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Kalidasa: The Recognition of Sakuntala

Source: Kalidasa: The Loom of Time. Penguin Books.

Your assignment is to read Abhinjnanasakuntalam (The Recognition of Sakuntala) plus its related notes. Begin by reading the biographical note in the front of the book, the Introduction, Sections I, III, VI, VII, X, and XIII and Appendix III on pp. 320 & 321. There are two kinds of notes in this book. Terms which are used in more than one of the works are explained in alphabetical order in the glossary on pp. 283-305, and other notes on the play appear on pp. 334-339 as well as in footnote. Be sure to use these notes to explain obscure references, etc.

The claim that the ancient Athenians invented drama may hold true for the West, but Indian writers argue that theater was highly developed even earlier in Sanskrit. No plays survive from those early times, however, and the dates of Kalidasa, the greatest of the Sanskrit playwright, while much disputed, are clearly centuries later–perhaps a millennium later–than Aeschylus and his fellow tragic writers. Abhijnanasakuntalam and Kalidasa’s other plays were written for a refined court audience. The dialogue of the upper-class characters was delivered in Sanskrit, the classical language, and that of women and commoners in prakrit, the common speech. Despite these lofty origins, Kalidasa’s plays have remained popular.

There is no tradition of tragedy in India, and Kalidasa’s plays always have happy endings. In Hinduism, everyone has an infinite number of chances to achieve enlightenment and liberation from the wheel of rebirth. A life that ends badly is only a prologue to another opportunity. Hence the basic premises on which tragedy is based are lacking.

Sakuntala is by far the best-known of Kalidasa’s plays. In Delhi there is a modern auditorium called the “Sakuntalam Theater.” The play was translated into German and English in the 18th Century, and greatly impressed the great poet and playwright Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, who was influenced by it to create an “introduction in the theater” to his Faust and helped to spread knowledge of Kalidasa in the West. The initial consonant is pronounced “sh,” and you will often see the title rendered as “Shakuntala.”


Just as ancient Greek drama was part of a religious ritual (honoring Dionysus), so there is a religious aspect to classical Hindu drama. The play begins with a hymn of blessing which would have been sung rather than recited. The play would have been enhanced throughout by dances and songs. The “Benediction” is addressed to Lord Siva in his eight Rudras, or forms, mentioned each in turn and listed in the footnote on p. 169. The Creator is Brahma, who otherwise plays little role in Hindu devotions. Note the insistence on the multifaceted nature of the divine, so different from the Islamic insistence on its unity. For the devout Hindu, this play is more than a captivating love story: it is a religious drama on at least two levels. On the simplest level it teaches the doctrine of karma, that our experiences are influenced by our acts earlier in this life and in past lives. It is also an allegory of the relationship between the worshiper and the sacred. Each play is also expected to convey a certain set of emotions and attitudes called a rasa. Here the rasa is composed of various forms of eroticism and love. It also has a political aspect in that the playwright is flattering the royal line of the ruler for whom he is writing.


Goethe was so impressed by this traditional Indian dramatic device of introducing the play through dialogue between the actors and the director that he added such a prologue to his Faust.Sanskrit poetry, like Japanese poetry, is generally classified according to season. Note the image of the bees in the Actress’ song. What associations do bees seem to have in this play?

Act One

The earliest version of this story is told in the Mahabharata, and would have been known to everyone in the audience. It is characteristic of Hinduism, however, that there is no insistence on following an “orthodox” version, and that there are always alternative traditions, such as the one that Kalidasa follows. Be sure to read the short excerpt from Mahabharata on pp. 320-321 and compare what the audience might have expected to see with the actual action of the play. Note especially how the actions and character of Duhsanta have changed. Whereas Westerners are used to religion demanding a single standard of morality for everyone (or at most having slightly different emphases for men and women), in Hinduism that which is good for a person of a certain age, social standing, or caste, may be bad for another. Each person must follow his or her dharma (duty). Most kings loved to hunt, but it was disapproved of by Brahmins, and hunting is forbidden in the sacred grove where the ascetics live. Suta compares the king to Siva (also spelled “Shiva”), alluding to a myth in which Siva, angered because he had not been invited to a great sacrifice, pursued and killed the “lord of the sacrifice” who had transformed himself into a deer. Indra is a storm god who is depicted in the Vedas as driving a chariot drawn by a pair of horses. Clearly the stage cannot have been vast enough to depict the pursuit of the deer realistically. What means does the poet use to convey the chase vividly? According to the Introduction to this volume, what is significant about the deer the king is chasing? Note how the poet keenly observes the visual effects of traveling at great speed in language that resembles modern filmed space travel effects.

In Hinduism, the ideal final stage of life is asceticism: the practitioner goes to live in the forest without worldly possessions, engaging in prodigious feats of meditation and self-denial, hoping to achieve liberation from the cycle of rebirth. Skilled ascetics could accumulate so much spiritual power that they sometimes posed a threat even to the gods, as we shall see later. Few people actually achieve the extremes of the ascetic ideal, but such people are highly respected and honored. There is no pressure, however, for each individual to emulate the ideal, since if one is not ready for such austerity in this life there will always be opportunities to carry it out in lives to come, when one has accumulated the necessary karma. The King’s arrows are cruel in the context of the Hermitage; the audience would respect this view without necessarily agreeing that they themselves should stop hunting or eating meat. What simile does the ascetic use to describe the effect of arrows on deer? Note that heaps of flowers are common sacrificial offerings to the gods. How do the ascetics link the king’s role as a benevolent ruler with their objections to hunting. The blessing of the ascetic foreshadows the ultimate theme of this play: the birth of a son who will one day be the greatest of kings. In Western drama foreshadowing is used to heighten suspense or to create a sense of doom threatening human happiness. In Sanskrit drama foreshadowing instead creates a sense of purpose, of inevitability, linked to the concept of karma. The wheel, symbol of the reign of the benevolent emperor Asoka, is pictured on the flag of modern India as a symbol of Hinduism. Fire is central to Hindu ritual. Originally animals were sacrificed and burned as in Judaism or ancient Greek practice, but fruits, flowers, incense, etc. are more commonly sacrificed today. The Himalayas have long been famed as the site of particularly devout mystics, giving rise to the Western stereotype of the guru on the mountain top. How do the ascetics convey that they appreciate the king’s skill with the bow despite their objections to his hunting? In what way does the king’s description of the grove make clear that it is a place of penitential prayer and meditation, different from other areas of the forest? Note the significance of specifying that the deer feed on dharba shoots.

What do you think is symbolized by the king setting aside his jewels and bow when he visits the Hermitage? In the Western tradition, the suggestion of a love encounter in a hermitage would be considered blasphemous: but the king is not expected at his stage of life to be an ascetic: he is in the “householder” stage, appropriate for love and marriage. Note the preference for the natural over the cultivated, a common theme in much Western poetry as well. Keep track of the ways in which Sakuntala is compared to various plants. What characteristics link her to the trees? To other plants? Why is watering trees which are no longer blooming particularly virtuous? The ascetics wear clothing made of rough, simple materials such as bark. The fact that Anasuya says the vine has chosen the mango hints at the fact that although Sakuntala may be free to choose her own husband, like a princess, despite the many statements to the contrary. Note the strong emphasis on proper hospitality, very important in traditional Hinduism. Sakuntala is almost inhospitable to the king because of her embarrassment, and later her passion for him will cause her to be disastrously inhospitable to Durvasa. The traditional Indian ideal of feminine beauty involves a narrow waist, large, round breasts, and swelling buttocks. Explain the meaning of the quatrain at (19) beginning “Though inlaid in duckweed the lotus glows.” The mango is often associated with love and is a “male” plant. Kama, the god of love, targets with mango-shoot arrows those he wishes to inspire with love. The image of two plants intertwined symbolizing a human embrace is also common in European poetry, where plants are often said to spring up from the graves of unfortunate lovers to intertwine in death. Here the symbolism is happier: men and women are meant for each other.

Sakuntala’s behavior from here on must be interpreted as reflecting a highly desirable quality in a young woman: modesty. Do not jump to the conclusion that Sakuntala is not just as interested in love and marriage as her friends: she is simply more demure and hides it better. In all this talk about loving vines, remember that human souls could be reincarnated not only as animals but as plants. All living things are related in Hinduism. How does Sakuntala learn that she may be married soon? It is a cliché of courtly literature from all over the world that the exceptional youth–male or female–discovered in obscure surroundings must have a mysterious noble background. As we will see, Sakuntala’s ancestry can be considered superior even to the king’s. At (22) we encounter the image of the bee, referred to in the opening. What draws the bee to Sakuntala? Why is it appropriate for the bee to call to mind King Duhsanta? His speech at (24) begins by referring to his own greatness as “chastiser of the weakness” without revealing his true identity, but they see immediately that he is a noble. Note how Sakuntala reveals her true feelings in her aside to herself, though she coyly continues to brush aside her friends’ teasing suggestions. There can be no doubt that she has fallen instantly in love with the handsome young king. The Vedas are the oldest Hindu scriptures, and are still recited regularly.

We now learn that Kanva is only Sakuntala’s foster father. An Apsara is a beautiful divine woman such as those depicted on temple carvings. They often figure in myths as tempering the excessive power achieved by extreme ascetics, as here. Such power is not necessarily bad just because the gods are fearful of it. In Hinduism, the gods are not supreme. There is a larger spiritual order to which gods and humans alike are subject. In what way is Sakuntala like a flash of lightning? The King’s description of Sakuntala at (29) contains all the stereotypes of intense erotic passion, though he pretends to think that they are the result of her labors (which, after all, have hardly been extreme). The ring which will play so large a part in the following plot is now offered. The play is often referred to as The Ring of Recollection. How can the king tell she is interested in him though she does not look at him? Why do you think that at this precise moment the off-stage warning against the king’s coming is uttered? What is the symbolism? The “tusker” is of course an elephant. The King’s hunting party has started a stampede. Why do you think Sakuntala is suddenly afflicted with a number of problems which prevent her leaving immediately?

Act Two

Comic figures such as Madhavya are standard in Hindu drama. He speaks Prakrit, the language of ordinary people, rather than Sanskrit. His complaints about the hunt could be interestingly compared to the complaints of the herald about warfare in one of the early scenes of Aeschylus’ Agamemnon. Heavy hips are considered highly desirable in a woman, partly because they are associated with the bearing of healthy children. “May you live long” is a standard address to a king upon greeting or leaving him. Note how the General acknowledges that hunting is disapproved of in certain quarters. See endnote 12. Why do you suppose the General hopes Madhavya will continue to oppose hunting? The desire to hunt is here called a “strong passion,” and such passions are major obstacles to enlightenment; but in fact the king’s passion for hunting has been overwhelmed by another, even stronger passion. Endnote 7 explains why Sakuntala may be beyond the reach of Madhavya even though he is King. What do the metaphors listed at (11) have in common, beginning with “A flower whose fragrance none has dared to smell”? The latter part of this speech suggests that such divine beauty could only be produced by the accumulation of great amounts of good karma in previous existences. The tribute the hermits pay is their devotion which brings the blessings of the gods on the kingdom.

Note how the first hermit, despite his own asceticism, approves of the king’s dedication to the worldly life: each must play his appropriate role. Gods (Rama in particular) and great Kings are often portrayed as destroyers of demons. Again, the dialogue foreshadows the next important plot development, which simultaneously (and not coincidentally) provides the king with the excuse he has been longing for to stay with the hermits. How is the rushed courtship of the king justified in a way that was not the case in the Mahabharata?

Act Three

This act begins and ends with the king alone, framing his intensely romantic encounter with Sakuntala and setting it off in contrast. Cooling salves were used in high summer, and can also signify that the user is burning with passion. The churning of cream into butter is one of the most common activities of Indian life and a frequent symbol for creation. Kama’s flowered arrows are again referred to. When Kama disturbed Siva’s meditations, he wrathfully destroyed the love-god with fire emanating from his third eye. Note how Duhsanta tracks Sakuntala almost like a detective. How does each of the “clues” remind him of some attractive aspect of his beloved? The heat of her passion has literally cooked her lotus-blossom bracelets. Which of the symptoms of love which the king lists are familiar from the love-sickness symptoms used by Western poets such as Ovid? What does the metaphor about the river flowing to the ocean imply about the status of Sakuntala herself? Like many lovers in Western fiction, she is so far gone in love that she will soon die if she does not find relief. Therefore the king cannot properly be blamed for courting her so hastily. Why is it important that the king learn of her love by overhearing her rather than more directly? Why do you think that Sakuntala refers specifically to the Inner Apartments as the place the King must be longing to return to? With typical Hindu emphasis on variety, there are no fewer than eight kinds of marriage described in traditional law, of which Gandharva is the voluntary union of a couple in love without any ceremony or consent of their parents. Although it is rarely invoked, theoretically it is as binding as any other kind of marriage. However, it depends entirely on the trustworthiness of the man. The story of Siva’s destruction of Kama is again alluded to at (34). The offstage voice calling for Sakuntala to leave refers to the traditional belief that sheldrakes, though devoted couples in the daytime, always slept apart at night. Just as the king began his pursuit of Shakuntala by tracing the “clues” left behind by her passage, so at the end of the act he contemplates the traces left behind of her time with him (39). At the end of the scene we hear of the demons which threaten to disturb the ascetics’ rituals. Is the king himself in any way similar to these demons and to the wild elephant which disturbed them earlier?

