Education (Institutions, degrees, dates)
- Ph.D., Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana 1968
- M.A., Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, 1966
- B.A., Pacific University, Forest Grove, Oregon, 1964
- Santa Rosa Junior College, Santa Rosa, California 1960-62
Experience (Positions and Dates)
- Assistant Professor of English, 1968-1977
- Associate Professor of English, 1977-1988
- Professor of English, 1988- 2008
- Retired 2008-present
Professional Recognition and Honors
- Inducted into The Quarter Century Club of WSU, 1993.
- Burlington Northern Award for excellence in teaching, 1992.
- “Inquiring Mind” speaker, 1990-92.
- Faculty Library Award, 1988.
- Member, faculty of World Civilizations 110/111 (a group of twenty faculty members selected from ninety applicants to be trained as teachers for a new world civilizations course).
- “Nuclear War in Fiction,” invited address for History Honorary annual banquet, 1984.
- “The New Censorship,” invited address for Holland Library Faculty Recognition Award talk, Spring, 1983
- “Pornography and the Arts,” invited address for the Art Department Enrichment Series, WSU, March 23, 1971.
- Modern South Asian Literature in English. Greenwood Press, 2003.
- Common Errors in English Usage. William, James, 2003. Second Edition, 2008.
- Reading About the World, Vols. 1 & 2 (ed.). Third Edition, Harcourt Brace Custom Publishing, 1999.
- Reading About the World, Vols. 1 & 2 (ed.). Second edition, American Heritage Custom Publishing, 1996. Contributed translations of the following selections: Anna Comnena: The Alexiad, Emile Zola: Germinal, Sigmund Freud: The Interpretation of Dreams, Ren/(c) Descartes: The Discourse on Method, Montaigne: Essay on Cannibals, Francois Rabelais: Letter from Gargantua to his son Pantagruel; adapted translations of the following: Angelo Poliziano: Quis Dabit Capiti Meo Aquam (Lament on the Death of Lorenzo di Medici), Marcus Aurelius: Meditations, The Young Woman and Her Five Lovers, from Tales from the Thousand and One Nights.
- Reading About the World, Vols. 1 & 2. (ed.) HarperCollins Custom Publishing, 1994.
- Nuclear Holocausts: Atomic War in Fiction, 1895-1984. Kent State University Press, 1987. [Refereed]
- Bawdy Tales from the Courts of Medieval France (trans. & ed.), Harper & Row, 1975. [Refereed]
Other Publications
- Common Errors in English Usage Daily Boxed Calendar. Wilsonville, OR: William, James, 2008.
- Common Errors in English Usage Daily Boxed Calendar. Wilsonville, OR: William, James, 2007.
- Common Errors in English Usage Daily Boxed Calendar. Wilsonville, OR: William, James, 2006
- Common Errors in English Usage Daily Boxed Calendar. Wilsonville, OR: William, James, 2005.
- Nuclear Texts & Contexts (1998-1995) created and made available “here“
- Study Guide for Ursula LeGuin: The Dispossessed, as a supplement to the e-book version of the novel in the following formats: Acrobat eBook Reader, Microsoft Reader, and Palm Reader, March, 2002.
- Nuclear Holocausts: Atomic War in Fiction. Greatly expanded and revised edition of my 1987 book, mounted 2003. Slightly revised and expanded, 2004.
- Nuke/Pop (mounted Fall, 1999)
- Common Errors in English (first mounted March 1997, extensively revised December 1998, December 1999, minor revisions in 2000, major revisions 2001, major revisions in 2005 and later.)
- Annotations for Salman Rushdie’s The Satanic Verses, August, 1996. Completed December, 1997, revised 2000.
- Nuclear Texts & Contexts, issue #1, Fall, 1988 (edited and wrote most of the issue), issue #2, Spring 1989 (edited and wrote much of the issue), issue #3, Fall, 1989 (became sole editor with this issue, wrote several articles), issue #4, Spring 1990, issue #5, Fall 1990, issue #6, Spring 1991, issue #7, Fall 1991, issue #8, Fall 1992. Resigned editorship with Fall 1992 issue. Published on Web site at (2003).
- “Let’s Clear Something Up,” columns on language usage for Blueprint magazine May-June 2007 (p. 16), June-July 2007 (p.22), and January-February, 2008 (p. 18).
- Entries on “Nuclear War,” “Post-Holocaust Societies,” and “The Dispossessed: An Ambiguous Utopia by Ursula K. Lee Guin (1974)” in The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy, ed. Gary Westfahl. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2005.
- “Good Words Gone Bad,” by Candace Murphy, Oakland Tribune, October 25, 2005, was based largely on a phone interview with me.
- “Multimedia Made Simple, The Hard Way,” World History Connected, Vol. 1, no. 2 (May 2004); an online journal for world history teachers.[Commissioned article with interactive online multimedia examples]
- “Classical Turkey,” Washington State Magazine (Fall 2003): 18-19. [Commissioned article with photographs by myself.]
- “Annotating The Satanic Verses: An Example of Internet Research and Publication,” Computers and the Humanities 33 (December 1999): 247-264. [Refereed]
- “Study Guide for Walter M. Miller’s A Canticle for Leibowitz,” SFRA Review no. 242 (October 1999), pp. 6-19.
- “Writing English by Ear,” The Editorial Eye, 21:6 (June 1998) pp. 1-4. Solicited by the editor of this newsletter for professional editors and revised by her while I was in Japan. About 60% of the article is as I wrote it. Paid contribution.
- “Nuclear Family/Nuclear War,” in Nancy Anisfield, ed. The Nightmare Considered: Critical Essays on Nuclear War Literature. Bowling Green: Bowling Green State University Press, 1991. (A slightly revised version of the paper originally published in Essays in Language and Literature (Spring 1990).
- “Nuclear War Fiction for Young Readers: A Commentary and Annotated Bibliography,” in Philip John Davies, ed. Science Fiction, Social Conflict and War. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1990. [An earlier, abridged version of this article, without most of the notes and without any of the annotated bibliography, was published as “Nuclear Fiction for Children” in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists in 1988; but I consider this the definitive version of the article.
- “Nuclear Family/Nuclear War,” Papers on Language and Literature, 26 (1990): pp. 134-142.
- “Atomic Bomb Day” (pp. 32-33) and “Hiroshima Day (pp. 309-311) in Read More About It: An Encyclopedia of Information Sources on Historical Figures and Events. Vol. 3. Ann Arbor: The Pierian Press, 1989 (commissioned).
- with Vladimir Gakov: “Nuclear-War Themes in Soviet Science Fiction: An Annotated Bibliography.” Science-Fiction Studies 16(1989): 67-84. (In this collaborative effort, the research was primarily Gakov’s responsibility; but I extensively revised and edited his first draft, and helped shape and write the introduction.) [Refereed]
- “Nuclear Fiction for Children,” Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, July/August 1988, pp. 24-27[Commissioned]
- “And That Was the Future . . . The World Will End Tomorrow,” Futures, August 1988, pp. 424-433 [Commissioned]
- “Red Holocaust: The Atomic Conquest of the West,” Extrapolation, 28 (1987), pp. 319-329.
