Syllabus for English 335: The Bible as Literature

Fall 2007

Instructor: Paul Brians


Texts for this course are The Oxford Study Bible (please do not substitute other translations or editions), and Harris: Understanding the Bible (seventh edition).


Students are responsible for reading assignments and for preparing answers to the study questions in the on-line study guide available at before coming to class on the dates noted. Be sure to read all the introductory material and the notes printed at the bottom of each page of the Bible. There is a selective index to people, places, and themes starting on p. 1577, and a series of nice color maps at the very end of the volume. Answers to the study questions must be derived from the assigned reading and not from other sources or previous knowledge. Look up unfamiliar terms and names in the glossary printed in Harris on pp. G-1-G51. Any word printed in bold face in Harris is defined in the glossary.


Note that the final for this course is scheduled for December 11. Make your travel plans now to leave after that, and inform anyone who might be inclined to surprise you with free tickets that you cannot leave early. No “ride is leaving early” excuses will be accepted for missing the final, and no finals will be given early for any reason whatever.


Phone: 335-5689, or make appointments at 335-7124

Office: 202 H Avery Hall

Hours: 10:00-11:00 daily plus almost any other time except noon.

Web site:



20:       Course introduction

22:       Harris: 1-35

24:       Videotape: Testament #1: As It was in the Beginning [12178]

27:       Genesis 1-2. Harris: 38-102.

29:       Labor Day Holiday, no school

31:       Genesis 3-11. Harris: 103-107



3:          Labor Day Holiday, no school

5:          Genesis 12-50; Harris: 107-116.

7:          Exodus 1-18; Harris 117-124.

10:       Exodus 19-24, 32-34, 40; Deuteronomy 6-7; Harris 124-143.

12:       Testament #2: Chronicles and Kings [12179]; Harris: 144-150.

14:       Joshua 1-6, 23-24; Judges 1-5, 9:7-15; 10:6-11:40; 13-16. Harris: 150-163.

17:       1 Samuel. Harris: 164-169.

19:       2 Samuel. Harris: 169-173.

21:       Examination 1

24:       Turn in author and title of selected library book today, chosen from the list online at

1 Kings 1-5, 8-22; Harris: 173-181.

26:       2 Kings 1-10, 17-25; Harris: 181-189.

28:       Amos & Hosea; Harris: 190-201.



1:          Isaiah 1-13, 25-28, 30:27-35; Harris: 201-206.

3:          Isaiah 40-55; Harris: 218-221, 223-224.

5:          Proverbs 1-9; 11: 8, 21, 22, 26, 31; 12:4, 16; 15:1, 11, 16, 24; 16: 4, 16, 18, 31; 17:14, 15, 28; 18:22; 19: 7, 13, 24; 20:14, 16, 29; 21: 1-3, 9, 16, 17, 19; 22: 2, 11, 13, 22, 23, 26-29; 23: 6-8, 13, 14, 25-35; 24: 15-18, 28-34; 25: 6-9; 21-25; 26: 13, 18-19, 22; 27: 4-6, 14, 15, 23-27; 28: 4, 27; 29: 18; 30: 15-19; 31: 6-7; 10-31; Harris 232-238, 244-247.

8:          The Wisdom of Solomon 1-9, Judith & Ecclesiastes (do not confuse with Ecclesiasticus, which is much longer); Harris: 301-302, 256-260, 296-297.

10:       Job 1-31, 38-Epilogue; Harris: 247-256.

12:       Psalms 1, 2, 6, 8, 14 (same as 53), 16, 18, 19, 22-24, 27, 29, 32, 38, 39-41, 42-46, 49, 51, 58, 69, 72; Harris: 238-244.

15:       Psalms: 74, , 88, 90, 93, 96-98, 102, 104, 109, 110, 121, 130, 132, 137, 139, 144, 146, 148-150

17:       Art based on themes from the Hebrew Bible.

19:       Examination 2

22:       Song of Songs; Harris: 263-264.

24:       Music based on subjects from the Hebrew Bible

Book report due on selected library book.

26:       Ruth, Esther, also pp. 1087-1098, Harris: 260-262, 265-266.

29:       Jonah. Harris: 226-228.

31:       Daniel, pp. 1187-1194; Harris 274-279, 294-295.



2:          Videotape: Testament #3: Mightier than the Sword [12180].

5:          Videotape: Testament #4: Gospel Truth [12181]. Harris: 308-337.

7:          Introduction to the Christian Scriptures. Harris: 340-359.  This class is crucial for understanding the rest of the gospels; don’t miss it.

9:          Mark 1-10; Harris: 360-374.

12:       Veterans’ Day Holiday, no school

14:       Mark 11-16.

16:       Matthew; Harris: 374-392.

17-25: Thanksgiving Break

26:       Art based on biblical themes. Harris: 425-447.

28:       John 1-6; Harris 408-425.

30:       John 7-21 & 7:53-8:11.



3:          1 & 2nd Corinthians; Harris: 448-482.

5:          Romans; Harris: 486-490.

7:          Revelation; Harris: 516-524.


11:       * Final Examination, 3:10-4:10 PM