Act Four

The physical union of the lovers is delicately left off stage. It becomes apparent that the Gandharva marriage has been consummated and the king has been gone for some time. Note the ominous foreshadowing in Anasuya’s second speech. Duhsanta is fated to forget his bride even before the fatal curse is uttered. The incident by which Durvasa’s rage is aroused may seem slight, but the duty to travelers is a sacred one. Because the girl forgot to honor Durvasa, Duhsanta will forget to honor her. How does this shift the responsibility for the lapse of memory, compared to theMahabharata? When Anasyua somewhat mollifies Durvasa, he cannot take back his curse, but he modifies it. Similarly, when in Greek mythology Hera blinded Teiresias, Zeus could not undo the divine curse, but compensated for it by giving him internal sight: the gift of prophecy. A more familiar example is the partial undoing of the curse in “Sleeping Beauty.” Even the noble moon, which through its association with healing herbs gives life, must set. The metaphor refers to the departure of the king. Kanva is informed of Sakuntala’s pregnancy in a way that makes clear that the gods are involved. Note the emphasis on the child she carries. Unlike most Western love stories, this is a great love because it will produce a great offspring. Hindus ritually wash at sunrise, before eating. What hopes do the women have for her child? Note how Sakuntala is adorned by a miracle (caused by her stepfather’s powers), another sign that this union is blessed, despite its inauspicious beginning. An Indian bride’s feet are decorated with red lac. Brides are expected to weep upon leaving the family home for their husband’s; they are going off to a largely unknown life, leaving the familiar comfort of home behind. Sarmisttta, the daughter of the king of demons, married Yayati according to the Gandharva rite and gave birth to Puru, founder of the line from which Duhsanta is descended. Thus the parallel to Sakuntala involves both her extraordinary origins and the noble destiny of her son. The song by the invisible spirits further endorses this union, which is clearly blessed by many forces even while it lies under the curse of Durvasa. Why is such a situation more plausible in this setting than in, say, a Christian setting? Even the vines with which Sakuntala was earlier identified “weep” at her departure by shedding their leaves. Kanva clearly understands the necessity of this marriage in a way that is truly exceptional for a Hindu father. His acceptance of it would be more striking for an Indian audience than a modern American one. The parallel between Sakuntala and the vine having been reaffirmed, how is her identification with the doe also reasserted?

The lessons that Kanva gives Sakuntala in being a good wife are highly conventional. What qualities do they seem to value? Sakuntala is alarmed at her friends’ suggestion that she use the ring to remind Duhsanta of her identity because it implies that he may indeed forget her. Since they have never told her of the curse, she does not understand the true urgency of their warning. A Western equivalent to the saying “A daughter is wealth belonging to another” is “A daughter’s a daughter until she’s a wife, but a son is a son for the rest of your life.” But why, according to Kanva is he satisfied to “lose” Sakuntala?

Act Five

The greatest differences between the Mahabharata version and Kalidasa’s come in this act. Look for the way in which the king’s motives are emphasized. Note how the forgetfulness of the Chamberlain foreshadows the forgetfulness of the king. The sun, the Cosmic Serpent, and the king must all labor unceasingly. “The sixth” referred to is the king’s legal tax noted earlier. Note how Duhsanta is praised as a hard-working, dutiful lord although we have earlier seen him at leisure. It is important that his good character be established firmly. The umbrellas refer to provide shade (Latin umbra ) from the heat of the tropical sun rather than shelter from rain. The King illustrates “kinship’s perfect pattern” because he treats his subjects as if they were all his relatives. The vina is a traditional bowed string instrument. How is Lady Hamsavati’s song another instance of foreshadowing? What is the king’s reaction to the coming of the hermits? What does it reveal about his character? Note how alert the king is to any fault he may have committed. When the ascetics enter, they foreshadow the disaster to come through their feelings of unease. What is the meaning of the poem at (13)? How does the king’s reaction to Vetravati’s praise of Sakuntala’s beauty illustrate his character? What metaphor springs up in the king’s struggles to remember that reminds us of his earlier enthusiasm for Sakuntala? Why does Vetravati praise him as virtuous for hesitating? The king is at first cynically skeptical of Sakuntala, but her outburst which begins “Ignoble man” is convincing in its natural spontaneity. What hint is there in his comments to himself that the King is being attracted to her all over again? Sakuntala’s final words indicate she wants to die; but instead of being swallowed by the earth, she snatched up into the sky by the Apsara Misrakesi. Even this miracle cannot convince the king of the truth. What does convince him that Sakuntala’s words may well have been true?

Act Six

Fishermen were low-caste because they were involved in killing animal life; but this one sarcastically replies that the brahmins who consider themselves the very highest caste kill animals when they sacrifice them in rituals. Fish swallowing marvelous rings turn up in many folk tales, both Eastern and Western. Note how frequently the important actions, such as the king’s recovery of his memory, take place offstage. Because the audience knows the story already, it is not crucial to evoke suspense and provide climactic moments as in Western drama; what is important is to evoke the relevant moods. The spring festival in honor of Kama is a wild celebration called “Holi,” now dedicated to Krishna. Note that in the conversation between the two court ladies the image of the bee and the mango blossom is repeated. Typical of the Indian preference for variety, Kama–unlike Cupid–has no fewer than five different kinds of arrows, each of which causes a different kind of love. The king is not behaving like a tyrant in forbidding the celebration of the spring festival; his grief has actually prevented the coming of spring. Note that the king is a painter. Several prominent monarchs of both India and China were distinguished painters. What pious lesson does the king draw from his failure to remember Sakuntala? How does the state of the painting reflect the king’s devotion to Sakuntala? The pairs of geese and deer which the king wants to paint symbolize love and marriage. The king is crazed by contemplating the picture and becomes jealous of the painted bee which hovers where he wants to be. Why does the king hide the painting when Queen Vasumati approaches, according to Misrakesi? Duhsanta’s extraordinary honesty and decency is reconfirmed by his scrupulous reaction to the announcement of the merchant’s death. At this time, widows were not allowed to inherit, but their unborn children might. Even though it means the loss of a fortune, he scrupulously inquires whether any of the widows is pregnant. The phrase “I had implanted myself in her” alludes to the belief that a man reproduces himself in his son. Duhsanta is in despair because it seems he will never have a son to be his heir. Note the female bodyguard; such guards were often used to guard the women’s quarters without endangering their chastity. The king imagines that the voices taunting him belong to demons. The king is roused from his crazed stupor by this therapeutic challenge and reaffirms his skills as a demon-fighter, though mistakenly at first. The “twice-born” are upper-caste people like the king. The royal swan was supposed to have the ability to separate milk from water. How is the inevitability of karma stressed even as the king is called upon to kill the demon offspring of Kalanemi (35)?

Act Seven

The play takes place in three basic settings: the idyllic but lowly world of the hermitage, the dazzling but worldly palace, and the transcendent celestial regions. Duhsanta has had to pass through all these to perform his dharma. Again we have skipped a climactic scene: the king’s victory over the demons. Sharing the throne of Indra was a proverbial extreme honor. “Golden sandal” refers to sandalwood paste, smeared on the chest as a refreshing, sweet-smelling salve. What is the king’s virtuous reaction to Matali’s lavish praise? The Ganga is the heavenly aspect of the Ganges River, the most sacred stream in India. Just as Duhsanta met Sakuntala initially because of his reverence for the ascetics on Earth, so he is reunited with her through his reverence for the divine ascetic Marica, son of Brahma and father of Indra, who is king of the gods. Thus he resembles Duhsanta, father of the king of men. He plays a major role in the creation myths. His penance is described in extreme form at (11). Marica is so absorbed in his meditations that he has lost all track of his body, so that a snake has shed its skin on his torso to create a second sacred thread (usually a piece of twine worn by all Brahmin males); but this is more than a symbol of mere negligence since a snake-skin thread is also characteristic of Siva.. Again the throbbing arm of the king foreshadows his reunion with his bride. A boy who rough-houses with lion cubs is obviously something out of the ordinary. Naughtiness is boys is often more than half-admired as a sign of manly spirit, as the king’s speech at (15) makes clear. Note that the true consummation of this romance is not the reunion of the loving couple, but the encounter of the king with his son, destined to be the greatest of kings. Note the outline at (20) of the conventional view of the ideal life for a Kshatriya: wealth and power in youth, self-denial and spirituality in old age. One last time the king exhibits a sense of morality by not asking about Sakuntala. In many countries, particularly Muslim ones, it is considered highly offensive to inquire after a man’s wife or in any way imply that he may have one. What attitudes toward women do you think are reflected in such customs?

Sakuntala’s single braid is a sign of mourning. To what does she attribute her sufferings when the king falls prostate before her? According to ancient Hindu thought the earth is composed of seven island continents. How does the final speech of the king reflect the ideas of the Brahmin-priests who dominated Hinduism? The last line reflects the highest wish of a pious Hindu: to be liberated from the cycle of rebirth ( samsara ). What can you say about the relationship of erotic love to religion in this play?

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Last revised January 3, 2002

Nizami: Layla and Majnun (1188)

Source: The Story of Layla and Majnun, by Nizami. Trans. R. Gelpke. Omega Publications, 256 Darrow Road, New Lebanon, NY 12125. Phone: 800-443-7107 or 518 794-8181. ISBN #0-930872-52-5.

Begin by reading the first two pages of the “Postscript” which begins on p. 200, where it is made clear that there are many retellings of this tragic love story. Nizami’s is perhaps the most famous (even immortalized in two songs by Eric Clapton: “Layla” and “I Am Yours”). One theory of how it evolved is that there were a number of poems in Arabic in which a poet named “Qays” complained of frustrated love for his Layla. By gleaning various details from these poems, a legend was gradually built up which imagined their story. Nizami, writing in Persian rather than Arabic, long after the legend had reached its definitive form, rendered it into an ornate romance (a long narrative of love or adventure). The original is in verse, though our translator has rendered into prose. If the writing seems rather more dense and elaborate that a modern novel, remember that this is not a novel, but a long poem.

The setting, even then, was exotic. Nizami was writing for a sophisticated urban audience in one of the richest and most sophisticated empires in the world, about a long-ago imaginary past of nomadic Arab life. But both Nizami’s and Qays’ cultures had in common that men and women were rigidly separated, marriages were arranged, and love played a much larger role in fantasy than in real life. One of your tasks is to analyze how a love story functions in a culture which discourages real-life love affairs.


A Bedouin is a nomad. A zephyr is a wind. What is the one thing lacking to make the Sayyid happy? Remember how important this is when you read the rest of the story. “Corn” here, as in all British translations, is not maize, which was unknown in Europe until after Columbus, but wheat or other cereal grains. Note how Nizami’s technique employs piling metaphor on metaphor. This sort of writing is often compared to Islamic art, elaborate patterns entirely covering the surface of the decorated object. Great delight is taken in the ingenuity with which these metaphors are crafted, and there is no imperative to “get on with” the story. “Qays” means “moon.” It used to be believed that gemstones actually emitted light rather than merely reflecting it. “Decennium”=tenth year.


What metaphors suggest that a woman’s beauty can be dangerous? What is the meaning of Layla’s name, and how does it relate to Qays’? The Qur’an strictly forbids the drinking of wine, but metaphors of intoxication are commonplace in Arabic and Persian verse, particularly in Sufi poetry. What attitudes toward “first love” seem to be conveyed here? Note how their love becomes a kind of “homework” in the final poem.


For the story of Joseph and the pit, see Genesis 37. Whereas a love like this would be considered a cute “crush” in our culture, in their culture Qays and Layla are falling into a scandalous madness. What metaphor is used for Qays’ being bound to Layla? Why does Layla’s family sequester her? What is Layla’s reaction?


Note that even as a young boy Qays/Majnun sings to console himself. How does his behavior compare with Layla’s? Does this mean that he loves her more than she loves him? Keep asking yourself these questions throughout the story. What are the main symptoms of Majnun’s lovesickness? In Medieval Persian and European thought alike, lovesickness was a disease, clinically described in medical textbooks. The tradition that links madness and poetic inspiration goes back at least to the ancient Greeks. The “Evil Eye” is a curse. Much Muslim literature reflects deep beliefs in fate.


Note how the chapter opens with the day “getting dressed.” What do the two lovers see in each others’ faces? Note the musical metaphors. Why are candles and torches appropriate metaphors here? The “whirling dervishes” are Sufi mystics whose whirling dance propels them into a state of religious ecstasy. What does the last line of the chapter mean: “He escaped from Layla in order to find her.”


A “ghazel” is a traditional song form, either secular or sacred. It spread with Persian culture to North India and is still widely popular. What effects of Qays’ madness does the narrator seem especially concerned about? What is the objection of Layla’s father to Majnun? What does it suggest about the relationship between love and marriage in this culture? How is his objection ironic?


Majnun’s dramatic rending of his garments and the repeated references to him as naked are meant to be extreme: Islamic culture strongly disapproves of nakedness, and it is never depicted in art, unlike the Greek/Roman/European tradition. How does Majnun proclaim his rejection of all human authority? What are the two opposing kinds of reactions that other people have to him? The Book of Life records all living souls: so what does it mean that Majnun’s name has been as if torn out of the Book? The bulk of this chapter is Majnun’s statement of ultimate separation from the rest of humanity. According to Nizami, what is the difference between true and false love? In what sense is Majnun’s love still alive?


The Kaaba in Mecca (spelled “Caaba” here) is the most sacred site in Islam. This ancient shrine was reputedly constructed by Abraham, cleansed of its idols by Muhammad, and is the goal of pilgrimage ( hajj ) of every pious Muslim. What does Majnun pray for when he is at the Kaaba? His reaction would have been seen as not merely rebellious but wildly blasphemous.


Why do the members of Layla’s tribe want Majnun punished?


Name one of the significant ways in which Majnun’s father urges him to heal himself. Parsley was supposed to have medicinal effects.


The exaggerated terms in which Majnun addresses his father are not meant to be blasphemous. Such exaggeration was a traditional form of respect, and the strength of Majnun’s passion can be measured by the strength of his resistance to this man whom he respects so highly. How does he use the concept of fate to argue with his father? The fable that Majnun tells resembles the famous Aesop fable of the fox and the crow, but it is only loosely connected to the boy. How does he explain what the fable means to him?


What ambiguous reaction do people have to Majnun? What effect do his poems have on his audience?


Note the violent, predatory metaphors attached to Layla at the beginning of this chapter. What attitudes do they seem to reflect? How do you think a society holding such attitudes would be liable to treat young women? Is Layla blamed for the harm she does? How is her reaction to their love different from Majnun’s? In what way does she suffer more than he? How does Layla hear constantly of Majnun’s love for her? How does their unhappiness cause happiness?


How are the nature images in the second paragraph rather unusual? What quality do they have in common? In Islamic thought Paradise is literally a garden. Why is Layla so hurt by the poem she overhears? How is Layla’s relationship with her mother similar to that of Majnun to his father? How is it different?


What is Ibn Salam’s one fatal flaw? “Inshallah”=if God is willing. Pious Muslims make no statement about the future without adding this expression to remind themselves that all is in God’s hands.


Note that Majnun’s belief that he can convey his poems to his beloved is not entirely wrong, though he is mistaken about the means. Majnun thoughtlessly commits even the sin of drinking wine in his absorption with thoughts of Layla. How does Nawfal try to heal Majnun? What causes him to be so fanatically devoted to this cause?


Note how Majnun treats all those who care the most about him.