- “SF Summit in Moscow.” Locus, October, 1987. [Refereed]
- “Revival of Learning: Science After the Nuclear Holocaust in Science Fiction,” Phoenix from the Ashes: The Literature of the Remade World, ed. Carl Yoke. Greenwood Press, 1987. [Refereed]
- “Nuclear War/Post-Nuclear Fiction,” Columbiana (Winter 1987), pp. 31-33
- “Nuclear War Fiction Collection at Washington State University, The,” College & Research Libraries News, 48 (March, 1987), pp.115-18.
- Resources for the Study of Nuclear War in Fiction,” Science-Fiction Studies, July 1986, 5 pp. [Refereed]
- “Nuclear War in Science Fiction, 1945-1959,” Science-Fiction Studies, vol. 11, part 3 (1984), pp. 253-263. [Refereed]
- “Americans Learn to Love the Bomb,” New York Times, July 17, 1985 (reprinted in the U.S. and abroad through the Times News Service. This article plus two interviews provided the basis for Konrad Ege’s article, “La culture populaire flirte avec la bombe,” Le Monde diplomatique, June 1986.
- “The Day They Tested the Rec Room,” (short story) CoEvolution Quarterly (Summer 1981), pp. 116-1234.
- “Sexuality and the Opposite Sex: Variations on a Theme by Théophile Gautier and Anais Nin,” Essays in Literature (Spring 1977), pp. 122-137. Edited version printed in Philip K. Jason. The Critical Response to Anis Nin.Westport: Connecticut, 1996. [Refereed]
- “Versions of Immortality,” New Venture, 4 (Summer 1976), 1 p.
- “Paul Aebischer and the OEGab d’Oliver,'” Romance Notes, Winter 1974, pp. 1-8. [Refereed]
- Anna Comnena: Alexiad (selection on the Crusaders originally published in Reading About the World), reprinted in Brummett, Edgar, Hackett, Jewsbury, Taylor, Bailkey, Lewis, Wallbank, Silverberg: Civilization Past and Present,10th Edition, Addison Wesley Longman, 2002. Reprinted in the 11th edition, 2004.
- Rene Descartes: selection from Discourse on Method (originally published in Reading About the World), published on a Web site supporting the Houghton Mifflin textbook, Mosaic: Perspectives on Western Civilization, 2001.
- Leo Africanus: selection from Description of Africa (originally published in Reading About the World) reprinted in Middle Ages Reference Library (Farmington Hills, Minn.: Gale Research, 2000) in both hard covers and on CD-ROM. Also reprinted in a book containing materials for students to practice advance placement essay writing, published by Social Studies School Service, 2004. Adopted as an Internet History Sourcebook by the Aga Khan Humanities Project, Tajikistan, 2005. Reprinted in High School United States History for the 11th Grade Level (Pearson Prentice Hall), a set of teaching materials in paper and electronic forms, 2006. Reprinted in The Making of the Modern World (University of Houston, 2006).
- Photograph from Vejer de la Frontera, Spain, in Seattle Times Sunday travel section, August 10, 2008.
- Exhibit of photographs, Manuscripts, Archives and Special Collections, Washington State University, Spring 2008.
- Two photographs (of a Roman street in Turkey and Tudor cottages near Hever Castle) used in a National Geographic Channel documentary on the history of the toilet in the series Everyday Things, Nov. 7 2006.
- Photo of roman toilet from Ephesus, printed in an article on the history of toilets, Environmental Building News, February 2004. Reprinted by HPAC Engineering newsletter, 2004. Used in a History Channel documentary called “Modern Marvels: Sewers,” and in a nonprofit educational video for Sacramento, California wastewater treatment plant tours 2005.
- Photo of SCUE cyber café reproduced at for an article about cyber cafes, December 2004.
Review Articles
- Carpenter, Charles A. Dramatists and the Bomb: American and British Playwrights Confront the Nuclear Age, 1945-1964. Science-Fiction Studies, Vol. 27, pp. 318-319.
- Seed, David, ed. Imagining Apocalypse: Studies in Cultural Crisis. Science-Fiction Studies, vol. 27, pp. 364-365.
- Sallis, James. Ash of Stars: On the Writing of Samuel R. Delany, Utopian Studies 9 (1998), 312-314.
- Bozzetto, Roger, Max Duperray, Alain Chareye-Mejan, eds. Eros: XI Congr/Aes du Cerli (Actes du XI colloque du Cerli, Aix-en-Provence Janvier 1990), Utopian Studies 3(1992):131-133.
- Broderick, Mick. Nuclear Movies: A Critical Analysis and Filmography of International Feature Length Films Dealing with Experimentation, Aliens, Terrorism, Holocaust and Other Disaster Scenarios, 1914-1989, IAFA Newsletter, Summer, 1992, pp. 33-34.
- Broderick, Mick. Nuclear Movies: A Critical Analysis and Filmography,” SFRA Review, June 1992, pp. 27-28.
- Lenz, Millicent. Nuclear Age Literature for Youth,” SFRA Review, April 1992, pp. 32-34.
- Bruce Franklin, War Stars: The Superweapon and the American Imagination, for Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (May 1989), pp. 48-51.
- “Tom Moylan: Demand the Impossible: Science Fiction and the Utopian Imagination.” Extrapolation Fall 1988, pp. 285-288.
- “Rambo’s Relatives,” American Book Review, March/April 1986, 2 pp.
- Review of six volumes of nuclear war fiction, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (Chicago, IL), March 1986, pp. 50-53.
- “Dealing with Nuclear Catastrophe,” Science-Fiction Studies (Montreal, Quebec), July 1986, 2 pp.
- Feature review: Newman, John and Michael Unsworth. Future War Novels: An Annotated Bibliography of Works in English Published Since 1946,” Reference Services Review, vol. 13, no. 1 (Ann Arbor, MI), 1985, p. 20.
- “The Cretan Glance,” Modernist Studies (June 1982), pp. 245-247.
- “Anais Nin: Delta of Venus,” Under the Sign of Pisces: Anais Nin and Her Circle (Columbus, OH) (Winter 1978), 4 pp.
- Three books on French surrealism: Yearbook on Comparative and General Literature, 19 (Bloomington, IN, 1970), 4 pp.
Creative Productivity
Poetry Readings
- Poetry for Children, 1982.
- Contemporary Poetry for Children, 1980.
- Sex, Dope, and Cheap Thrills (for an off-campus group), 1978.
- Science Fiction Poetry, 1977.
- Medieval and Renaissance Women Poets, 1976, repeated 1977.
- Excerpts from Nikos Kazantzakis: The Odyssey: A Modern Sequel, 1976,
- My translation of Jean Tardieu’s play: The Subway Lovers, 1975.
- James Dickey, 1972.
- Researched, wrote and read a lengthy poem entitled “ABM ABC” as my contribution to a panel discussion of a proposed antiballistic missile system, University of Idaho, 1969.
Other creative activity based on teaching and research
- Transferred numerous photo tours to Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections, WSU Library:, Fall 2007.
- Transferred CD discography to Holland Library and updated it with many new entries, 2006.
- Created photo tour of Spain, Summer 2006, mounted on the World Civlizations site,:
- Original photos donated to the World Civilizations image repository in the library’s Division of Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections, Fall 2006.
- Also created 40-minute video accompanied by music based on Spain photos, summer, 2006.
- Began process of transferring video series of lectures on classical music to DVD and editing them into new versions, completed Spring 2005.
