sacred thread |
worn only by Brahmin men, the highest caste |
say they love Buddha |
Although Buddhism began in India, it almost entirely vanished from there centuries ago, with only remnants being absorbed into Hinduism. |
ashram |
center for meditation and worship |
18 | piscine |
fish-like |
juice-wallah |
“Wallah” often means “vendor,” as here |
19 |
burnoose, chador |
typical male and female costumes of Muslims |
23 | Zigaren, Zigaretten |
cigars, cigarettes |
25 | Hopp, hopp, hopp, |
Hop, Hop, Hop, |
Pferdchen lauf galopp |
Little horse run galloping |
Über Stock und über Steine, |
Over sticks and over stones, |
Aber brich dir nicht die Beine! |
But don’t break your bones! |
Hopp, hopp, hopp, |
Hop, Hop, Hop, |
Pferdchen lauf galopp. |
Little horse run galloping. |
26 | chaises-longues |
couches |
28 | Kommt ein Vogel geflogen, |
A bird came flying, |
Setzt sich neider mein Fuss, |
and landed by my foot, |
hat ein Brieflein im Schnable, |
he had a note in his beak, |
von der Mutter ein Gruss. |
a greeting from my mother. |
du kleiner Affe |
you little ape |
so ungehorsam | ||
29 | Lieber Vogel, flieg weiter, |
Little bird, fly away |
Nimm ein Gruss mit, einer Kuss, |
Take a greeting, a kiss, with you |
Denn ich kann dich nicht begleiten |
Because I cannot go with you, |
Weil ich hierbleiuben muss |
For I must remain here. |
Gib mir dein kleines Pfötchen |
Give me your little paw. |
30 | loden |
A traditional type of very heavy coat made of boiled wool |
31 | Welt am Abend |
The Evening World |
32 | O du lieber Augustin |
Oh, beloved Augustine, |
alles ist hin! |
Everything is gone! |
Geld ist weg, |
Money is gone, |
Beutel ist weg, |
Purse is gone, |
Augustin liegt auch im Dreck, |
Even Augustine is lying in the filth, |
O du lieber Augustin, |
Oh, beloved Augustine, |
alles ist hin! |
Everything is gone! |
35 | Hoppe, hoppe, Reiter, |
Hop, hop, rider, |
wenn er fällt, dann schreit er gleich. |
If he falls, he will quickly cry. |
Fällt er in die Hecken, |
If he falls in the hedges, |
fressen ihn die Schnecken, |
The snails will eat him; |
fällt er in den Klee, |
If he falls in the clover, |
schreit her glich: O weh . . . |
He will also cry, Oh, woe! |
O Tannenbaum, O Tannenbaum |
Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree, |
Wie grün sind deine Blätter! |
How green are your needles!Original words to the popular carol. |
36 | Klein |
the name means “small” |
37 | Schlaf, Kindlein, schlaf! |
Sleep, little child, sleep! |
Da draussen gehn zwei Schaf! |
Outside two sheep are going by! |
Ein Schwarzes und ein weisses, |
A black one and a white one, |
und wenn das Kind nich schlafen will |
And if the child won’t go to sleep, |
dann kommt das Schwarz und beisst es. |
the black one will come and bite him. |
Schlaf, Kindlein, Schlaf! |
Sleep, little child, sleep! |
language Hugo had never heard before |
Hebrew |
38 | Hänschen klein, geht allein, |
Little Hans, go all alone, |
in die weite Welt hinein, |
out into the wide world, |
Stock und Hut stehn im gut, |
his stick and hat will suit him well, |
ist ganz wohlgemut. |
He is quite cheerful. |
Doch die Mutter weinet sehr, |
But his mother weeps bitterly, |
hat ja nun kein Hänschen mehr . . . |
because she no longer has her little rabbit . . . |
Es tanzt ein Bi-ba-butzemann |
A bogeyman dances |
in unserem Haus herum, didum, |
around in our House, |
39 | es tanzt ein Bi-ba-butzemann |
A bogeyman dances |
in unserem Haus herum, didum, |
around in our House, |
Er rüttelt sich, er schüttelt sich |
He rattles and shakes himself, |
er wift sein Säckchen hinter sich, |
he draws his little sack behind him, |
Es tanzt ein Bi-ba-butzemann |
A bogeyman dances |
in unserem Haus herum. |
around in our House. |
40 | Berliner Zeitung |
Berlin Times (newspaper) |
41 | Shabbos |
Sabbath |
42 | Eija, Popeija, |
Hey, Popeja! |
Notes by Paul Brians, Department of English, Washington State University, Pullman 99164-5020.Corrected by Mario Menti.
More Study Materials for World Literature in English of India, Africa, and the Caribbean
- Chinua Achebe: Things Fall Apart
- Buchi Emecheta: The Joys of Motherhood
- Wole Soyinka: Selected Plays
- Athol Fugard: “Master Harold”. . . and the Boys
- Nadine Gordimer: Selected Stories
- George Lamming: In the Castle of My Skin
- R. K. Narayan: The Guide
- Salman Rushdie: The Satanic Verses
- Arundhati Roy: The God of Small Things
- “Postcolonial Literature”: Problems with the Term
- The Irrelevance of “Postcolonialism” to South Asian Literature
- About African Literature, by Azfar Hussain
- Postcolonial Literature Journals List
- World Literature Syllabus
For more about Anita Desai and other South Asian writers, see Paul Brians’ Modern South Asian Literature in English .
Version of March 31, 1999.