Why is it insulting to call someone a glass bottle? The metaphor of wine as blood is a common one, especially in the Hebrew Bible. Think of the Battle Hymn of the Republic. Why doesn’t Majnun join the fighting?


Note that although Majnun will not draw his real sword, he is free with “the sword of his tongue.”


What finally tires the combatants? Why would her father rather let Layla be killed than married to Majnun? What is Nawfal’s response? It doesn’t really seem to match with his previous actions. How has he changed in his attitude toward Majnun?


Note that all of Majnun’s metaphors have to do with being offered hope of winning Layla and then failing to do so. It is not so much the failure he blames Nawfal for as the hope.


Earlier it was said that Majnun had become alienated from hunting. Now we see how this change has developed. What effect does this episode seem designed to have upon the reader’s attitude toward Majnun?


Why does Majnun identify with the stag? The poem in this chapter was set to music (from this translation) by Eric Clapton in the song “I Am Yours,” on the album, Layla and Other Assorted Love Songs. The theme is a familiar one: “Every little breeze/seems to whisper ‘Louise’.” Explain the two final similes in the last sentence.


Friday is the holiest day of the week in Islam, when preaching as well as praying is done at the mosque. Note the dramatic crescendo of images of blackness.


Insane people were often kept in chains and beaten in the Middle Ages, both East and West, under the impression that the demons possessing them might be forced to flee if they were treated badly enough. How does Majnun turn his chains into a metaphor when he is crying out to Layla?


Is Layla a coward for not speaking out to her father? Explain. Go-betweens are routinely used to negotiate marriages in cultures where arranged weddings are standard. Muslims believe that Jesus could raise the dead, though they reject the Christian belief that he is the son of God. He is merely one of the greatest of the prophets. Note the boundaries of “the world” from which riches can be fetched: Byzantium to the west, China to the east; Europe is over the horizon. What does the final paragraph tell us about the values of these people? Note that Layla literally has no say in her marriage.


That a man would marry a woman without her consent should not be surprising: many cultures expect couples to marry without even speaking to each other beforehand. How does Ibn Salam’s reaction to Layla reveal unusual sensitivity? Note that in this romance there are no villains: everyone is motivated by deeply-held beliefs and feelings. Why do you think Layla can defy Ibn Salam in private although she could not reject him in public?


The wicked stranger uses the standard clichéd image of womanly unfaithfulness shared by Medieval cultures both East and West. The idea that women are more driven by desire than men is a standard feature of this image. This was directly contradicted during the Victorian age when it came to be believed that men were much more sexual than women. How do you think the earlier idea arose, and what effects would it have had on the treatment of women? It is suggested in the opening of this chapter that this figure may be a demon rather than a human. What evidence is there to support this idea?


What does the last line of his poem mean: “Yours, if I die, will be the blood that flows”?


Note that although racial prejudice is somewhat milder in the Islamic world, where many of Believers are dark-skinned, nevertheless, black is still used as a symbol of evil, just as in the West. Note that Islamic propriety does not allow even the mad Majnun to go completely naked. Why does his father call Majnun “soul of your father”? What do you think of his advice to Majnun?


Does Majnun’s reaction to his father’s death soften our reaction to his treatment of him? Explain.


Why does Majnun throw away the part of the scrap of paper with Layla’s name written on it?


What amazing influence does Majnun exercise over the animals that surround him in the wilderness? How does it influence your feelings about Majnun?


This chapter represents a typical narrative technique from traditional Islamic World literature: the story within a story. What is the lesson that the king is taught in this story?


In both the Christian and Islamic worlds, knowledge of and belief in astrology was widespread, though both Christian and Islamic theologians were often hostile to it. Belief in fate is widespread in Islam, but the planets are not to be worshipped as gods, as Majnun is doing.


Majnun learns the lesson of a good Muslim that the stars can grant nothing. Note the strong emphasis on God’s omnipotence, insisted on even more strongly in Islam than in Christianity. Majnun’s dream expresses God’s blessing and the wisdom he has gained.


Layla’s speech as reported by the old man makes clear the distinction between her situation and Majnun’s. Explain.


The king of whom Layla speaks is, of course, God. A pious Muslim will always begin a letter with praise for God, and this is an particularly elaborate example. The cucumber referred to is globe-shaped. The tearing of clothes is an ancient and widespread act of ritual mourning. Note that it is taken for granted that one can be a great poet without writing. This is essentially an oral culture.


In what way do Majnun’s praises of Layla resemble her praises of him? A “bosquet” is a small wood. What is his reaction to her letter? Is he being fair to her?


Although Majnun is described in this chapter as being stark naked, all illustrations of the romance show him wearing a loincloth. “Naked” often has a loose meaning in Islamic texts; women lacking a veil and with arms bared are commonly referred to as “naked” even today. It is difficult to know exactly what Nizami imagined, but clearly Majnun has been reduced to an almost inhuman level. Salim’s name means “sound” in the sense of “healthy.” What is the lesson taught by the “Story of the Shah and the Dervish”?


Although not all slaves in the Islamic world were black, and most Muslim blacks were not slaves, the stereotype of black slavery existed and turns up repeatedly in passages such as this. When Layla and Majnun communicate with each other they emphasize the brevity to life to console themselves; but here Majnun’s mother uses the same point to different ends. What is she arguing? How does Majnun defend himself against his mother’s pleas? What effect does her death have on your feelings about Majnun?


Is Nizami’s little sermon on the brevity of life at the end of this chapter related to earlier passages on the same theme? How?


How does Layla react to Majnun’s apology? Note that she at last breaks with her long-standing passivity.


Note that the consummation of their love is achieved through song rather than any physical gesture. Muslims believe that delicious, non-intoxicating wine will be served the Faithful in paradise.


What draws Salam to Majnun?


Halwa (or “halva” is made of ground sesame seed and sugar). Why does Majnun reject the food that Salam offers him? To a certain degree Majnun is a model, the archetype of the lover; but he is also an object lesson, a warning. Be prepared to discuss the ambiguity of his role.


“Islam” means “submission,” i. e. submission to the will of God. The opening of this chapter contains very traditional Islamic wisdom. How does Layla react to Ibn Salam’s death?


Medieval people believed that frustrated love-longing could lead eventually to death. The image of a woman being married to her grave is a common one from ancient Greek times forward.


Why do people avoid Layla’s grave?


Note that Majnun’s penultimate words are addressed to God, but his ultimate words are addressed to Layla.


What is the “pearl” that has vanished from the “white shell”? In what way could this be said to be an at least partially happy ending?

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Last revised 11/2/02

Classic Chinese and Japanese Love Poetry

Classical Chinese and Japanese poetry relates human emotions and sensations to images of nature. These images are prescribed by tradition, and have stereotypical associations which the reader is expected to know. In addition, complex word and sound play is common, little of it translatable, and most poems allude to or quote outright from other classic poems which it is assumed every reader has memorized. The result is that an English rendering of such verse is always a very distant relative of the original. It is a tribute to the greatness of Chinese and Japanese verse that it has been so popular and influential in modern times. Note that this poetry, like most pre-modern poetry, does not have titles, and that the titles provided have been invented by the translators. The vast majority of early love poetry written by women laments absent lovers. What do you think this says about women’s status and role in society?

All Chinese poems are from Kenneth Rexroth, trans. One Hundred Poems from the Chinese. New Directions, n. d.

Mei Yao Ch’en: “My neighbors on the right”

How do the last four lines relate to the rest of the poem?

Mei Yao Ch’en: “In broad daylight I dream”

Despite the fact that Chinese traditional culture is not famous for promoting affection between spouses, there are many classical poems in which husbands grieve for their dead wives, a fact which reminds us of the importance of not overgeneralizing about cultures. In China it was thought that dead spirits continued to be profoundly involved in their family’s lives. People were expected to pray to, talk with, and offer food to departed spirits. How is this belief reflected in this poem? In what roles does the widower particularly remember his wife? In the second stanza, what image suggests togetherness? What image suggests loneliness? She is of course the one who was with him then.

Li Ch’ing Chao: “The warm rain and pure wind”

Fruit tree blossoms, particularly peach and cherry blossoms, are very important in Chinese and Japanese aesthetics. They symbolize the rebirth of life in the early spring, but they last for only a few days, so they also symbolize the fleeting nature of life, a typically Buddhist notion. Why is the oncoming of spring not successful in cheering the writer? What does it mean to write a poem in which “my tears will flow together with your tears”? Why does her makeup and hairdress feel like a burden? Oil lamps begin to smoke if the burnt portion of the wick is not trimmed from time to time. Can you guess whether the person to whom this poem is addressed has voluntarily abandoned her or has been forcibly separated from her? How can you tell?

Li Chi’ng Chao: “To the Tune, ‘Plum Blossoms Fall and Scatter'”

What senses are used in the imagery in this poem? What is the time of year? The time of day? Wild swans, like ducks, can symbolize faithful lovers. Women lived in separate quarters in noble houses. which of the images suggests separation? Which reunion? What do you think it means for a love to descend from the eyebrows into the heart?

Lu Yu: “Pink and white hands like roses and rice cake!”

This is another “heartbreak in the spring” poem? Why is loneliness so poignant at this time of year? What two images involve knots or being tied? Can you think of any English expressions involving the same imagery which convey similar ideas? People living in the same palace often corresponded with each other through poems, carefully written on special paper and wrapped in cloth. How do you interpret the final sentence?

Yamabe No Akahito: “The mists rise over”

Traditional waka like this are extremely compressed poems in which a single nature image, usually drawn from a traditional list evokes a specific mood. What has rising mist to do with memory? What is Akahito trying to convey to the person whose memory he is dwelling on?

Yamabe No Akahito: “I wish I were close”

A “salt girl” is a young woman who makes her living hauling seawater onto the beach to evaporate in salt pans. What kind of feeling is evoked by this poem?

Ono no Komachi: “I fell asleep thinking of him”

Ono no Komachi is one of the most famous women in Japanese history. She was a renowned beauty, had several sensational love affairs, and became the subject of more than one drama. However, she was also a fine poet, and the passion reflected in her writing may help to explain her reputation–or did the poetry create the reputation? The idea that dead spirits come to people in dreams is particularly strong in Japanese tradition. Why would she want not to have wakened?

Anonymous Court Lady: “On the Death of Emperor Tenji”

This was one of a set of poems written by courtiers mourning the death of a particularly popular emperor. The Japanese emperor was considered to be a god (though “Lord” has a political, not a religious meaning here). Note the intimacy of the imagery? What other poem above expressed the desire for intimacy in terms of something worn? How is this poem like the poem above by Ono no Komachi?

Prince Otsu and Lady Ishikawa: An exchange of poems

A staple of Heian court life was the exchange of waka. The recipient of a poem was expected to begin by taking some words from the poem received and fashion a reply incorporating that those words. Dew is traditionally symbolic of tears. Why might Prince Otsu have been crying? How does Lady Ishikawa seek to reassure him? Does her imagery remind you of any imagery from earlier poems in this group?

Lady Horikawa: “Will he always love me?

This is a classic “morning after” poem. Why might her hair be disordered (hair was normally grown floor length). What is Lady Horikawa feeling?

Kakinomoto Hitomaro: “This morning I will not”

Hitomaro is one of the most famous and prolific early Japanese poets. A different approach to hair. Why does he say he will not comb his hair?

Kakinomoto Hitomaro: “In the sea of ivy clothed Iwami”

This poem is part of a sequence which Hitomaro wrote when he was forced by the government to leave his new wife at their home by the seashore and return to the capitol. Seaweed is a staple of the Japanese diet, and is paid much attention. Here it is the way it moves in the surf that calls the poet’s attention and reminds him of~.~.~. what? The vine imagery is obviously related to the seaweed imagery. In the simile what does he compare the vines to? What do these images have in common? What time of year is it? Mount Watari now separates them, but the last thing he saw of her was her sleeves moving and she waved goodbye. Can you find any quality that links together the images involving the seaweed, the vines, the leaves, and the moon? Why is the time of day appropriate for this poem? The traditional way of referring to tears is to refer to one’s sleeves, moistened from wiping one’s eyes with them. Often only the damp sleeves are mentioned and the tears must be inferred.

Kakinomoto Hitomaro: “The Bay of Tsunu”

Another in the series of poems to his young wife. “Shingle” is a rocky beach. Again, what do the images of the seaweed, the waves, and the couple have in common? Hoarfrost is the white frost that coats the grass on chilly winter mornings but which seldom lasts long. In what sense is he like the hoarfrost? In the summer the grass turns yellow and wilts, from lack of moisture. The hope expressed in the last sentence is obviously a desperate one, unlikely to be fulfilled, but what does it express about his feelings for her and his belief in her?

Kakinomoto Hitomaro: “I loved her like the leaves”

The final poem in this sequence is another poem of mourning, but a highly dramatic one. What lines tell us how strong his love for her was? “Man cannot flout/The laws of this world” is an expression of Buddhist submission to the ways of nature: death cannot be prevented. Her soul is thought to have soared off into the air, probably to the heaven of Amida Buddha. The baby wants his mother’s milk, but this is not something the father can provide. Note the irony of using a message of feeding to symbolize an inability to feed. In the last section of the poem, he is told that his wife’s ghost has been seen in the nearby hills. What does his reaction tell us about his devotion to her?

Otomo Yakamochi: Parting Sorrows of a Frontier Guard

Many famous Japanese poems are about parting from friends or loved ones, often because of military duty. It is well to remember such poems when theories are propounded about the essentially warlike nature of Japanese traditional culture. Note the order in which sorrowing relatives are discussed. What does this tell us about Japanese values? Note how grass is used as a symbol of fragility, as in the first of these three poems. It is also a common symbol of fragility and mortality in ancient Hebrew poetry. What he pray for from the God of Suminoe? At the end of the poem he “sends” it by directing it to deliver itself to his home. The short poems called “Envoys” in this translation are traditional appendages to a “long” poem such as this. An “envoy” in European poetry is a couple of lines at the conclusion which directs the poem to its destination, and means “sending” in French. The Japanese equivalent is not quite the same. These are almost in the nature of “P.S.s” Their form is that which developed into the waka. What theme do all three of these examples have in common?

Lady Kasa: Six Tanka written for Otomo Yakamochi

Tanka is another name for a waka. Lady Kasa’s collection of tanka dedicated to Otomo Yakamochi are famous.

“Like the pearl of dew”

What quality of dew is being referred to here?