- Created photo tour of Greece, 2005.
- Created photo tour of China, completed 2005
- Created online tour of Vienna, Prague, and Budapest based on my own photographs and mounted it on the World Civilizations Web site and donated high-resolution copies to Holland Library’s World Civilizations Image Database, 2004.
- Donated hundreds of my photos of China and Greece to the World Civilizations Image Database in Holland Library, 2004.
- Created a new, greatly expanded edition of Nuclear Holocausts: Atomic War in Fiction, and mounted it on the Web at, 2003. Added several entries, 2004.
- Created a Web tour of Ireland based on my own photos, focusing on architecture and archaeological sites for the General Education program and mounted it on the World Civilizations site, Summer 2003. Many of the photos have been mounted on a searchable database by Holland Library Manuscripts, Archives and Special Collections.
- With the aid of a Co-Teach grant, I completed a digitized collection of music from the library’s CDs now being served via streaming mp3 from the library’s audio reserves collection to students in Gen Ed 111, summer 2003. Besides selecting the music, I wrote extensive annotations to help students listen intelligently to the selections.
- Scanned and edited my photos from the WSU World Civilizations tour of India and Thailand in 1992-1993, and created a Web site displaying them, and again donated high-resolution copies to the MASC collection.
- Converted Humanities 303 from Speakeasy to Bridge format, 2003.
- Created and maintain searchable databases on the Web for Anglophone fiction, science fiction, feature films, and compact discs in Holland Library. My filmography has been adopted as the official filmography of the Film Studies Program, linked to their Web site, Fall 2003.
- Created a Web tour of Turkey based on my own photos, focussing on architecture and archaeological sites for the General Education program and mounted it on the World Civilizations site, Fall 2002. A larger selection of my photos has been mounted on a searchable database by Holland Library Manuscripts, Archives and Special Collections.
- Created a history of European classical music 1750-1914, for which I digitized sound samples, researched and annotated them, and mounted the result on the Holland server as streaming audio, Spring 2001.
- Created a survey of world music for Gen Ed 110 (World Civilizations to 1500), digitized sound samples, researched and annotated them, and mounted the result on the Holland server as streaming audio, Summer 2001. Created and distributed CD-ROM,Aeos of the source files for use by World Civ faculty.
- Selected and annotated the fiction for a display of science fiction in the library atrium during October, 2000.
- Wrote a brief essay entitled “‘Postcolonial Literature’: Problems with the Term” and published it on the Web, Fall 1998.
- Created a study guide for Arundhati Roy’s novel, The God of Small Things, and published it on the Web, 1998.
- Created a Web site concerning ancient Japanese architecture for World Civilizations using my own photographs from a May, 1998 trip, Fall, 1998.
- Created numerous on-line resources to teach Humanities 303 as an Extended Degree Programs class, including music and art assignments to be done by distance-learning students, introductions to the Enlightenment, European Romanticism, Realism and Naturalism, 19th-Century Russian Literature, The Influence of Nietzsche, 19th-Century Socialism, and “Misconceptions, Confusions, and Conflicts Concerning Socialism, Communism, and Capitalism, ” 1998.
- Contributed and annotated several images from my personal photographs in Paris, Greece, Rome, India and Boston to the WSU media collection, 1996.
- Created notes for Anglophone Literature course and mounted them on the World Wide Web, 1996.
- Created study guides for Love in the Arts and put them on the World Wide Web, 1995.
- Converted Hum 303 packet to HTML code and mounted it on the World Wide Web, 1994.
- Created detailed study guides to the science fiction taught in English 333, attracting substantial attention from users around the country, 1994.
- Created syllabus with linked resources for General Education 110 and mounted it on the Web, 1994-96.
- Created supplement to my Nuclear Holocausts bibliography and mounted it on the Web.
- Mounted Web version of my article, “Terminator vs. Terminator: Nuclear War as Video Game“.
- Electronically published the translations of Lyubov Sirota’s Chernobyl poetry on the Web, adding illustrations from her book and from photographs provided personally by her. Mounted Russian texts of the originals on the Web, (1996).
- Conceived of and supervised creation of a multimedia module on the history of writing in the West, 1994.
- Created a seven-part series of videotapes tracing the history of European classical music for use in the WHETS version of my Humanities 303 course, Fall 1993.
- A multimedia production of Cole Porter’s “You’re the Top,” Fall 1991.
- Created incidental music tape for WSU Theatre production of Romeo and Juliet, featuring Renaissance music, Spring 1987, with Paula Elliot.
- As a member of the materials subcommittee of the world civilizations planning group, helped create tapes of music to be used in Humanities 110 and 111. Most of the music is from my personal collection.
- Created and catalogued collection of Medieval and Renaissance music on compact disc for Humanities courses, 1987.
- Reading from The Wind in the Willows, Holland Library, 1985.
- Reading of fiction depicting nuclear war, Holland Library, 1985.
- Arranged and provided notes for exhibition in Holland Library: “Nuclear Holocausts: Holland Library’s Collection of Fiction Depicting Nuclear War and Its Aftermath,” 1985.
- Reading of Joan D. Vinge’s short story “Tin Soldier” at the Gaia Coffeehouse, 1982.
- Produced and coordinated series of cable FM broadcasts for English Department, 1982-85.
- Produced and coordinated series of cable FM broadcasts for Humanities, 1982.
- Organized and moderated program, “The Bomb and the Arts,” for Ground Zero Week, 1982.
- Assembled, edited, recorded, and prepared notes for programs of music by women composers and women jazz artists for Women’s Arts Festival.
- Assembled and arranged series of science fiction radio tapes for broadcast by library cable FM system.
- Designed and created sets of tapes and notes covering the history of music from Gregorian Chant to Stravinsky for use in Humanities courses.
Professional Papers Presented
- “Techniques for Mixing Text, Stills, and Clips in Computer-Based Film Lectures,” Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, October 21, 2005.
- “The Roots of Star Wars, or Why Princess Leia Fights Like a Girl,” Science Fiction Research Association, Las Vegas, July 2005.
- “The Irrelevance of ‘Postcolonialism’ to South Asian Literature,” South Asian Literature Association, San Diego, December 27, 2003.
Published Conference Papers
- “Teaching about Nuclear War through Fiction,” Nuclear War Education: A Survey of Different Perspectives and Resources, ed Robert Ehrlich. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1987. [Refereed]
- “Nuclear Holocausts: Atomic War in Fiction, 1945-1982,” Literature and War: Reflections and Refractions, ed. Elizabeth W. Trahan. Monterey Institute of International Studies, 1985. Note: the title assigned to this paper by the editor is incorrect. It should have been “Some Distinguishing Characteristics of Nuclear War Fiction.” [Refereed]
Pedagogical papers and talks
- “The Roots of Star Wars, or Why Princess Leia Fights Like a Girl,” Department of English Colloquium, 2005.
- “Teaching Wole Soyinka,” Conference on Wole Soyinka, Central Florida University, February, 2003.
- Presentation on creating and maintaining online audio reserves for the Pacific Northwest Chapter of the Music Library Association annual meeting, in Pullman, May 2001.
- Presentation to the Pacific Northwest Chapter of the Music Library Association on music resources on the Internet, Seattle Public Library, Spring 1995. This involved extensive research preparing a printed guide for use by the librarians (a copy is in my file).
