Write on Zola, Dostoyevsky, Nietzsche, or Marx, 600 words minimum.

If you wrote on one of these authors for your research paper, choose a different one to write on for this assignment.

Sample topics on Germinal:
Changes in the Miners
Sexuality and Nature
The Mine as Monster

Sample topics on Dostoyevsky:
The UM’s Assault on the Enlightenment
The Concept of Freedom
Fear of Love

Sample topics on Nietzsche (be sure to use more than one passage from the book):
Principal Characteristics of the Overman
Nietzsche and Christianity
Romantic and Enlightenment Aspects

Sample topics on Marx:
The Nature of Class Struggle
The Role of the Bourgeoisie in Transforming History
Marx’s Answers to his Critics
Advantages and Disadvantages of Communism as Described in the Manifesto.

Remember to refresh your memory by checking your paper against “Helpful Hints for Writing Class Papers.”

Pullman students turn in your papers at the beginning of class on the due date. On-line students outside of Pullman send your papers to me by the due date by e-mail attachment, or by pasting HTML or Rich Text Format into the body of an e-mail message.

Papers submitted before the due date may be revised to raise their grade.