“Even the grains of sand”

Note that “countless as the grains of sand of the sea” is a very widespread metaphor, common in the West because of the influence of its use in the story of Abraham in the Hebrew Bible.

“The breakers of the Ise Sea:

The surf reminds her of her lover’s passion, but of what else?

“I dreamt of a great sword”

No Freudian implications here. The significant point is that only men wore swords.

“The bell has rung”

Many Japanese poems are about lying awake at night, missing someone.

“To love a man without return”

The original Japanese version of this poem has been much discussed and variously interpreted, but its main point is clear. The “devils” are fierce carved guardian spirits. It is not clear whether it is praying to such spirits that is pointless or merely praying to their backs. Judging from these poems, what can you say about the role of love in Lady Kasa’s life? How do they match your own preconceptions of Japanese womanhood, if any?

From Kate Farrell: Art & Love: An Illustrated Anthology of Love Poetry

Tu Fu: “Alone in Her Beauty”

Judging by the first lines of the poem, what kind of background is usually associated with beauty? How has the woman’s husband treated her? Ducks were traditionally believed to mate for life and are common symbols of mutual devotion. If we compare the distance the water travels in a brook to the flowing of time in a marriage, what is this poem saying by stating “its waters darken?” How is the woman trying to support herself? Why doesn’t she bother to decorate her hair anymore? Tu Fu is one of the two most famous Chinese poets.

Anonymous: “The Rejected Wife”

What does this poem tell us about polygamy in China? Official teachings admonished women to accept gracefully the addition of new wives to the family; but poetry such as this is fairly common. For a fine Chinese film on this subject, see Raise the Red Lantern.

From Wendy Mulford, ed.: Love Poems by Women

Ono no Komachi: “When My Desire”

At first glance this poem may seem to resemble the ideas of Medieval monks who tried to subdue their evil passions by wearing scratchy hair shirts. Given that we know that the poet was not an ascetic, is there any other possible interpretation? Why do you think she compares night itself to her bedclothes?

Lady Suo: “That Spring Night I Spent”

Here the translator has chosen to use the first poem as its “title.” This is a common practice in printing older poetry. To whom do you think this poem is addressed? Why?

Wu Tsao: “For the Courtesan Ch’ing Lin”

Lesbian Chinese poetry is somewhat unusual, but there are several examples, including this one from the 19th century. Note that like much traditional Chinese poetry, these are song lyrics, meant to be performed to a traditional tune. “Courtesan” is a loose term with many meanings in English, but clearly this woman is no low street prostitute. In what way does the poet’s opening comparisons resemble the Western tradition of comparing the beloved to an angel? what images suggest that the courtesan has been abandoned by her lover? “Wine games” are drinking games, often involving the recitation or writing of poetry. What mood is suggested by the title and description of the song sung by the courtesan? How is its theme related to an earlier passage in the poem? Jade is particularly prized in China for sculpted objects.


More information about Wu Tsao.


Last revised April 18, 2000.

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Ursula LeGuin: The Dispossessed (1974)


After World War I, the writing of utopian fiction gradually declined, until the genre almost disappeared in mid-century, to be replaced by dystopias (descriptions of ultimately evil places) like George Orwell’s Nineteen-Eighty-Four (1948). However, in the mid-seventies there was a spate of new utopias written by Americans inspired by the upsurge of social reform begun in the late sixties and continuing into the new decade. The most famous examples are Ernest Callenbach’s Ecotopia, Samuel R. Delany’s Triton, and this novel, though there are many other examples.

What differentiated these new utopias was their attempt to evade the traditional criticisms of the old utopias like Edward Bellamy’s Looking Backward: that they were static, boring, and unattainable. After all, utopias are not required, by definition, to be perfect. There seemed no reason to believe that all of humanity’s problems could be solved through improved social organization; but it seemed possible that some of them might be.

It is important to understand that one of the main functions of utopias, since Plato and Thomas More, has been to function as a critique of existing society, providing a kind of benchmark against which the flaws of real cultures can be more clearly revealed. Their proposals for reform have not always been seriously meant.

The original paperback edition of The Dispossessedbore on its cover this description: “The magnificent epic of an ambiguous utopia!” This description struck so many readers as apt that An Ambiguous Utopia became thought of as a subtitle for the work, and in recent printings it has even been adopted as the official subtitle. LeGuin has said she was attempting to work out how an anarchist society would function in reality. She was particularly inspired by the work of American pacifist/anarchist/reformer Paul Goodman.

Anarchism, which grew out of French social philosophy of the eighteenth century, posits that many of humanity’s problems come from living under governments. Jean-Jacques Rousseau had begun The Social Contract by writing “Man is born free, and is everywhere in chains.” One solution to this paradoxical situation was to inaugurate representative democracies; but the anarchists found even this solution too confining, for they argued that all governments, whatever their official form, quickly become plutocracies (societies governed by the rich). Many socialists and communists argued that the path to reform lay through collective ownership of the means of production to ensure that there would be no rich. The transition to full economic democracy would be managed by a centralized, all-powerful government. Anarchists argued that such centralization could never lead to the hoped-for decentralized egalitarian society: centralization leads only to more centralization, they claimed. If people want freedom, they must claim it directly.

Anarchists differ a good deal among themselves, but they tend to share a high regard for voluntary cooperation, local control, and mutual tolerance. Sharing is promoted as a social ideal, but only on a voluntary basis. All of these are values much promoted in the counterculture of the “Sixties” (which lasted from approximately 1967 to 1974); and the novel is clearly a product of its time. In many ways, Annares is an idealized hippie commune.

But LeGuin deliberately chose to depict Annares as flawed, for two main reasons: 1) it made her novel more credible: everyone objected to the perfectionism of the old-time utopias and 2) by focusing on Anarres’ flaws, its ideals were made all the more apparent. When Shevek goes to Urras he learns how deeply he has absorbed the values of the society he has rebelled against. How one reacts to Annares will depend powerfully upon one’s own social background and values. To many of its earliest readers Anarres, however flawed, clearly presented a preferable ideal to contemporary American society. Its stress on sharing, on volunteerism, and on tolerance was highly attractive. To some contemporary readers, Anarres seems rather like a nightmare. While it is crucial to understand that LeGuin did not expect or want this reaction from readers, it is interesting to explore why it developed. What values in current American society run counter to the ideals of Anarres? Keep trying to answer this question as you explore the novel.

LeGuin often presents an Anarran value by showing its limits. She is not saying these values are undesirable or cannot be attained, but that there are human tendencies which may frustrate their full realization. Sometimes the “flaws” she presents are so minor as to constitute merely a clever way of avoiding the criticism of perfectionism. It is as if someone were to describe a world in which AIDS had been conquered by complaining that other, less threatening diseases had become more frequent as the result of people abandoning “safe sex” practices: one would have to be very naive not to realize that the real point of such a description is to praise the conquest of AIDS, though in a back-handed way.

The philosophy of Anarres was provided by the philosopher Laia Odo, the founder of Odonianism. LeGuin later wrote a remarkable story about her entitled “The Day Before the Revolution.” She was an anarchist philosopher and rebel in the dictatorial state of A-IO on the planet of Urras. Her most influential book is called The Analogy. Beginning the day after her death, her followers led a revolution against that state which eventuated in their settlement of a neighboring planet, poor in agricultural resources, but rich in ore, named Anarres. The two worlds are of approximately equal size, but each regards the other as its “moon.” The symbol of Odonianism is the circle, which encloses all individuals within the group and which also emphasizes a holistic approach to life. Avoiding pyramidal hierarchy, the circle promotes the view that “true departure is return.” How is this slogan illustrated by Shevek’s story as told in this novel? But the circle can also be limiting. What circle at the very beginning of the novel indicates the limits of Odonianism?

The form of the novel is also circular. It ends where it began. Starting at mid-point in the plot with Shevek’s departure for Urras, the next chapter describes his childhood. The chapters alternate from that point on in describing events before and after his departure, each strand of chapters progressing in its own chronological order.

LeGuin has sometimes been severely taken to task for choosing a male protagonist. Her initial rather flip defense was to say that as a science fiction writer she enjoyed trying to enter alien minds, so she was naturally drawn to portraying men. In fact, most of the protagonists of her early novels are male. But her critics overlooked the fact that her novel incorporates many feminist values, even if it is not a radical feminist utopia. In some ways, it is especially revealing to have these values reflected through a masculine consciousness.

Unfortunately, many contemporary readers have only vague or distorted notions of what the feminism of the 70s was all about, so here is a checklist of views commonly asserted by at least some feminists during that period, and which LeGuin is being influenced by or reacting to in her novel:

  1. Men and women should not be stereotyped by their gender roles.
  2. One branch of feminism argued that there are no innate pyschological or social traits associated with being a man or woman; another argued that there are, but that the ones associated with women have been devalued and distorted by patriarchal culture.
  3. Men think in a linear fashion, women tend to think more holistically (the circle is a female symbol suggesting this idea).
  4. Men define themselves by what they own and control; women by their relationships to other people.
  5. Jobs should be done by whoever can do them, and gender is largely irrelevant to this.
  6. Women should have equal access to jobs with men.
  7. Marriage and motherhood should not prevent women from having careers any more than it prevents men from doing so.
  8. Women should be able to pursue their careers without having where they live determined entirely by their husbands’ jobs.
  9. The social emphasis on physical beauty depersonalizes and dehumanizes women.
  10. Language oppresses women: terms associated with them often create a presumption of passivity and weakness. New ways of using language to make men and women more equal are needed.
  11. Capitalism is a patriarchal institution which oppresses women.
  12. Women should not have to reshape and decorate themselves (removing body hair, for instance) to be accepted and loved.
  13. Homosexuality and bisexuality should be just as socially acceptable as heterosexuality–as should celibacy.
  14. Sex should be a matter of intimate sharing, not of conquest or trophy-hunting.
  15. Rape is a crime of violence which should be punished much more severely than it usually is.
  16. Women should not be defined by their childbearing abilities. Men can and should raise children as well as women.
  17. Men strive to compete, but women prefer communal decision-making in which all aspects of a problem are discussed until a consensus is arrived at so that the group is not divided into winners and losers.
  18. Modern childbirth techniques common in hospitals are dehumanizing and dangerous. Women should be able to give birth at home, without drugs, using such traditions as giving birth in a squatting position.
  19. Childbirth is a natural phenomenon, not a disease. Women should be able to return to work shortly after giving birth.
  20. The medical establishment is generally male-dominated; women need to reject the authority of doctors and insist on treatments appropriate to their needs.
  21. A marriage in which a woman is prized only for her sexual attractiveness and availability is a sort of prostitution.
  22. Children should be able to make many decisions about how they are raised.
  23. A few feminists even argued that children should be able to “divorce” their parents.
  24. Children should be raised to accept their bodies and their sexuality without shame.
  25. Children can be raised by all kinds of configurations of loving adults: the traditional nuclear family is not necessarily the best model for childrearing.
  26. Great women from the past can provide inspiration for us today; their influence and importance need to be more widely recognized.

Note that this is not a definition of feminism–just a list of common attitudes among some feminists in the period that LeGuin was writing. See whether you can identify where she is agreeing with these positions, illustrating them, or disagreeing with them.

It is also possible to argue that Shevek is to some extent an idealized male from a feminist point of view: a model of what a male should be like. Do you agree or disagree? Why?

It could also be argued that making Shevek a man provides a more impressive case for anarchist values than if he had been a woman. Argue for or against his position.

The title of the novel may be a reference to Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s much less sympathetic work about Russian anarchists, The Possessed, also known in English as The Devils.

Chapter 1

The wall described in the opening symbolizes several of the themes of the novel. Look for other references to walls in the text. What is the meaning of this sentence: “It enclosed the universe, leaving Anarres outside, free?” Can you see any irony in it? A “syndic” would be a representative of a “syndicate.” Although now the term is used almost exclusively in the popular press in the expression “crime syndicate,” syndicalism was at one time an important movement for social reform, urging the formation of voluntary groups to own and democratically control factories and other means of production. Syndicalists are anarchists in that they oppose any form of formal, centralized government, preferring society to be organized through voluntary labor unions. The most successful syndicalist organization in American history was the IWW (Industrial Workers of the World), which peaked in the years before World War I. Syndicalists highly value power exercised from the bottom up (the IWW even organized hoboes) and reject authority imposed from the top down. They tend to be equally hostile to capitalists and communists. In the paragraph beginning “People often came out,” what evidence can you find of feminist values? Of a lack of radical feminist values?

What does it imply about the foreman’s culture that she cannot understand the term “bastard” in either its literal or figurative senses? What does her reaction to the pistol tell you about her culture? What qualities make the Odonians poor at mob action? What does their awkwardness in this situation tell you about their society’s values? What kind of values make knives preferable to firearms as weapons? Do these different values suggest that “human nature” has changed? Explain. Why do you suppose LeGuin begins her novel by depicting the Anarrans at their worst?

Shevek is a brilliant scientist, but his world does not give titles like “doctor” to indicate ranking. “Doctor” is merely a descriptive term for a physician. What is “the one law he had ever acknowledged?” What impression does this opening scene give you of Shevek’s character? What do you think this means: “I will go to Abbenay and unbuild walls”? What effect does being vaccinated have on Shevek? How does this incident illustrate the limits of pure freedom?

LeGuin acknowledges the reluctance of English-speakers to speak frankly about excretion by inventing her very own term for “toilet” (a word which originally means a table at which a woman applies make-up). There has never been such a word in English. “Outhouse,” “water closet,” “WC,” “lavatory” (meaning “place where one bathes), “bathroom” (as in “going to the . . .”): all are euphemisms. The use of “shit-stool” suggests that the Annarans are not ashamed of their bodily functions and see no need for euphemisms. As becomes clear in a moment, it is also a society which has no use for pajamas. What does the water valve in the washstand tell Shevek about the society that produced it? What passage a page or so later reflects the same ecological concern? This is a good example of utopian fiction’s (and SF’s) ability to comment from the outside on aspects of our society that we take for granted. Remember that at the time this novel was written, long hair was a symbol of freedom, short hair or shaven heads a symbol of conformism and repression. Why is Shevek so upset about the door being locked? What does the doctor mean when he says that Shevek is not “an alien in the same sense”? Why didn’t Shevek bring any money on this trip? What quality in the captain did Odo call “the creation of pseudo-species”?

What is Shevek’s attitude toward religion? Look for the wall metaphor in the paragraph beginning “All their conversations were like this. . . .” What is Shevek’s reaction to Kimoe’s arguments for a sexual division of labor? Evaluate his arguments. What does it mean to say that it feels as if there is “a woman in every table top?”Why are the Iotis so excited about Shevek’s arrival? What values do Ioti women’s fashions reflect?