- Joint talk (with Paula Elliot) on the library research project in the World Civilizations course, invited as presenters at a workshop entitled “Colleagues in Education,” dealing with faculty/librarian collaboration, Whitman College, 1992.
- “Multimedia in a World Civilizations Course.” A joint lecture/multimedia demonstration (with Phil Scuderi) for “Computers Across the Curriculum: A Conference on Technology in the Freshman Year,” sponsored by the City University of New York, Office of Academic Computing, New York, 1992.
- Slide lecture on “Nuclear Chic: Nuclear War Imagery in the Popular Culture.” This slide lecture was given in various forms to twelve audiences during 1989, including four sections of English 101, T.V. Reed’s Introduction to American Studies class, the Math/English/Honors students (and repeated for that group every year annually through 1993), the Unitarian churches of Moscow and Wenatchee, the Common Ministry at WSU, and Relaxicon (a science fiction convention in Moscow). It was also delivered as an invited address at the University of California-SDavis in June, 1989, and at Seattle University in the fall of 1989. In 1990, it was given at the following conferences, for which it was refereed: The International conference for the Fantastic in the Arts, Fort Lauderdale, FL; The Science Fiction Research Association, San Diego, CA; a Soviet-American conference called “Facing Apocalypse II,” Newport, RI; and the Conference of the Consortium on Peace Research, Education, and Development, Dayton, OH. It was also delivered as part of the Washington Commission for the Humanities Inquiring Mind series at the WCH annual meeting (Tacoma) and for the Beta Omicron Chapter of Epsilon Sigma Alpha (Seattle). In 1991 it was delivered at a region science fiction convention in Spokane, at a meeting of a community group in Sequim, Washington, at Whitman College, and at Yakima Community College. It was given in 1992 at the Pacific Northwest Writers Conference, at Edmonds Public Library, at Eastern Washington University, Cheney, for eight visiting faculty members from Far Eastern State University, Vladivostok. In 1997 I toured three German cities giving the presentation, and in the fall of 1999 made a version of it into a Web site called “Nuke Pop.”
- “Learning About Nuclear War Through Fiction,” Arizona Honors Academy, Flagstaff, AZ, June 1988 (invited address).
- “Nuclear War/Nuclear Families,” Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts, Spring 1988. [Refereed]
- “Nuclear War/Nuclear Families,” Modern Language Association, Winter, 1988. [Refereed]
- “Nuclear War Fiction for Children,” Eaton Conference on War and Science Fiction, University of California, Riverside, Spring 1988.
- “Teaching a Pilot Section of a Freshman Course in World Civilizations,” Conference on the First Year Experience, Toronto, Fall 1988. [Refereed]
- with Paula Elliot: “A Library Biography Project for a World Civilizations Class,” Conference on Faculty-Librarian collaboration, Evergreen State College, Fall 1988. (About 2/3 of this paper was written by Ms. Elliot.)
- “Nuclear War Fiction for Young Readers,” International Association for the Fantastic in the Arts, Houston, 1987. [Refereed]
- “The Russians and the Nuclear Threat: Teaching About Attitudes Toward Nuclear War Using Recent Fiction,” George Mason University Conference on Nuclear War and Peace Education, 1987. [Refereed]
- “Science Fiction and Nuclear Reality,” Seventh World Congress of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War,” Moscow, USSR, 1987.
- “The Nuclear War Fiction Collection at Washington State University,” Northwestern Popular Culture Association, Tacoma, WA, 1987 (invited).
- “Red Holocaust: The Atomic Conquest of the United States in Fiction,” Science Fiction Research Association, San Diego, CA, 1986.
- “Women Authors of Nuclear War Fiction,” jointly authored with Jane Winston-Dolan, InterFace ’85, Marietta, GA, 1985. [Refereed]
- “The Revival of Learning: Science After the Nuclear Holocaust in Science Fiction,” Fifth International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts, Boca Raton, FL, 1984. [Refereed]
- “Samuel R. Delany’s Triton as a Psychological Satire,” Fifth International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts, Boca Raton, FL, 1984. [Refereed]
- “Nuclear War in Science Fiction, 1945-1959,” League of Women Voters, Moscow, ID, 1984.
- “Nuclear War in Fiction: Some Defining Characteristics,” Pullman Unitarian Fellowship, 1984 (invited). Also for Lewiston-Clarkson Ground Zero, 1984.
- “Surrealism and Rock,” WSU English Department, 1976.
- “Technique in Erotic Fiction,” WSU English Department, 1974.
Professional Service Outside of WSU (consulting, services on boards and panels, editing journals, etc., with year)
- Placed “Four Seasons in the Palouse” video on YouTube, Fall 2006, viewed by 129 people by 2/3/07, featured as streaming video on the official WSU video site, Experience WSU, Summer 2006.
- Reviewed article for possible publication in Ariel: A Review of International Literature, 2006.
- Reviewed article for possible publication in Borderlands, 2006
- Paid reviewer of a book manuscript for Houghton Mifflin, 2006.
- Paid reviewer of a book manuscript for Palgrave Macmillan, 2005.
- Referee for a proposal for a conference proposal for the Rockefeller Foundation’s Study and Conference Center in Bellagio, Italy, February 2004.
- Paid reviewer for Foresight: Modern British Science Fiction, Wesleyan University Press, 2004.
- Reviewed manuscript for Mosaic, June 2004.
- Paid reviewer of World History Texts: Patterns of World History, for Longman Publishers, August 2004.
- Paid reviewer of Understanding the Bible by Stephen Harris, 6th edtion, for McGraw-Hill, October 2004.
- Paid reviewer for John P. McKay, et al.: A History of World Societies, Sixth Edition, 2003.
- Paid reviewer for a proposed science fiction reader for St. Martin, Aeos Press, Fall, 2002.
- Paid reviewer for proposed postcolonial reader from Houghton-Mifflin, April 2002.
- Paid reviewer for From Outer Space to Innerspace, McGraw-Hill, October 1995.
- Paid reviewer of Stephen Harris, Understanding the Bible, Mayfield Press, July 1995.
- Evaluated manuscript on science fiction and politics for University of Georgia Press, Fall 1994.
- Outside tenure reviewer for Joseph Dewey, University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown, 1992.
- Paid reviewer of sixth edition of Sylvan Barnet’s A Short Guide to Writing About Literature, HarperCollins, 1991.
- Editor, Nuclear Texts & Contexts, 1988-1992.
- Editor, Membership Directory, International Society for the Study of Nuclear Texts and Contexts, 1989-1991.
- Edited and published Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and the Bomb: A Bibliography of Literature and the Arts by James R. Bennett and Karen Clark
- Consultant to grant proposal on military research, 1987.
- Contributed to “Nuclear War: A Teaching Guide, Humanities,” by Philip N. Gilbertson, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, December, 1984.
- Sent course syllabi and information about nuclear war research to many professors across the country responding to the Bulletin article, 1985-86.
- WCH-funded Symposium on “Liberation Theology,” 1984.
- Proposal to WCH, “What the Women’s Movement Means to Ethnic Women: A Current and Historical Perspective,” Consulting Humanist, 1983.
- Proposal to Idaho Commission on the Humanities on Early Childhood Education, 1980.
- NEH-funded grant for a WSU production of Chinese opera, 1978.
- WCH-funded series on teaching religion in the public schools for the WSU Religious Studies Program, 1977.
- YWCA-sponsored “Early Childhood Education,” 1976-77.
- NEH-funded program on sex education for KSPS TV , 1974.
Committee or Administrative Service at WSU (Committee memberships, offices, with dates)
- Faculty Status Committee, 2005-2007.
- University Advisory Committee on Computing and Telecommunications, 2006-2007.
- Chair, Faculty Senate Academic Integrity Task Force, 2005. Submitted final report 2005.
- Represented Graduate School at a doctoral dissertation defense, Department of Economics, 2003.
- Participant in the Critical Thinking Project, Summer & Fall, 2003.
- Represented Graduate School at a doctoral dissertation defense, Department of Psychology, 2002.
- Film Studies Steering Committee, 2001-2008.
- Chair, Technology Subcommittee, Film Studies Program, 2001-2008.
- Student Publications Board, 2000-2002.
- Library Advisory Committee, 1999-2001.
- Represented Graduate School at a doctoral dissertation defense, College of Education, 1998.
- African Studies Committee, 1992-96.
- Coordinating committee to plan events for observing the quincentennial of Columbus’ voyage to the New World, 1992.
- CIR subcommittee to establish video standards for the campus network, 1992-1993.
- Multimedia Planning Group, 1991-1993.
- Nominations committee for Faculty Senate officers, 1990-1992.
- Chair, Academic Steering Committee on Computing and Telecommunications, 1989-91.
- Member, Academic Steering Committee on Computing and Telecommunications, 1988-89.
- Planning Committee of the World Civilizations faculty, 1989-90.
- Faculty Senate, 1987-90.
- Committee to review applications for summer support for graduate students, for the Associate Vice Provost for Research, 1988.
- Helped design and produce a brochure for the Humanities Core Curriculum Project, with Jo Hockenhull and Paula Elliot, Summer 1987.
- Selected as teacher of pilot section of Humanities/World Civilizations 110: The New Stone Age to 1500, Fall 1987 and 1988.
- Curriculum Committee of the World Civilizations faculty, Spring 1987-1990.
- Materials Committee of the World Civilizations faculty, Spring 1987-1990.
- NEH Faculty Group (Planning Committee for new NEH-funded World Civilizations courses), 1987.
- NEH World Civilizations Advisory Committee, Fall, 1986-88.
- Reinstatement Committee, 1984.
- Academic Advising Subcommittee (Academic Affairs Committee), 1983-86; Chair, 1984-85.
- President, WSU Chapter of AAUP, 1982-83.
- Vice-President, WSU Chapter of AAUP, 1981-82
- Peace Studies Committee, 1981-1985
- Member, Religious Studies Faculty, 1980?-1990.
- New Student Orientation, 1970-75.
- Freshman-Faculty Weekend, 1968-74.
- Coordinator, ASWSU Draft Counseling Center, 1972.
- EPC Subcommittee on ROTC, 1969-70.
- Coordinator, Humanities courses, 1972-present.
College or Division
- Reviewer of Birgitta Ingemanson for promotion in Foreign Languages, 2007.
- Reviewer of Prof. Zhin-Min Dong for promotion in Foreign Languages, 2004.
- Chair, Committee to review candidates for the Sahlin Excellence in Service Award, 2000 -2002.
- Committee to do initial planning for symposium on “Liberal Arts in the New Millennium.”
- Represented the College at one meeting of the Pullman Chamber of Commerce committee to plan Millennium observances.
- Division Library Committee, 1989-1993.
- Committee to review candidates for the Mullen Award, for the Dean of the College of Sciences and Arts, 1988.
- Evaluation of Transfer credits for Humanities courses, 1981-present.
- Examining students in Summer Honors Reading Program.
- Director of Undergraduate Studies, 2004-2008.
- Member, Committee on Curriculum and Planning, 2003-2005.
- Coordinator, Humanities courses, 1970-2008.
- English Department Library Liaison, 2001-2004.
- Search committee, Modern British Literature search, Fall 2001-Spring 2002.
- Committee to revise departmental evaluation forms, 2000-2001.
- MA Exam committee 1999-2000
- Mock job interviews with graduate students, Fall 1998.
- Chair, search committee for creative writing position, 1998.
- *Undergraduate Studies Committee, 1998-present.
- Chair, Teaching and Technology Committee, 1996-present.
- Member, Teaching and Technology Committee, 2001.
- Chair’s Advisory Committee, Spring 1996.
- Chair, MA Exam Committee, Fall 1992-Spring 1993.
- MA Exam Committee, 1991.
- Search committee, Tri-Cities position, 1989.
- Editor, English News and Notes, 1989-1992.
- Search committee for director of Avery Microcomputer Laboratory.
- Undergraduate Studies Committee, 1992.
- Library Committee, 1970-?, 1988-1993.
- Temporary member of Graduate Studies Committee (replacing Louise Schleiner), Spring, 1988.
- Avery Microcomputer Laboratory Policy Committee, 1988-1989.
- Graduate Faculty member, 1988-2008.
- Chair, Graduate Foreign Language Competency Examination Committee, 1987-2001.
- *Preparation and distribution of publicity about the Humanities program, mostly aimed at new students, 1980-present.
- Scholarship Committee, 1986-1992.
- Committee to Design a New Faculty Evaluation Form, Spring 1975.
- Freshman Composition Exemption Examination Committee, 1974-1984.
- Committee to review requirements for English majors, 1972.
- Committee to form a Chairman’s Advisory Committee.
Other Service at WSU
Public Lectures on Campus on Scholarly Topics
- “The Roots of Star Wars, or Why Princess Leia Fights Like a Girl,” several times for recruiting events 2007-2008.
- “Art of the Counter-Culture in the 1960s,” an invited illustrated address associated with the Museum of Art’s exhibition, “Art & Context: the 50s and 60s,” Nov. 2, 2006.
- Showing of video based on my photos of Spain, Holland Library, Nov. 6, 2006.
- Panel on Wole Soyinka with the author participating, February 3, 2005. Also introduced Soyinka’s poetry reading the same day.
- “The Roots of Star Wars, or Why Princess Leia Fights Like a Girl,” Departmental Colloquium, repeated for Art à la Carte, 2005.
- Talk on My Fair Lady and English usage after a performance of the musical at Portland Center Stage, February 27, 2005.
- ”Architecture from China,” Art a la carte presentation with Trevor Bond, based on my photographs now in the Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections World Civilizations database, 2004.
- “Research at a Distance,” presentation for Critical Thinking Project series on English 567 course offered via distance learning. February 5, 2004.
- Presentation of multimedia samples from my “Love in the Arts” class for WSU Preview, Spring 2000, 2001 & 2002.
- “Three Indian Authors: Tagore, Narayan, and Desai” English Department Graduate Program Colloquium, November 28, 2001.
- Invited presentation to the Foreign Languages Department on Internet publication and teaching (paid), April 14, 2001.
- “Krishna, the Lover, in Art,” Art a la Carte presentation, February, 2001.
- Organized and ran Indian film series Fall 2000, with Azfar Hussain. I helped to choose the films, secured them, scheduled them, wrote and distributed almost all of the publicity and trained Azfar in the use of the equipment to show DVDs and VHS tapes.
- Three presentations of multimedia samples from my “Love in the Arts” class for New Student Programs, Spring, Summer, and Fall, 1999.