Chapter 2

We now shift back in time to Shevek’s childhood. What does “Divlab” probably stand for? What does the struggle for the spot of sunlight tell us about Shevek? About his society? In the episode from Sheveks’ eighth year, we see him having independently reinvented one of the paradoxes of the ancient Greek philosopher Zeno. What does this incident tell us about Shevek? About his society? The teacher appeals to the feelings of the group to exclude Shevek. What is really going on? What does Shevek like about numbers? Follow the term “decad” and see whether you can figure out about how long a decad is. What is implied by the fact that Shevek knows his father is going to “copulate with a woman named Pipar?” How many facts about Anarran society can you tease out from this one passage? What does the wall imagery in Shevek’s dream suggest?

The third passage, from Shevek’s eleventh or twelfth year, begins with a reference to the Fort in Drio, where Odo was imprisoned for years. Look for it later in the novel. The game of “prison” that the children play seems exciting at first, then terrifying . What is this episode meant to convey? There is much more to it than a simple statement about “human nature.” Some critics have objected to LeGuin portraying the young boys as eliminating girls from their company. What do you think of this criticism? What can you deduce about the nature of adolescent male/female relations from the following passage, from Shevek’s mid-teens? In the preceding chapter it was mentioned in passing that Ioti women shave off their fine body hair: here, when the hairy corpses of children are mentioned, it is made clear that this hair, fine though it may be, is more prominent among Shevek’s race than among humans. What is Tirin’s reaction to the anti-Urrasti propaganda they are given in school? Why is Shevek’s reaction interesting, given the previous chapter? Summarize and evaluate Sheveks’ explanation to Tirin of why the Anarresti are not “forbidden” to help the Urrasti?

The afforestation project is meant to be a heroic undertaking, an inspiring example of cooperative effort that, for all its grueling aspects, shows the Anararresti at their best. Is this forced labor? Explain. What does the footnote to “Tadde” tell us about the nature of Odonian families? Gimar is not described as a conventional beauty. What do we know about her looks? Does monogamy conflict with the other values of Odonianism? See the later passage discussing the language of sex. What do you think of the argument over whether women are natural propertarians or anarchists? Why is it insulting to call someone a profiteer? Why don’t passersby intervene to stop the fight between Shevek and Shevet? What does the next passage convey about the normal course of sexual development in Odonian society? What hard lesson does Mitis teach Shevek when she sends him off to work with Sabul? What does Tirin’s beggarman skit tell us about the Anarresti? At the party Shevek meets his wife-to-be, the tall girl with the short hair. How else is she described? The argument she makes is a criticism frequently made by anarchists of Marxists. Communist society was supposed to build a paradise on earth through self-sacrifice; but many Marxists came to view the rejection of worldly comforts as good in itself. The problem in Russia was an extremely low level of industrial development which meant that the Communists had to coerce the population into industrializing whereas Marx always assumed that industrialization would have taken place under bourgeois domination in the period preceding any Communist revolution. The Odonians do not lack technology. What factor makes their society one of scarcity rather than abundance, encouraging the ascetic views which the girl rejects? Is it the fault of their social organization that they enjoy few luxuries?

Chapter 3

Shevek thought of “airships” earlier; now it becomes clear that these are dirigibles. What advantages do dirigibles have over airplanes in a society such as his? What appeals to Shevek about Urras? Is Chifoilisk correct in saying “Human nature is human nature?” What about the context suggests he is wrong, though his insight about Sabul is essentially correct?

“Ainsetain of Terra” is of course Einstein of Earth. Humans are “aliens,” as are the Hainish. Le Guin has written several novels set among the Hainish, who are ultimately the ancestors of all these races. Though it is not necessary to know those novels to understand The Dispossessed, it is important to understand that Urras is not a clone of Earth. As we shall see, it is neither so scrupulously maintained as Anarres nor so exploited as Earth.

How do Shevek’s memories about Mitis and his education contrast with the following conversation about the women Shevek had met at the party the previous night? Pae is a “moderate” on the issue of education for women. What is his position? What else is being said about gender in this passage? What is Shevek’s reaction to Oiie’s comment that he comes as an emissary of his society? How does the PDC function on Anarres? What pleasant surprises does Shevek experience?

As is revealed in Chapter 11, the Earth people call Anarresti and Urrasti “Cetians” because their planets orbit the prominent star Tau Ceti, eleven light-years from Earth.

What does Shevek’s comment “Perhaps our woes are inescapable” imply about the society he comes from? Thu is a sort of Stalinist, communist state as described by Pae. Benbili corresponds more or less to the underdeveloped world of Earth. Study the paragraph beginning “Traveling by car or train.” What messages is LeGuin conveying here? Is desire for profit the only natural human motive for work? How do the newspapers manage to censor Shevek despite their favorable reporting on his speech?

To understand the issues involved in Shevek’s research, one must know some basic physics. Relativity theory tells us that no object can travel faster than the speed of light, and in fact the amount of energy needed to accelerate a spaceship to even a large percentage of the speed of light is quite impractical. These facts make distant interstellar travel, trade, and warfare seemingly quite impractical and virtually pointless: a depressing conclusion that is usually dealt with in science fiction mentioned about either by ignoring it or coming up with various pseudo-scientific concepts such as “space warps” and magic “faster than light” (FTL) drives. LeGuin suggests that our inability to conceive of faster-than-light travel is a limitation of human science which might be overcome by a combination of elements from the Hainish, Earth humans, and the Anarresti and the Urrasti. “Sequency” refers to what physicists sometimes call “time’s arrow:” the fact that time moves in only one direction, one event after another. “Simultaneity” implies that time can be viewed differently, as is explained by Shevek at the party scene in Chapter 7. LeGuin’s proposal is no more scientific than the magic dilithium crystals which power the Enterprise; but it makes a striking metaphor for the synergy which can result from cooperation among different peoples.

What message does the Fort in Drio convey to Shevek? Note that the chapter ends with the Odonian symbol of empty hands.

Chapter 4

In what way is Anarres a colony? What motivates Anarresti to take on defense duty? Why did Odo advocate decentralization? What fact made it difficult for her to implement her anarchist philosophy? The clustering of similar businesses together in neighborhoods is very characteristic of pre-industrial cities, as are other features of Abbenay. What energy sources are used in Abbenay? What is implied by the open-fronted shops, the unlocked doors? Electric trolleys like those described in this chapter used to provide inexpensive and relatively unpolluting transportation in almost every town until the automobile took over. Many environmentalists still consider light rail a superior form of transportation. One perhaps paranoid theory (illustrated in Who Killed Roger Rabbit?) has it that the automobile manufacturers and petroleum companies conspired to destroy the old trolleys. What does the scene in which Shevek encounters the statue of Odo convey? How does Sabul exploit Shevek? What does the discussion of living/sleeping arrangements tell us about Odonian society? How much freedom is available? How much privacy? What do Shevek’s problems with Sabul tell us about the limits/problems of Odonian scientific research? What does Shevek’s meeting with Rulag tell us about Odonian family life and gender roles?

Chapter 5

What are the good and bad points of Shevek’s students? How do they react to his decision not to give grades? What does Shevek’s reply to their complaints mean? It may seem bizarre that students are not allowed to marry, but this was a common rule in colleges on our planet not so long ago. In fact, by allowing professors to marry, Urras is being more liberal than nineteenth-century England or America. Shevek is shocked by the price of the fur coat in the window. Why? But the high price of this coat is also a sign of what good aspect of Ioti society? One of the classic criticisms that socialists make of capitalist society is the “alienation” that it causes in the workers, the product of whose labor is separated from them, unlike the old guild system in which the craftsman was also the dealer. Judging by Shevek’s reaction to Ioti stores, how would the Odonians seem to have overcome this problem? When the communist Chifoilisk from Thu tries to get Shevek to think of him as an ally, what is Shevek’s reaction? Why does he claim that the Odonians are not idealists? Is this an altogether negative observation? Explain. What are his criticisms of Thuvian socialism? Odo’s saying that where there’s property there’s theft strongly resembles the classic saying by the socialist Proudhon, “Property is theft.” Can you distinguish between the two? What is the significance of the fact that Oiie’s children are the first to ask Shevek to describe Anarres? Explain and evaluate the Anarresti system for getting dangerous, hard jobs done and their method of controlling uncooperative behavior. The wall symbol returns at the end of this chapter, in Shevek’s dream. How is it used here?

Chapter 6

Why is Desar’s hoarding of goods irrational? What attitudes characterize the Odononian approach to the arts? How are they different from the dominant attitudes in our culture? When Bedap mentions the conversation about suicide and suffering, he lets us know that the tall woman was Takver, Shevek’s wife-to-be. What function does the symbol of the wall perform in Bedap’s talk with Shevek? What is Bedap’s theory of how ideas are crushed in Odonian society? What does he think the basic problems are? What is Shevek’s answer? (Hint: it is the same answer that used to be given to justify the repressive government of the U.S.S.R.) Note that throughout his childhood and youth Shevek is mostly a very traditional Odonian, shocked when others attack the system. Although he will become a rebel, he does so reluctantly. What effect does this pattern have on the novel? Does it make more credible his renewed appreciation of Odonianism when he is on Urras? Why is it blasphemy that kids are memorizing Odo’s words? How does Tirin’s punishment (which is strongly reminiscent of the Chinese Cultural Revolution) illustrate what has gone wrong on Anarres? Are these flaws inevitable, do you think? What does it tell us about Anarresti culture that Shevek can pair with Bedap for a while even though he is “pretty definitely heterosexual?” How do Salas’ difficulties in music parallel the problems Tirin talked about earlier? Describe Shevek’s second encounter with Takver: how is it different from the typical encounter of lovers in fiction? The relationship between Takver and Shevek has come under heavy criticism from some quarters. Can you see why? Note that there is no wedding. Anarchists generally reject the idea that the state should play any role in formalizing relationships. How does Shevek view Takver’s relationship with nature? In the scene of the couple lying out under the moon we are reminded of the fine fur that covers the skin of these people.

Chapter 7

Note the recurrence of the wall symbol at the top of the second page of this chapter. What does it stand for here? To what sort of familiar Earth event does the uprising in Benbili and A-Io’s response to it correspond? What does Shevek hear the birds singing on campus? What does Shevek learn about sex and gender on Urras in his relationship with Vea? Why does she think the Odonians have no morality? Why does she prefer a fixed morality? What does Shevek say is the characteristic that allows the strongest to survive? Can you make arguments for or against this proposition? Explain the meaning of Shevek’s statement “To break a promise is to deny the reality of the past; therefore it is to deny the hope of a real future.” What does Shevek’s long answer to Vea’s question about what Anarres is really like tell us about his current feelings concerning the two planets? Note the recurrence of the wall image at the end of this speech. Why does the sexual encounter between Shevek and Vea go so badly? At the end of the chapter Pae discusses the danger of an uprising, and mentions the possibility of a general strike. This was the chief revolutionary weapon advocated by syndicalists. Although most were not pacifists, they thought an armed revolution unlikely to succeed. The idea was to organize the majority of the population into labor unions which would then simultaneously agree to go on strike, essentially bringing the country to a halt, until the government was forced to step down. There have been a few notable general strikes in history, some of them fairly successful.

Chapter 8

Why does Takver have such trouble understanding the concept of hell? Shevek’s difficulties in getting his work published are a reminder of the old saying that the press is free for anyone who owns one. The perpetual excuse of the Soviet government for not printing unorthodox ideas a shortage of paper is alluded to as well. One of the major agenda items of the women’s movement in the seventies was childbirth reform: including less use of drugs (indeed an end to treating childbirth as a medical emergency rather than as a natural event), labor in the more efficient sitting posture, an end to the practice of whisking the newborn off to a nursery instead of letting it bond with its mother first, and the use of midwives instead of doctors for normal childbirths. All of these points and some others are illustrated in this childbirth scene, which was utopian at the time it was written but fairly commonplace now. What are the advantages and disadvantages of seeing monogamy as a purely voluntary, private institution without any institutionalization? Does LeGuin imply that monogamy is superior to other forms of relationships? What are the normal penalties for rape? Divlab’s willingness to separate couples for reasons of work will remind some of Chinese government policies; but couples in our own culture are often separated for work reasons. Is the Anarresti system more like the Chinese or like ours? In a capitalist depression, many people are without work at all while those still working must labor extremely hard to survive. What is the Odonian alternative to this pattern? Why are most telephone calls on Anarres long distance? The episode of the drought is meant to convey how this society deals with such a crisis. Be careful that your concern over Takver’s and Shevek’s separation does not obscure everything else that is going on here. How are they motivated in making the decisions they do? What works well during this crisis? Badly? Why is Pravic not a good swearing language? What weakness in the student-centered education system is revealed by Shipeg’s career?

Chapter 9

Why does Shevek say the bread he has eaten on Urras has betrayed him? The ansible, which allows instantaneous communication (in some mysterious way evading the Einsteinian light-speed limit), is a feature of many of LeGuin’s stories. It is characteristic of her socially-oriented SF that interstellar communication should be more important than transportation. Note that Terrans are thought of by Shevek as “jealous wall builders.” The search for a unified field theory discussed here has still been unsuccessful, though advances have been made since Einstein’s time. The wall metaphor recurs in the paragraph beginning “He had been groping and grabbing after certainty” and again on the next page in the paragraph beginning “After a while he got up shakily. . . .” What does Efor tell Shevek that helps motivate him to break out of the university grounds and contact the rebels? What is the essence of the argument between Tuio Maedda and “the girl” over the use of force? What does Shevek mean by telling the crowd “You cannot make the Revolution. You can only be the Revolution”? Describe the two views of proper military organization argued by Atro and Shevek.

Chapter 10

In what way are the remarks about men and women made by the driver to Shevek in the paragraph beginning “By damn, I agree with that!” rather traditional? When Shevek sees Sadik again he notes her furry face. When Sadik says “You can share the handkerchief I use,” she is uttering for the first time a line which Shevek remembered in an earlier chapter. How are the attractiveness of youth and sexual desire linked in the Shevek/Takver relationship? How long is an emergency long work shift? How does Tirin’s play answer the common objection that a communist/anarchist society would inevitably fail because the rich will always be able to buy property and power? Explain Shevek’s diagnosis of what went wrong with Tirin in the paragraph beginning, “Well, this.” What do you think of Takver’s arguments about the relationship between pregnancy and ethics? They recall distinctly a similar argument made by one of Shevek’s childhood friends in Chapter 2. Explain this statement: “That the Odonian society on Anarres had fallen short of the ideal did not, in his eyes, lessen his responsibility to it; just the contrary” (hint: the explanation is in the following lines).