- “The Chutneyfication of Literature,” readings from and remarks about recent South Asian literature, Art /* la carte series, Fall 1998.
- “Annotating The Satanic Verses: An Example of Internet Research and Publication,” English Department colloquium, Spring 1997.
- “Medieval Songs” multimedia presentation with Paula Elliot, for the WSU Foundation Silver Associates, March, 1997.
- “Classic American Love Songs,” for the Math-English Honors Competition program, 1996-1997.
- “World Civilizations Materials on the World Wide Web,” World Civilizations workshop, August, 1996.
- Lecture on Hildegard of Bingen’s poetry as part of a Hildegard symposium sponsored by the History Club, Fall 1994.
- Lectures to World Civilizations workshop August, 1994 on African Literature and African art and architecture (the latter using multimedia materials).
- Presentation to visiting journalism teachers of relevant resources on the Internet, for the Journalism Department,July 1994 .
- Presentation to World Civilization faculty workshop on teaching about the music and poetry of India, August 1993. Also participated in a panel discussion of the experiences of those of us who had gone on the WSU-sponsored trip to India in December 1992-January 1993.
- Multimedia lecture on early African civilizations for Residence Life Staff during program “Ticket to Tomorrow: Issues for Understanding the World We Live In,” 1993.
- Talk on my project to edit and publish the Chernobyl poems of Liubov Sirota, for visiting faculty members from Far Eastern University, Vladivostok, 1992.
- Lecture on the history of Judaism, World Civilizations workshop, 1992.
- Lecture on Medieval lyric poetry and music, World Civilizations Workshop, 1991.
- Presentation on World Civilization multimedia project, Faculty Day, 1991.
- See above, “Professional Papers Presented,” for details of presentations on campus of “Nuclear Chic.”
- Talk on nuclear war fiction scholarship to English and Math Scholarship contestants, 1988.
- “Strategies for Capturing Student Interest,” part of the Faculty Seminars on Effective Teaching sponsored by the WSU Faculty Development Committee, March 1988.
- “Nuclear War in Science Fiction, ” Palouse SANE, CUB noontime series on War and the Arts, September 1987.
- University-wide talk on my nuclear war research and trip to the Soviet Union, September, 1987 (invited, sponsored by Department of English).
- “An Introduction to Nuclear War in Fiction,” Stevens Hall, 1987.
- “Nuclear War Fiction for Young Readers,” to English and Math Scholarship contestants, 1987.
- Talk on my research on nuclear war fiction, to English and Math Scholarship contestants, 1986.
- “Underground Comix,” Manuscripts, Archives and Special Collections, Holland Library, 1986.
- “The New Censorship: Feminists and Pornography,” Invited address for Library Faculty Award Presentation, 1984.
- “Science Fiction and Nuclear War,” (Ground Zero: “The Bomb and the Arts” Symposium, 1982.
- “Current Feminist Science Fiction,” Women’s Center, 1978.
- “Pornography and Erotic Art,” Sex Information Center Staff, 1979 (twice).
- “Feminism and Science Fiction,” 1979.
- “Marge Piercy’s Woman on the Edge of Time,” Women’s Center, 1978.
- “Science Fiction and the Idea of the American Frontier,” American Studies Group, 1978.
- “Images of Childhood in Art and Literature,” 1976.
- “Sex and Sexuality in Literature,” Women’s Art Festival, 1975.
- Lectures and debates for the League for the Promotion of Militant Atheism, 1972-74.
- “The Oppression of Women in Literature,” 1970.
Guest Lectures to colleagues’ classes
- “Writing and Publishing Science Fiction,” for Paula Coomer’s course on writing science fiction and horror, summer, 2005.
- South Asian Literature in English and Rohinton Mistry’s Such a Long Journey, presentation to Asia 301, February 2004.
- Using multimedia to present music in the classroom, a demonstration involving classic American popular songs for Camille Roman, English 555 seminar, March 2002.
- Art on Biblical Themes, for English/Humanities 335, October 29, 2001.
- Media lecture on Krishna, god of love, for Virginia Hyde graduate seminar, April 18, 2001.
- Art and music on Biblical themes, two lectures for English 335, Fall, 1998.
- Presentation of Internet resources for the study of English to English 512, Fall, 1995-1997.
- Presentations on “postcolonial” studies to English 512, Fall, 1996 & 1997.
- Lecture on the poetry of N/(c)gritude for a minicourse on African studies, Spring 1993.
- Lecture on women poets before 1600, for Barbara Harbach’s Women’s Studies class, 1993.
- Talk on my project to edit and publish the Chernobyl poems of Liubov Sirota, for Susan-Wyche Smith’s English 198 class, 1992.
- Slide lecture on love in art for Deborah Haynes,Aeo art history class, 1992.
- See above, “Professional Papers Presented,” for details of presentations on campus of “Nuclear Chic.”
- “Feminist Utopias,” Women’s Studies 200: Introduction to Women’s Studies, Spring, 1987.
- “Exodus,” English 335, The Bible as Literature, Spring 1987.
- “Nuclear War in Fiction,” for the Continuing Education evening course, “Nuclear War: Issues of the Day,” 1985.
- “The Aftermath of World War III in Fiction,” Seminar on WWIII, Political Science 322, 1984.
- “Women in Science Fiction,” Foreign Lang. 505, Seminar on Images of Women in the Arts, 1984.
- “Religion and Nuclear War in Fiction, 1945-1982,” Religious Studies Seminar, 1984.
- “Death in Children’s Books,” UNIV 280, 1982.
- “Interracial Children’s Books,” Education Seminar, 1981, repeated for Child and Family Studies class, 1982.
- “Contemporary Children’s Poetry,” Education Seminar, 1981.
- “Emile Zola’s Germinal and Nineteenth-Century Radicalism,” French Civilization, 1980.
- “Women in Erotic Art,” Women Artists Fine Arts course, 1979.
- “Children’s Picture Books,” two lectures for English 495, 1978.
- “Pornography and Erotic Art,” Psychology 230 (Human Sexuality); 8 times.
- “Science Fiction and the Idea of the American Frontier,” 1979, Engl/Hist 316.
- “Sex in Underground Comix,” 1974, English seminar on Sex in Literature.
- “Atheism,” 1974, Philosophy 101.
- “Science Fiction,” 1974, English 101.
Computer-oriented service at WSU
- Installed self-designed presentations on classical art and architecture on departmental laptops for use by Humanities instructors, 2005-2006.
- Set up and trouble-shot the departmental portable computer, Fall 1997.
- Helped configure and make sure standards were met for classroom multimedia/computer equipment in Avery, 1997-present.
- Proofreading and editing Richard Hooker’s on-line World Civilizations course, 1997.
- *World Civilizations home page Web master, 1995-2005.
- Gathered numerous resources from the World Wide Web for adding images to the WSU media collection and helped draw up criteria for adding to the collection.
- Gathered, downloaded, and printed out large quantities of material relating to Africa for Abdoulaye Saine, chair of the African Studies Committee, 1994.
- Gave extensive computer training to Departmental Secretary Nelly Zamora early in the summer of 1994.
- Trained WSU News Bureau staff in using the Internet for their work, Spring 1994.
- Presented uses of the Internet for humanists at a workshop sponsored by WSU Computing entitled “CIRcling the Globe,” 1992.