Chapter 11

Note that Shevek notices that Ambassador Keng has a hairless face and that he feels hairy next to her. His reaction to her features as being childlike and rounded suggests that the Urrasti and Anarresti have more angular features. What does the Earth ambassador’s reaction to Urras tell us about conditions on Earth? What does it mean that she thinks Urras is Paradise while Shevek thinks it is Hell? Note how carefully LeGuin has avoided a bipolar value system in throughout this novel, creating a spectrum of social arrangements with none perfectly good or perfectly evil.

Chapter 12

This chapter is set just before the events of Chapter 1, bringing us full circle. Analyze the argument against parliamentary procedures given in the third paragraph. This preference for process over results stems directly from anti-hierarchical strains in sixties political movements. Note how Rulag is reintroduced into the story with no reference to the fact that she was Shevek’s mother. Why? What role does she play here? “No vote was taken, as usual.” What grounds might anarchists have for arguing against voting? What do you think of Odo’s message on deserving as quoted by the middle-aged man next to Trepil? The essence of the anarchist ideal lies in the speech of Bedap in the paragraph “Of course not.” What does it tell us about how an anarchist society can exist? It is revealed in the final lines that Shevek had not intended at first to go to Urras. Throughout the novel he has been backed by circumstances and experiences from one position to another, often in directions he had not intended to go. This makes him strikingly different from the classic enterprising SF hero who always knows exactly what he wants and goes right after it.

Chapter 13

Note the recurrence of the wall image in this chapter. Why do you think LeGuin chose to end the novel in the fashion she does? What advantages are there in not resolving everything?

Recommended Reading

Samuel R. Delany: ” To Read the Dispossessed,” in The Jewel-Hinged Jaw. N.Y.: Dragon Press, 1977, pp. 239-308.
I disagree with much Delany says in this long criticism of LeGuin’s novel, but it’s still one of the most thought-provoking and interesting responses to her work, followed by his own fictional “hetereotopia” Triton (aka Trouble on Triton).

Moylan, Tom: “The Dispossessed,” Demand the Impossible: Science Fiction and the Utopian Imagination. New York & London: Methuen, 1986, pp. 91-120.
Emphasizes its flaws as a utopia, but situates it usefully among analyses of related works. Moylan’s book is a must for anyone studying modern utopias.

More Science Fiction Study Guides

Notes by Paul Brians, Department of English, Washington State University, Pullman

First published 1994.

Revised March 5, 2017

Ray Bradbury’s The Martian Chronicles (1950)


Clearly Bradbury had a certain vision of the Mars in which these stories are set, a fantasy world based far more on Edgar Rice Burroughs novels (A Princess of Mars and its many sequels) than on contemporary science. Bradbury returned to this fantasy Mars in other stories not included in this volume (“The Exiles,” “The Fire Balloons” and “The Other Foot” in The Illustrated Man, “Night Call, Collect” and “The Lost City of Mars” in I Sing the Body Electric,; and “Dark They Were, and Golden-Eyed” in A Medicine for Melancholy). To a certain degree, Bradbury is also writing to counteract the image of a menacing Mars as portrayed first in H. G. Well’s War of the Worlds. In this work humans from Earth play the role of “invaders from outer space.”

The Martian Chronicles is best read as a collection of linked short stories rather than as a novel. Although such collections are unusual in “mainstream” fiction they are common in science fiction. Bradbury has always been more of a short story writer than a novelist, and most of the stories can be read separately from their present context. When that fact is realized, some of the inconsistencies and contradictions in The Martian Chronicles diminish in importance. The tone of the stories varies markedly. Some are very much in the mode of the horror tales which he had at first specialized in (collected in The October Country), and others are earnest parables of human folly. The Martians sometimes behave like monsters and sometimes like saints. A collection-novel such as this is often called a “fix-up” in SF, and Bradbury has clearly tried to fix this one up by adding connective bits between the main stories to smooth the joins; but that this smoothing-out process was not entirely successful is made clear by the fact that when the television miniseries was created the scriptwriters felt the need to impose far more unity on the stories than Bradbury had. But if the stories are considered as variations on a theme rather than as chapters of a unified novel, these variations should cease to be troubling.

One striking feature of many of these stories is the progressive political values which they embrace. Written during the height of the Cold War anti-Communist hysteria, they criticize imperialism, racism, environmental pollution, censorship, and the nuclear arms race. Bradbury was not alone. Several SF writers critiqued smug assumptions about the superiority of American values during that period. But that such a volume could become the single most widely-read SF book during the fifties is a tribute to the charm of Bradbury’s style, a compound of sentimental nostalgia, idealism, and above all delight in the pleasures of the senses. Note how often colors, textures, smells, and sounds are used in these stories to bring a scene to life.

But the qualities which made Bradbury America’s most beloved SF writer conceal other qualities more often associated with horror fiction: deep cynicism about family life, pessimism about progress, and disdain for people in the mass to a degree that approaches misanthropy (note his occasional preference for robots over human beings).His work reflects an adolescent discomfort with sexuality common among “Golden Age” SF writers, often viewing love and marriage as a trap to be evaded. Dialogue is also sometimes a weakness in his work, with speeches made more for poetic effect than for realism, and too many of the characters speaking the same peculiar Bradburian dialect (though similar complaints could be made about many fine writers, William Faulkner, for instance).

These stories made Bradbury’s reputation. They were embraced by many readers who never opened another SF book, so that many hard-core fans were jealous of his success and disdained him as not the “real thing.” With the passage of time, the book has been accepted with all its flaws as a SF classic whose charm and vividness still appeal. Many of the stories are as artfully crafted as anything in the genre.


Rocket Summer

Bradbury knew as well as anyone that no conceivable number of rocket launches could literally change the weather in this way; this is simply a fantasy, a tone poem evoking enthusiasm for the coming space age.


What features of this story make the setting and the characters alien and strange? Identify some specific “exotic” touches. What is Martian technology like? What features make them seem all too human, even old-fashioned? What are the unspoken assumptions about men’s and women’s roles in this story? What kind of relationship does this couple have? “Drink to Me Only With Thine Eyes” (set to a poem by Ben Jonson) was a sentimental popular song, old-fashioned even in 1950. If all Martians have last names that consist of a letter of the alphabet, there would seem to be only 26 possible names–rather restrictive. Can you think of any explanation for this pattern?

The Summer Night

How is this linking tale similar in theme to “Ylla?” “She Walks in Beauty” was written by Lord Byron in 1815 as a deliberate contrast to the tradition praising only “fair” (that is, blonde, light-skinned) women as beautiful. What qualities in the four lines quoted make it appropriate for its use here? Is the Martian ability to read thoughts an advantage or a disadvantage? Identify and discuss a familiar process that takes place among human beings for which this story could be read as a metaphor.

The Earth Men

How is Bradbury working against the standard expectations of a “first contact” story? Belief in telepathy (direct mind-to-mind communication of thoughts) has little or no scientific basis, but it is a staple of science fiction because it makes possible interesting plots and because as here it solves the knotty problem of how alien races can communicate with each other. What prevents the Martians from realizing that the men are really from Earth? Why might people who believe in “flying saucers” and other alien contacts like this story? In the previous stories the Martians had no problem in perceiving that the thoughts invading their minds were alien; can you come up with any explanation for why they might now view the earth people as manifestations of their own minds?

The Third Expedition

Bradbury nostalgically evokes his early 20th-century midwestern small-town upbringing in many stories, notably those collected in Dandelion Wine. Yet for all its sentimental appeal, he also repeatedly uses the setting for the evocation of nightmares. Here he portrays an America which by 1950 was already vanishing and would be quite unlike the background familiar to any probable astronaut young enough to be sent to Mars in the year 2000. Because we are reading this story long after it was written, this incongruity strikes us more forcefully than it would have struck those who first read it, for they shared Bradbury’s nostalgic memory. How does he rationalize his use of this setting? The music mentioned was popular during the first two decades of this century. When this story was first published, it was titled “Mars is Heaven.” Explain this title. The Martians in “The Ear th Men” seem to have acted out of confusion rather than malice. Is this true of the Martians in this story? What do you think their motives are? Why might those motives have developed since the time of the earlier story?

And the Moon Be Still as Bright

The title comes from the Lord Byron poem, “So We’ll Go No More A-Roving” (1817) which is usually read as a meditation on the inevitability of death. What might its meaning be in this story? This story seems modeled on World War II movies about a small troop of men from various ethnic backgrounds faced with a dangerous environment. The token minority figure here is a Native American named “Cheroke.” In the TV version, one character was made into an African-American instead; but why is Bradbury’s choice especially appropriate for this story? To what historic event does the death of the Martians correspond? The crew seems much like that of a traditional adventure novel: rough, ill-educated sailors, very unlike the astronauts of our day. Aside from the question of realism, why might Bradbury have wanted to use a group of “average guys” as his explorers? What is the point of Spender’s speech about the tendency of Earth Men to rename everything? (This theme is continued later in the story “The Naming of Names.”) What critique does Spender make of American civilization as regards art in his final conversation with the captain? What does Spender see as the two cultural forces that clashed on Earth but which the Martians succeeded in blending? How did Martians answer the question, “What is the meaning of life?” according to Spender? In 1950 tape recording on reels was brand-new cutting-edge technology (brought back from conquered Germany by GIs), so Bradbury has the Martians record their music in this futuristic fashion. What is the significance of the captain’s meditations on majority rule while he is hunting down Spender? What is the attitude of this story toward democracy?

The Green Morning

Even in 1950, it was known that Mars had little oxygen in its atmosphere. Its reddish hue suggested that at one time there had been more free oxygen on Mars which had slowly combined with iron to produce iron oxide. The standard science fictional Mars was an exhausted planet whose ancient civilization if any would have died with the atmosphere. Humans could live there only in sealed environments or by “terraforming” the planet to render its atmosphere more breathable: a project recently explored in the novels Red Mars and Green Mars by Kim Stanley Robinson. Bradbury characteristically ignores scientific plausibility here to create a poetic image loosely related to such projects. What makes this account different from such a scientific project?

The Locusts

What significance do the similes used of the rockets have?

Night Meeting

One of the favorite SF themes with only very slim scientific justification is time travel. No rationale is offered here for communication between eras: Mars is magic. But it’s pointless to criticize Bradbury too much for this fact: very few time-travel stories even by the most rigorously scientific authors cannot be reduced to self-contradiction by a little elementary logic. What is the emotional impact of this encounter between two eras? What indication is there in this story that when it was written Bradbury was not thinking of a Mars covered by the trees described in “The Green Morning?” Is there a message in this story? What does the closing paragraph convey about the nature of life and time?

The Musicians

Bradbury gives no rationale for this determined obliteration of the Martian cities, much more thorough and deliberate than anything ever attempted in the history of Earthly colonialism. It is here that he first introduces the concept of “Firemen” who light fires rather than putting them out, a concept developed more fully in his novel Fahrenheit 451. What seems to be his attitude toward humanity here?

Way in the Middle of the Air

This story seems very dated–even condescending–now: but it was written during the first stirrings of the post-World War II civil rights movement, and was outspoken for its time in its attack on Southern lynching, segregation and racism generally. What would be the significance of naming a rocket “Over Jordan?” To what Biblical events one past, one future is this escape from Earth compared? Note that although in “The Shore” it is implied that only Americans can afford rockets, they are here available to poor people. These stories do not all exist in exactly the same fictional universe. Is human nature portrayed any differently in this story than in the stories immediately preceding it? There is a sequel to this story called “The Other Foot” in The Illustrated Man, in which the African-American immigrants to Mars have to decide whether to take their revenge on the whites who follow them into exile, making up a new minority group.

The Naming of Names

This theme of this story is more fully developed in “The Exiles” from The Illustrated Man. What quality of the later immigrants to Mars serves to introduce the next story?

Usher II

This story was omitted from the television version, probably partly because it would have been too expensive to produce; but also because it has no necessary connection with the other stories. It might just as well have been set on Earth as Mars. It reflects the Bradburian affection for fantasy and horror literature combined. The attack on censorship which it embodies (foreshadowing the more fully-developed attack of Fahrenheit 451 ) is justified by reference to fairy tales and other sentimental children’s favorites; but the works being defended most passionately are the horror tales of Edgar Allan Poe. Why do you think he includes the other seemingly unrelated, non-horror works? Many works by Poe are referred to in this story. How many can you identify? What movement active in 1950 seems to have inspired this attack on censorship? (Hint: Stendhal refers to it in his conversation with Bigelow.) The mentions of a number of characters from Oz will be unfamiliar to those unfortunate enough to know that land only from the Hollywood movie an d who have not read the long series of novels by L. Frank Baum. What is a Babbit? (Look it up.) Does this story successfully convey an anti-censorship message? Why or why not?

The Martian

From this point on, having seemingly exterminated the Martians, Bradbury brings them back again and again in various forms. Rather than view this as a damaging inconsistency it makes more sense to read these stories as variations on a theme. What human characteristics is Bradbury commenting on in this story?

The Luggage Store

This story seems wildly implausible now, but it was modeled on the flight of émigré s from Europe back to the U.S. at the beginning of each of the great World Wars; and would have seemed familiar to readers in 1950. What motivates the immigrants to return to Earth?

The Off Season

Visions of atomic apocalypse were published in some numbers in the years immediately following the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Even though in 1948 the Soviet Union was far from posing any serious nuclear threat, Bradbury’s story reflects the fears o f many that humanity had entered an era of unprecedented danger. In which earlier story did Sam Parkhill play a role? Is his behavior here consistent with that in the earlier story? Explain. How does this story compare with t he traditional battle-with-aliens-for-survival story? The description of the death of Earth is even more fantastic than the collapse of an entire city from the impact of a single bullet earlier in the story. Why do you think Bradbury uses such exaggerated language? What would a real nuclear war probably look like from Mars?

The Silent Towns

Bradbury wrote a variation on this story entitled “Night Call, Collect,” published in I Sing the Body Electric. This story is probably the most stereotypically sexist in the book. What do you think its message is?

The Long Years

This story celebrates love, marriage, and other traditional family values. Does it make you feel better about the human race?