- Instructed colleagues and departmental secretaries in using e-mail, 1992-1993.
- Installed memory upgrade in the computer of the secretary of the Office of General Education, 1993.
- Answered numerous trouble-shooting calls, 1986-present.
Other Service at WSU
- Regularly requested science fiction, classical music by women and African-Americans, and films on DVD for addition to the MMR collection.
- Maintained an informal list of information on “postcolonial” and South Asian literature for local faculty and students.
- Donated over a hundred volumes of nuclear war fiction to the WSU library, 2005.
- Donated over a hundred underground comic books, alternative newspapers and other ephemera from the 1960s to the WSU library Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections, 2005.
- Conceived of and helped plan for visit to campus by Nigerian author Wole Soyinka and Soyinka expert Femi Euba, funded, 2003-2004.
- Donated over 700 slides of European art and architecture to the Department of Fine Arts slide collection, 2004.
- Donated copies of the New York Times Book Review and Locus to the Bookie trade book department, 2000-2004.
- Created and maintained Palouse Cultural Events Calendar, the only online source which combined events both on and off campus for Pullman and Moscow, ending Fall 2005.
- Donated large collection of classical music and film soundtrack long-playing records and a DVD player to the Music Library, 2003.
Professional Service Outside of WSU
- Served on review committee for best graduate student paper contest for the Science Fiction Research Association, 2006-2008, chaired committee 2008.
- Donated 366 volumes of nuclear war fiction to the University of Iowa, 2005.
Off-Campus Lectures
- Common Errors in English Usage, Wordstock, Portland, Oregon, November 11, 2007.
- “Turning Web Writing into Printed Publications,” workshop at Wordstock, Portland, Oregon, November 11, 2007.
- Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451, invited public lecture for the Fishtrap Center, Enterprise, Oregon, February 21, 2006, repeated for King County Library System, Shoreline, Washington, Fall 2007.
- Nuke/Pop slide lecture, Science Fiction Museum and Hall of Fame, Seattle, August 6, 2004 (paid).
- Readings from Salman Rushdie’s The Satanic Verses, for the Pullman Historical Club, 1999. (Paid).
- Formal debate with Douglas Wilson at the University of Idaho on the subject, Resolved: “Belief in God is necessary for a valid ethics,” Fall 1999.
- Invited talk and debate about Christian fundamentalism at St. Andrew, Aeos College, Moscow, Idaho, Fall 1999.
- Presentation on Rushdie research for students being recruited at Vancouver, via WHETS, Spring 1998.
- Talk on the flood narrative as part of the Moscow Public Library,Aeos Community Enrichment Program discussion series on Genesis, Fall 1997.
- Five presentations at the 28th annual Amerikastudientagung, Bonn, Germany (workshop for German high school teachers of American studies, invited and paid for by the American Information Service, Department of State):
- May 8, 1997: Presentation of the film Blade Runner
- May 9, 1997: “Future Visions: A Survey of American Science Fiction.”
- May 9 & 10, 1997: “Teaching Science Fiction” workshops
- May 10, 1997: “Blade Runner: The Book and the Movie”
- May 11, 1997: “Nuclear Chic: Images of Nuclear War in American Culture” at the James F. Byrnes Institute, Stuttgart (invited and paid for by the Institute)
- May 14, 1997: “Nuclear Chic: Images of Nuclear War in American Culture” at the Carl Schurz Haus, Freiberg (invited and paid for by the Haus).
- For a group touring Provence, a lecture/reading on troubadour poetry, June, 1996 (paid).
- For a group touring classical Greek sites, on the Arcadian ideal in European culture, and a two talks about and performance of brief excerpts from the Oresteia of Aeschylus, May 1993.
- For a community study group, a lecture on Nigerian author Wole Soyinka, 1993.
- “Children’s Nuclear War Fiction,” Seattle University, 1989.
- “Learning About Nuclear War Through Fiction,” Seattle University, 1989.
- “How to Argue with Christians,” Student Humanist Association, University of Idaho, 1989.
- “Bible Abuse: The Misuse of the Bible.” Student Humanist Association, University of Idaho, 1989.
- “Teaching a Pilot Section of World Civilizations,” Danforth Scholars Group, February 1988.
- “Science Fiction and the Future of Government,” invited address at a Washington State 4-H conference on constitutional futures, Olympia, February 1988.
- Talk on my research and trip to the USSR to Social Concerns Group, at University of Idaho, 1987.
- “Nuclear War in Fiction,” two talks at Pullman High School, 1987.
- “Nuclear War in Fiction,” Eastern Washington University, Spokane Higher Education Center, 1987.
- “Recent Nuclear War Fiction,” Lewis and Clark College library noon lecture series, 1987.
- “The Best Nuclear War Fiction for Young Readers,” Young Readers Group, Public Library, 1987.
- “Atheism and Humanism,” Moscow High School, 1976-1987.
- “Teaching About Utopias/Dystopias,” Society for Utopian Studies, Monterey, CA, 1986.
- “Nuclear War in Science Fiction,” Moscow Science Fiction Convention, 1985.
- “Beautiful Books for Preschoolers,” Cooperative Daycare Center, 1982.
- “Books for Children of Single Parents,” Palouse Area Singles Group, 1978.
- “Nonfiction Books for Preschoolers,” Community Day Care School staff, 1978.
- “Pornography and Erotic Art,” for the Palouse Area Singles Group, 1978.
- “The Western Background to Racism,” symposium on Racism and the Public Schools, 1978.
- “Pornography, Obscenity and Privacy,” symposium on privacy, Pacific Lutheran University, 1978.
- “Marge Piercy’s Woman on the Edge of Time,” for the Common Ministry, 1978.
- “Atheism,” formal debate with Professor Nicholas Gier, Philosophy Department, University of Idaho, 1973.
Off-Campus Presentations and Websites
- Slightly revised WSU/Palouse photo tour, 2005-2006.
- Added a number of regional photographic tours to my WSU/Palouse Web site, 2003-4.
- Conducted a small workshop for teachers on using science fiction in the classroom, Science Fiction Museum and Hall of Fame, Seattle, August 7, 2004 (paid).
- Created a Web tour of WSU and the Palouse aimed especially at orienting new graduate students and faculty to the area, August, 2002, at
- Interview on the protests against the World Trade Organization for Web-based radio station in New Orleans, 1999.
- “Current Changes in the U.S.S.R.: A Recent Visitor’s View,” panel of Russians and Americans discussing nuclear war, sponsored by Physicians for Social Responsibility, Spokane, Sacred Heart Hospital Auditorium.
- “Women: Planning for the Future” (Facilitator), Northwest Women’s Studies Association Annual Conference, Moscow, Idaho, 1979.
- “Sex in Science Fiction” (chair and speaker), Moscow Science Fiction Convention, 1979.
- “The Radical Teacher,” Conference on English Education, Portland, Oregon, 1971.
Radio and Television Appearances
- Radio interview about Common Errors in English Usage on Youth Radio, KPFT Houston, August 14, 2009.
- Radio panel with author David Guterson about Snow Falling on Cedars, BBC World Book Club, February 7, 2009.
- Radio interview about Common Errors in English Usage on The Lionel Show, Air America, December 18, 2008.
- Panelist on World Book Club interview with Wole Soyinka, BBC radio, May 2007.