There Will Come Soft Rains

This story was partly inspired by the silhouettes of people burned by the bomb onto buildings and streets in Hiroshima. Like “Usher II,” there is no obvious reason for it to be included in a volume of stories set on Mars, and was omitted from the television miniseries. It is an unusual story in that it has no living human beings in it. How does Bradbury manage to tell the family’s story anyway?

The Million-Year Picnic

This was the first of the Martian Chronicles stories to be written, shortly after the end of World War II. It was first published in Planet Stories in the summer of 1946. Does the story make you feel hopeful for the survival of the human race? What measures does the father take to try to ensure for his children a better future? Do any of these measures conflict with values expressed earlier in The Martian Chronicles? Many people who have read and loved The Martian Chronicles forget entirely that the Earth is destroyed in a nuclear holocaust during the course of the book and are surprised to be reminded of the fact. Why do you suppose this is true?

Recommended reading:

Gary K. Wolfe: “The Frontier Myth in Ray Bradbury,” in Martin Greenberg & Joseph D. Olander, eds. Ray Bradbury. New York: Taplinger, 1980, pp. 33-54. Ê

More Science Fiction Study Guides

Notes by Paul Brians, Department of English, Washington State University, Pullman

Version of June 6, 1995.

Copyright Paul Brians 1995

Last revised March 27, 2003

Walter M. Miller, Jr.: A Canticle for Leibowitz (1959)


Although A Canticle for Leibowitz was published as a book in 1959, one version of it was written earlier. The first section, also entitled “A Canticle for Leibowitz” (now “Fiat Homo” [“Let There Be Man”]) appeared in 1955, the second section appeared as “And the Light Is Risen” (“Fiat Lux” [“Let There be Light”]) the next year, and the conclusion appeared in 1957 as “The Last Canticle” (“Fiat Voluntas Tua” [“Thy Will Be Done”]), all in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction. When he reworked the material for the novel, Miller made substantial changes and additions. Although he published a few stories before and after, and wrote most of a sequel to Canticle, at his death this remained his only successful work. The sequel, Saint Leibowitz and the Wild Horse Woman was almost finished when he committed suicide, and was completed by Terry Bisson and published in 1997. Canticle is widely considered a classic, has never been out of print, and is widely taught in science fiction courses.

Written during the height of 50s concern over the danger of nuclear war, Canticle was the most literarily successful science fiction novel written on the subject until Russell Hoban’s Riddley Walker (1980). Part of the novel’s success derives from its richly realized setting, a post-holocaust America where scraps of pre-war knowledge are gathered and preserved by a Catholic Church which no longer understands that knowledge. The novel takes for granted familiarity with the idea that after the fall of the Roman Empire, knowledge was preserved in Western Europe almost exclusively in small, isolated communities of priests and monks during a centuries-long dark age, recopied by men who often understood little of the ancient manuscripts of which they were the custodians.

There have been scores of novels set after a nuclear war in a neo-Medieval setting, but none so lovingly developed on the basis of a detailed study of the original Middle Ages. Miller remained a Catholic through much his life, though in tension with the Church, (he turned bitterly against it toward the end, as is evident in Saint Leibowitz and the Wild Horsewoman). Most SF is highly critical of religion when it touches on the subject at all; but Canticle is distinguished by its serious consideration of religious issues, even though it sometimes departs from orthodoxy. Miller obviously could not have anticipated Vatican II’s movement away from the use of Latin, and he imagines its revival in the new Dark Age, with the English of our age functioning only as an archaic ceremonial language.

The other most memorable feature of the books is the delightful portrait of the feckless brother Francis. Richly detailed characterization and real wit are both unusual in SF, and have helped to make this work a classic. “Fiat Homo” is clearly the strongest part of the work, which suffers to some degree as a novel from the very long time spans which separate each of its sections. Like The Martian Chronicles, it is well to remember that each section was composed separately and can still be read rewarding on its own.

Many of the following notes require looking up passages in the Bible. If you do not have a copy you can access searchable one at It offers both the Vulgate Latin version which Miller draws upon and the Revised Standard Version in English.

Fiat Homo

Chapter 1

“Saint Raul the Cyclopean”; in Greek mythology a cyclops has only one eye, in the center of his forehead. This saint was presumably a similarly deformed person genetically damaged by the lingering radiation of the nuclear war which provides the backdrop for the novel. In the discussion of the Church’s attitude toward such mutations, how can one tell that the Church (unlike its Medieval predecessor) does not dominate the culture of the time?

“Adonoi Elohim” (“Lord God”, more conventionally spelled “Adonai”): a specifically Jewish chant. Lurking in the background of this tale is the Medieval legend of the “Wandering Jew.”According to this legend (unsupported by anything in the Bible, but widely told), when Christ was carrying his cross to the place of crucifixion, he paused to rest at the threshold of a house. Its owner roughly told him to move on. Jesus sadly replied, “You move on too, until I return.” The householder was forced to wander about the earth, undying, regretting his cruelty to the Savior, until Christ should return at the last judgment. Although this mysterious figure shares certain features with the Wandering Jew, Miller is no antisemite. What qualities characterize this character?

“I’m not a sport” a mutant.

“Leibowitz Abbey.” “Leibowitz” is intended to be immediately recognizable as a Jewish name. When the pilgrim mocks Francis by commenting that his kind are “still writing things backward” he reveals that he is more comfortable with Hebrew, which is written from right to left. Francis, however, is too ignorant to figure all this out.

“vocational vigils” a period of testing to see whether a novice (would-be monk) has the vocation “calling”–determining whether he is suitable, and chosen by God) to be a full-fledged monk.

“Ash Wednesday.” Six weeks before Easter, the beginning of Lent, which was traditionally a period of repentance and penance, involving abstinence from meat and other pleasures.

“Apage Satanas!” “Begone, Satan!”

“The natural results seemed to appear ex opere operato:” “from the operation, not the operator (literally, “from the work having been worked”),: a theological phrase which maintains the the sacraments are rendered valid not by the holiness of the priest who performs them but solely through the performance of the appropriate action. Though Francis thinks himself unworthy to perform an exorcism, his effort apparently works.

“Beelzebub” devil (the name was originally an insulting Jewish pun on the name of the Canaanite god Baalzebul, whose name meant “Lord of Lords;” the pun means “Lord of the Flies,” and was commonly used later as a name for the Devil).

“Et ne nos inducas in . . .” “And lead us not into . . . ” The phrase from the Lord’s prayer which concludes with “temptation.”

What does the stranger mean by his reference to changing stones into bread? (Hint: see Matthew 4:1-4.)

“Libellus Leibowitz “ “Little Book of Leibowitz.” Note that some of the following Latin lines are immediately translated by Miller.

Beatus (“blessed”) is a term assigned to those who are regarded as especially saintly, but who are not yet officially designated as saints. In what way does Leibowitz’s status resemble that of Francis?

What is the pilgrim’s attitude toward Francis? What is Francis’ attitude toward the pilgrim? Which of them seems more intelligent? How can you tell? Explain the symbolism of the keystone.

“Repugnans tibi, ausus sum quaerere quidquid doctius mihi fide, certius spe, aut dulcius caritate visum esset. Quis itaque stultior me . . .” “Resisting you, I have dared to seek whatever seemed to me to be more learned than Faith, more certain than Hope, sweeter than Love (“charity”) Who is therefore more foolish than I?” “Faith, hope, and charity” are traditionally considered the three theological virtues (see 1 Corinthians 13:13) (SS).

“O inscrutabilis Scrutator animarum, cui patet omne cor, si me vocaveras, olim a te fugeram. Si autem nunc velis vocare me indignum . . .” “O inscrutable scrutinzer of souls, to whom every heart is open, if you had called me, once I would have fled from you. If however now you should wish to call me, though unworthy. . . .”

“Libera me . . .” “Free me,” translated below as “Set me free. . . .” Francis will repeat part of this same prayer in Chapter 2, just after asking Leibowitz to pray for him.

The two Hebrew characters on page 10 are explained later in Chapter 3.

“pagan cabals” “The Kabbalah consists of mystical Jewish interpretations of the Hebrew Bible. Here the term stands for any mystical teachings disapproved of by the Church.

Why is it ironic to call the buzzards a “heavenly host?”

The Paraclete is a mysterious figure mentioned in the Gospel of John traditionally interpreted as the Savior. Note from Rev. Victor Peri Bogdanoff ( The term “Paraclete” is used two ways in John’s Gospel: by the author in reference to “the whole scope of Jesus’ and ministry both before and after his resurrection” and by Jesus himself to refer to a mysterious figure that will be sent to the disciples after his death, to ‘be with them always.'” In the Catholic tradition in which Miller is working, the “Paraclete” is normally taken to be the Holy Spirit, the third member of the Trinity, especially as manifested at Pentacost when it descended among Christ’s disciples.

Explain the reference to the “Dove.” (Hint: see Matthew 3:16.)

The Flame Deluge here refers to the nuclear holocaust which destroyed civilization, but “Deluge” originally designates the Biblical flood which destroyed all creatures outside the ark.

Salamanders were supposed in the Middle Ages to be able to survive in fire, probably because they were often found in the ashes of fires where they had taken refuge in search of residual heat after the fires were out.

Radioactive isotopes of cobalt, strontium and cesium were all much in the news as a result of concern over fallout from atomic bomb testing.

Chapter 2

“Domine, libera nos” “O Lord, deliver us.”

“A morte perpetua” “from everlasting death.”

“te rogamus, audi nos” “We beseech thee, hear us.”

To what does the term “Simplification” seem to refer in this story?

What does it tell you about this society that the term “servus puer” is familiar to Francis?

“ending the matter without benefit of clergy” dying suddenly, without any opportunity to confess sins to a priest and prepare for death and receiving the Last Rites: Confession, viaticum (communion for the dying), and anointing (“extreme unction”).

What was the probable explanation of the transformations undergone by the “launching pad site?”

In the 50s pastrami and bagels were eaten mostly by Jews.

Blueprints, now rare, used to be the dominant method of reproducing architectural and engineering drawings. They consist of white lines on a blue background and are prone to fade if exposed too much to light.

What was the evident occupation of Leibowitz?

Leibowitz seems to have scrambled together a collection of miscellaneous junk and papers and shoved them in the “first tool box he happened to grab,” sealed it and labelled it “Top Secret” and sent his wife to take it to this location. Why? Did he succeed in accomplishing what he wanted to do?

“Beate Leibowitz, ora pro me!” “Blessed Leibowitz, pray for me!”

Ut solius tuae voluntatis mihi cupidis sim, et vocationis tuae conscius, si digneris me vocare. . . . Repetition of the same prayer translated by Miller above, in Chapter 1.

Promotor Fidei The formal title of the so-called “Devil’s Advocate,” who challenges claims to sainthood. See below, Chapter 7.

“Angelus Domini nuntiavit Mariae” “The angel of the Lord announced unto Mary” (see Luke 1:26-35); the prayer recited at sunrise, noon, and sunset, but traditionally associated especially with sundown, called the “Angelus.” It commemorates the mysteries of the Annunciation (when Gabriel appeared to Mary and received her assent to bear the Son of God) and the Incarnation (when the Son of God took on flesh in the womb of Mary) (SS).

A “beatus” can only be recognized as a full-fledged saint if the Church confirms that he or she has performed a certain number of miracles after death. Even a beatus must have some documented miracles; a saint needs even more. In modern times the rules restricting the recognition of saints ( “canonization”) have become rather strict.

The passage about the debate over Mary’s “Preternatural Gifts” is a parody of the sort of tangled debate that led to the declaration of the Virgin’s “immaculate conception” (the doctrine that she was conceived without original sin, though the term is often confused with “virgin birth” the doctrine that she conceived Jesus while remaining a virgin) in 1854. The Dominicans are famous for their conservative theology (they were the order which ran the Renaissance Holy Inquisition).

What does the existence of “New Rome” suggest?

Chapter 3

What does Father Cheroki’s name suggest about his ethnic origin, given that the novel is set in the southwest of the old United States?

Since the monks very much want to have Leibowitz recognized as a saint, why is Father Cheroki so exasperated with Brother Francis?

What is a succubus? (Look it up.)

Chapter 4

What does it tell us about the social system of America that Father Cheroki “came of baronial stock?”

“Arkos” suggests “ark.” There are two arks in the Bible: Noah’s, which preserved human and animal life through the flood and the Ark of the Covenant, the box which contained the tablets of the Jewish law. It is thus an appropriate name for a preserver of knowledge in a post holocaust era (Olsen 140). But Ken Smith points out in a private communication that the word is Greek for “bear,” and that when Arkos is first introduced in the second paragraph of this chapter, “he reminded Cheroki of a were-bear only incompletely changed into a man.”

Why is Cheroki so hostile to the idea that the pilgrim was a miraculous appearance of Leibowitz?

“Benedicamus Domino” “Let us bless the Lord”: the standard greeting among monks. The standard response is “Deo gratias”–“Thanks be to God;” but Francis’ timidity is indicated by the hesitant question marks after each word in his reply.

“Magister meus,” “My Master.”

Chapter 5

Antiphon for Maundy Thursday: “Mandatum novum do vobis: ut diligatis invicem . . .” I give you a new commandment: to love one another” (John 13:34). Maundy Thursday is the day before Good Friday. This antiphon is sung during the “Maundy Laving” (see below, Chapter 25).

Chapter 6

What rationale does the legend say the creators of nuclear weapons used to justify their creation of atomic arsenals?

What is the motive for the “Great Simplification?” Such a movement is frequently described in older post-holocaust literature. Do you find it probable or credible? Why or why not?

How long ago did the nuclear war take place?

Chapter 7

“Ecce Inquisitor Curiae. Ausculta et obsequere. Arkos, AOL, Abbas” “This is the inquisitor of the Curia. Hear and obey. Arkos. Albertian Order of Leibowitz. Abbot.”

“Inquisition” The Holy Inquisition was an often ruthless and bloody Church organization dedicated to rooting out heresy, run by the Dominicans. Its chief officers were called “inquisitors.”

“Catharism” technically a Medieval religion popular in Provence until it was crushed by the Pope and the king of France in the infamous Albigensian Crusade of the 13th Century. Like Manicheanism, its predecessor in antiquity, it argued that the world is the locus of a struggle between two divine powers, one good, the other evil. Christianity argued that God was both perfectly good and supreme, and rejected the notion that Satan, for instance, had any power independent of God’s. Why do you think Catharism might have revived in the time during which this story is set?