- Radio interview about “Mr. Gradgrind’s Literal Answers to Rhetorical Questions, by Scott Simon for the National Public Radio Show Weekend Edition Saturday, Fall, 2007.
- Radio interview about nuclear war in films: “Nuclear Disarmament: An Impossible Dream?” interviewed by Margot Adler for the National Public Radio show Justice Talking, October 9, 2006.
- Radio interview about English errors on “Wordmaster,” Voice of America, August 23, 2005.
- Radio interview about “Common Errors in English”, KUOW, Seattle, April 26, 2004.
- Radio interview on Stanislaw Lem,Aeos Solaris and the Tarkovsky and Soderbergh film versions of it, broadcast January 25, 2003, Radio Free Europe (translated into Russian).
- Radio interview on Common Errors, Nashville Public Radio. 2002.
- Radio interview on nuclear war fiction, KXLY, Seattle, 1988
- Radio interview on nuclear war fiction, KXL, Portland, 1988
- Appeared in a Soviet documentary about the Seventh IPPNW Congress broadcast in the Soviet Union, 1987.
- Radio interview on trip to Russia, KXLY, Spokane, 1987.
- Radio interview on trip to Russia and research, KPBX, Spokane, 1987.
- Radio interviews on current trends in nuclear war fiction on KIRO (Seattle), KING (Seattle), 1985; KRPL (Moscow, ID), KXLY (Spokane), 1984
- “Nuclear War in Fiction,” segment on”Grassroots Journal,” KWSU-TV, 1984
- Produced programs for women’s music program on Polish composer Graznia Bacewicz and Ella Fitzgerald, KZUU-FM, 1982
- Produced and hosted weekly show, “Radio’s Golden Age,” KZUU-FM, 1982-1984.
- “Children’s Picture Books,” KWSU-TV, Pullman, WA, 1978.
- “The Pagan Origins of Christmas,” KUID-FM, 1975.
- Panel on sex education, KSPS-TV, Spokane, 1974.
- Debate with Nicholas Gier on Theism vs. Atheism on KUID-FM, 1973.
- Panel discussion of a new Idaho obscenity statute, KUID-TV, 1973.
- “The New Pornography,” interview, KUID-FM, Moscow, ID, 1973.
Articles about my work
(many others not yet listed here)
- “Speaking of English,” by Peter Monaghan, Chronicle of Higher Education, May 28, 2004, p. A6 & A8.
Miscellaneous Service
- Donated large collection of nuclear war fiction to Holland Library, Fall 2007.
- Donated a collection of science fiction by women authors to Holland Library, Fall 2006.
- Exhibit of international Disney Comic books at Neill Public Library, Summer, 2006.
- Exhibit of international Floaty Pens at Brain Education Library, Fall 2006.
- Created a photo calendar of my regional photographs and posted it for free downloading on my personal Website, 2005.
- Supplied photos of the McConnell Mansion in Moscow for a presentation by Kathleen Ryan of Design North to the Latah County Historical Society, July, 2005.
- Supplied photo of Japan for Asia Program poster, WSU, 2005.
- Identified and contributed music for presentation by Birgitta Ingemanson for the rededication of Thompson Hall, September 23, 2000.
- Donated a large collection of comic books and other ephemera relating to nuclear war to Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections in Holland/New Library, 2000.
- Donated over 1,000 underground comic books, underground newspapers, and other ,Aeo60s-related items to Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections in Holland/New Library, 2000.
- Consulted with representatives of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Cooperative Extension Service about distance learning via the Web.
- Coached soprano Karen Wicklund on the pronunciation of words in Lewis Carroll’s Jabberwocky for a concert, Spring 1995.
- Spoke on career planning at New Faculty Orientation, Fall 1993.
- Selected and prepared color photocopies and captions from slides in my collection of popular culture nuclear weapons imagery for a touring exhibit entitled “Yes, In My Back Yard?” curated by Helen Slade, opening in Richland, Washington, February 4-27, 1992. Exhibit traveled to WSU, Spring 1996.
- *Acting, from 1990 to the present, as agent and editor for Liubov Sirota, a poet living now in Kiev, who was injured by the Chernobyl explosion. I have arranged for her poems about the disaster to be translated and published and solicited from Dr. Adolph Harash of Moscow State University an introduction, which I also had translated. Selections were read to music on the National Public Radio program Terra Infirma on April 1, 1992; the poem “Radiophobia” was published in the August 5, 1992 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association; one other poem was published in New York Quarterly, all the poems and a revised version of the introduction appeared in Calyx , Winter 1992/1993, and in Selections on Words and Healing edited by Sue Brannan Walker & Rosaly Demaios Roffman (Mobile, Alabama: Negative Capability Press). The article by Dr. Harash has also appeared in the Canadian magazine Woman’s World. I continue to communicate with Sirota from time to time. One poem was reprinted in a Calyx Books anthology of women, Aeos poetry, 2002.
- In late 1999 I edited, annotated, and added to the site pictures from the abandoned city of Pripyat and the Chernobyl reactor by Lyubov Sirota’s son Sasha. During January 2001, edited more pictures by Lyubov Sirota herself, with her annotations translated by Birgitta Ingemanson.
- Advised Professor Yuri Mironetz of Far Eastern University, Vladivostok, on how to design and teach a course in science fiction (the first to be offered in Russia), 1992. Supplied Prof. Mironetz with numerous books and articles to aid him in his teaching. The course was successfully given Spring, 1993.
- Compiled and edited an anthology of literature for use in World Civilizations (Gen Ed 110), consisting of mostly lyric poetry from many cultures, with an introductory teacher’s guide written by myself. Reproduced by the General Education Office and distributed to 110 instructors at the World Civilizations workshop, Summer, 1992.
Community Service
- Member, film committee, Kenworthy Film Society, 2002-2007. I recommended many of the films shown at this nonprofit theater.
- Computer Services for Pullman NOW and Palouse SANE, 1980s.
- Membership Secretary, Pullman NOW, 1986-89.
- Secretary, Washington State Conference of AAUP, 1983-84; reelected for 1984-86.
- “Why It Is in the Interests of Whites to Combat Racism,” talk, Pullman, YWCA, 1983.
- Speaker for NOW on Awareness Week Panel: “How can abortion be made as unnecessary as possible?” 1983
- Judge, Pullman Chapter of NOW, essay context, 1983.
- Secretary, Pullman Chapter of the National Organization for Women, 1982-83.
- “The Causes and Prevention of War,” address, Whitman College, 1980.
- Training draft counselors for the Walla Walla Society of Friends, 1980.
- Panel discussion on draft registration, Whitman College, 1980.
- Talks on the draft to various campus and community groups, workshops and training sessions, 1980.
- Class on “Religious Themes in Science Fiction,” with Rev. Roger Pettenger, Common Ministry, 1977.
- Free University class on children’s picture books, taught six times, 1977-82
- Annual lecture on “Atheism and Humanism” to world history classes at Moscow High School, Moscow, ID, 1976-1988.
- Coordinator, Community Free University, 1970-present.
- Leader of various classes in the CFU, including two dealing with literature: “Intimacy” and “Contemporary Utopias”, 1969-1971.
- Author of a draft counseling column for the Daily Evergreen, 1970-73.
- Draft counseling, 1968-1980.