“advocatus diaboli” The officer of the Church whose job was to challenge the evidence presented to prove that someone was a saint. His title means literally “devil’s advocate,” but his role is by no means seen as evil. His concern is to be certain that Leibowitz did not become a monk before establishing with certainty that his wife was dead because the Church forbid married men to become monks or priests, although widowers could.

“Ecce quam bonum, et quam jucundum” Psalms 133:1: ” Behold how good and how delightful.”The psalm goes on “to live together as brothers in unity,” so it is particularly appropriate for this ritual in which the new monks receive the kiss of brotherhood (SS).

A “missal” is a book containing all the prayers necessary for celebrating the mass throughout the year, a breviary contains the prayers used to be recited at various hours of the day, and the Summa is probably St. Thomas Aquinas’ Summa Theologiae (1267-73), the standard theological treatise of the Catholic faith.

“Glorificemus” Let us glorify [the Lord].”

“Miserere mei, deus” “Have pity upon me, God.”

“audi me” ” hear me”

Chapter 8

“Extreme unction” the last rite of the Church, preparing the dying Christian for death and judgment, involving anointing the dying person with oil.

“postulator” the official responsible for advocating the canonization of a saint, the opposite of an advocatus diaboli.

“prothonotory” one of seven members of the College of Prothonotaries Apostolic, responsible for recording major events in the history of the Church.

Chapter 9

Why does the Abbot veto the proposal to build a printing press?

Chapter 10

“Sacerdos Magnus” “Chief Priest (pope).

“Dei imago” “image of God.”

Why are mutant offspring called the “Pope’s children?”

The reference to Jacob overcoming the angel refers to Genesis 32:23-33.

Chapter 11

“Appropinquat agnis pastor et ovibus pascendis.” “The shepherd approaches to feed the lambs and the sheep.”

“Genua nunc flectantur omnia.” “Now let all knees be bent.”

“Jussit olim Jesus Petrum pascere gregem Domini.” “Jesus once ordered Peter to feed the flock of the Lord.” (John 21:16)

“Ecce Petrus Pontifex Maximus.” “Behold Peter, the Supreme Pontiff” (that is, the Pope).

“Gaudeat igitur populus Christi, et gratias agat Domino.” “Let, therefore, the Christ’s people rejoice, and give thanks to the Lord.”

“Nam docebimur a Spiritu sancto.” “For we shall be taught by the Holy Spirit.”

“plain chant” unharmonized monophonic song, such as the Gregorian Chant traditionally used in Catholic liturgy.

“Sancte pater, ab Saptientia summa petimus ut ille Beatus Leibowitz cujus miracula mirati sunt multi” “Holy Father, from the highest Wisdom we ask that the Blessed Leibowitz, at whose miracles many have marveled.”

“dulia” “Veneration (as opposed to worship, which is given to God alone)” (SS).

“Gratissima Nobis causa, fili” “Your cause is most pleasing to us, on account of her Son.”

“sub ducatu sancti Spiritus” “under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.”

“miserere nobis” “Have mercy upon us.”

“Sancta Dei Genitrix, ora pro nobis,Sancta Virgo virginum, ora pro nobis” “Holy Mother of God, pray for us, Holy Virgin of Virgins, pray for us.” Invocations in a lengthy and repetitious chant called the Litany of the Saints, a traditional prayer that calls upon Mary and all the saints for their intercession on behalf of the faithful. (The following invocation, Omnes sancti martyres, is also part of this litany. SS)

“Omnes sancti Martyres, orate pro nobis” “All the holy martyrs, pray for us.”

“Veni, Creator Spiritus” “Come, Creator Spirit” One of the most famous chants of the liturgy, a hymn to the Holy Spirit, used for the feast of Pentecost or (as here) to in order to call down the guidance and insight of the Spirit (SS).

“Surgat ergo Petrus ipse” “Then let Peter himself arise.”

“Te Deum” “Thee, God” (a chant sung particularly in acts of solemn thanksgiving).

“sedarii” Bearers of the Papal chair on ceremonial occasions.

“licet adire” “He is allowed to approach.”

“sedarius” singular of sedarii.

Why is the clan chief described as “converted” in quotation marks?

“scala caelestis” heavenly stairs.

“His Supreme Unctuousness” a sarcastic description of this official’s behavior, not a real title.

“Behold Peter” Catholics believe that Jesus’ disciple Peter (formerly a fisherman) was the first Pope.

What evidence is there that despite all the impressive pageantry at New Rome, the Pope has little real power and knows little of the outside world?

“Noli molestare” “Do not molest” (warning on the pass).

“excommunicating” excommunication is the extreme penalty of the Church, forbidding the condemned to receive the sacraments, and therefore almost certainly condemning him or her to Hell.

The story ends with lavish descriptions of the continuation and proliferation of life. How can we tell they are ironically meant?

How does this story leave you feeling about humanity? Is it optimistic? Pessimistic? Purely nihilistic?

Fiat Lux

Chapter 12

What does the first paragraph tell you about America in 3174? Is the Church dominant? Is civilization increasing or decreasing?

“nuncio” papal ambassador.

“Caesar” figuratively, any secular authority, following Christ’s usage in Matthew 22:21.

What is the nature of the disagreement between Thon Taddeo Pfardentrott and Marcus Apollo? Note how the formal Spanish term of address”Don” has evolved into Thon.

“Sheba expects Solomon to come to her” reversing the Biblical story (1 Kings 10:1-13). What does this phrase mean in the context of the story?

“Sub immunitate apostolica hoc suppositium est. Quisquis nuntium molestare audeat, ipso facto excommunicetur” “This has been placed under apostolic immunity. Let whoever dares to molest the messenger be automatically excommunicated.”

What is the origin of the village name of “Sanly Bowitts?” What about the culture explains the evolution of this name?

“Cui salutem dicit” “To whom [Marcus Apollo] sends greetings.”

“Feast of the Assumption” August 15: the day celebrating the ascent of the Virgin Mary into Heaven.

“Quidam mihi calix nuper expletur, Paule. Precamini ergo Deum facere me fortiorem. Metuo ut hic pereat. Spero te et fratres saepius oraturos esse pro tremescente Marco Apollini. Valete in Christo, Amici.” “A certain chalice is filled up for me recently, O Paulo. Pray therefore to God to make me stronger. I fear that I am doomed to death. I hope that you and the brothers will pray more often for the trembling Marcus Apollo. Farewell in Christ, friends.” The image of the full cup, or chalice to symbolize bitter suffering is taken from Matthew 26:42, where Jesus prays that he may be spared his impending suffering.

“Texarkanae datum est Octava Ss Petri et Pauli, Anno Domini Termillesimo” “Given at Texarakana on the Octave of Saints Peter and Paul [July 6] in the year of our Lord, 3000.”

“vespero mundi expectando” “waiting for the evening of the world”

Why is old Benjamin said to have lived for 5,408 years?

Chapter 14

After centuries of preserving human knowledge, why are some of those in the Church not entirely happy about its spread? In what ways does history seem to be repeating itself?

“Logos” as used in John 1:1. Logos is far more than simply the Greek for “word.” It means something like: “meaning” or “underlying pattern, structure, purpose.”

“Veronica’s veil” according to legend, a woman named Veronica helped Christ on his way to be crucified by wiping his sweaty face with her handkerchief. An image of his face came off on the cloth, which was preserved and exhibited for many centuries. Some scholars think the story was born out of a misinterpretation of the Greek phrase “vera ikon,” meaning “true image.”

“De Vestigiis Antecessarum Civitatum” “On the Vestiges of the Preceding Civilizations.”

“Machina analytica” “analytical machine” (computers).

“Cave canem” “Beware of the dog” a not uncommon inscription on ancient Roman houses.

“Vexilla regis” The rest of the line is quoted and translated on the next page. The 6th-century poet and bishop Venantius Fortunatus composed a Good Friday hymn which begins “Vexilla regis prodeunt” (“the banners of the King advance,” hailing the Crucifixion). Dante Alighieri parodied it in the first line of the final canto of his Inferno (part of the Commedia DivinaDivine Comedy) in which the hymn is altered so that the banners referred to become the vast wings of Satan.

“Sancta Maisie, interride pro me” instead of the more common request to a saint–“pray for me”–he asks her to laugh for him. “Interride” is a pun on the more usual “intercede” (SS). “Maisie” is probably a reference to a popular radio comedy series starring Ann Sothern: “The Adventures of Maisie.”

Chapter 16

What evidence is there that Benjamin is the Wandering Jew, or some variation on that theme? What evidence is there later in the chapter that he doesn’t fit the Wandering Jew tradition precisely?

“prodigal” In this context, stray (though the word more specifically means “spendthrift.” This is an allusion to the story of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15:13-32, concerning a young man who wandered away but returned home at last.

Benjamin’s speech about the goat is a compound of several Biblical references. Goats traditionally symbolized the damned in Christianity, as sheep symbolized the saved (see Matthew 25:33), at least partly because of the ancient Jewish tradition of the “scapegoat”–a sacrificial animal on whose back all the sins of the community were laid when it was driven into the desert to be destroyed by the demon Azazel (see Leviticus 16:8-10). Benjamin also identifies the goat as the beast on which the “Whore of Babylon” (originally symbolizing ancient Rome) rides in Revelation 17:3 at the end of the world.

Saint Paul was by profession a tent-maker; so it is not inappropriate that Benjamin should be a tent-mender.

The Hebrew inscription in this chapter is the Shema, the central statement of faith in Judaism, from Deuteronomy 6:4, which Jews originally wore in a container on their forheads and posted beside their doors in a container called a mezzuzah. Modern Jews often wear it in a small mezzuzah on a chain around the neck. In the King James translation it is rendered as “Hear, O Israel: the Lord your God is One God.”

“Torquemada” Tomás de Torquemada, infamously cruel Spanish Inquisitor General in the late 15th century, largely responsible for causing the expulsion of the Jews from Spain under Ferdinand and Isabella.

How does Dom Paulo rationalize to himself Benjamin’s claims to have lived for thirty-two centuries? Miller is careful to provide plausible rationalist alternatives for the seeming miracles in this book.

In discussing Christian theology with Paulo Benjamin makes some typically Jewish criticisms: whereas Jews believe in only one, undivided God, Christians claim that God can be three (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) and one at the same time; Christ’s resurrection (“life in death”) is not a part of traditional Jewish beliefs about the Messiah, who once born is never supposed to die; and Paul explains away the necessity to have faith in apparent absurdities in 1 Corinthians 1:17-25 in a passage that became a powerful tool against rationalism in the Middle Ages, whereas for Jews wisdom is identified with knowledge of and obedience to the Law.

“anchorite” a hermit, often living in the desert.

Why does Dom Paulo call the Jewish Messiah the “One-Who-Isn’t-Coming?”

“Come forth” Benjamin is referring to the story of Lazarus in John 11:1-44. What does he mean by alluding to this passage?

Manasses, Cyrus, Nebuchadnezzar, Pharaoh, Caesar” worldly rulers, all except Cyrus depicted as wicked in the Bible.

“Samuel warned us against them.” In Samuel 8 the Hebrews reject rule by religious leaders and beg the prophet Samuel for a king. In Samuel 8:10-18 he lists the many disadvantages of having a secular ruler, but at their insistence he crowns Saul whose reign turns out–as predicted–disastrously.

What precisely is the danger that Benjamin sees emerging at the present time? Why is he skeptical of the value of reemerging science and technology?

“El Shaddai” an ancient Hebrew name for God.

“Memento, Domine, Omnium famulorum tuorum” “Remember, Lord, all your servants.”

Chapter 17

What recent invention is threatening the survival of the abbey?

“How neighborly of the lion to lie down with the lamb?” Explain this speech on the basis of Isaiah 11:6.

“Tibi adsum” “I am here for you” (“at your service”).

Why does the statue in the last paragraph remind Paulo of Benjamin?

Chapter 18

This chapter begins with a reading based loosely on passages from the books of Job and Revelation in the Bible, but actually retelling the story of the Flame Deluge (nuclear war). Also alluded to is the story of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 19). In ancient Jewish tradition sheep (Genesis 22:1-13) or goats (Leviticus 16:15-22 are sacrificed as a substitute for human sacrifice, often to atone for sin. Although Christians reinstituted the concept of human sacrifice symbolically by considering the crucified Christ as the sacrificial “lamb of God,” (John 1:29) Jews and Christians both generally regard the reversion to literal human sacrifice as a great evil.

The word “holocaust” (Hebrew olah) has a complex history. Originally it designated a particular type of Hebrew sacrifice: one which was entirely consumed by fire instead of the usual practice in which most of the sacrifice was consumed by the priests. The term was ironically applied to the incineration of millions of Jews in Hitler’s Germany. Later writers, anticipating a global nuclear war, extended its meaning to apply to such a catastrophe.

The word “Name” is used instead of the actual name of the ruler of the nation that begins the war. “Pik-a-don” is Japanese for “flash-boom” and was the name initially given to the Hiroshima bomb by its victims. Miller is building on the Jewish tradition of not pronouncing the sacred name of God (YHWH) when reading aloud, but substituting Adonai (“Lord”) instead. In some early editions the scientist-magi’s name is misprinted “Backeneth” the first time instead of “Blackeneth.”

What does this story convey about Miller’s thoughts on the threat of nuclear war? Give as many details as possible.

“lectio devina” “divine reading.” The term refers to the monastic practice of “spiritual reading,” i.e. using scriptural and patristic texts as a springboard for meditation and contemplation. In this quotation devina is a misprint for divina (SS).

During the test of the new arc lamp, the monks recite the opening of Genesis (verses 1-5, given below in the familiar King James Version because of its literary influence; consult a modern translation for a more precise rendering of the original Hebrew):

“In principio Deus” In the beginning God.”

“Caelum et terram creavit” created heaven and earth.”

“Vacuus autem erat mundus” “The earth however was a formless void.”

“Cum tenebris in superficie profundorum” “with darkness on the face of the deep.”

“Ortus est Dei Spiritus supra aquas” “and God’s spirit hovered over the water.”

“Gratias Creatori Spiritui” “Thanks be to the Creator Spirit” (not in the Biblical text).

“Dixitque Deus: ‘FIAT LUX”” “and God said, ‘Let there be light.”

“Lucem esse bonam Deus vidit” “And God saw that the light was good.”

“Et secrevit lucem a tenebris,” and he divided the light from the darkness.”

“Lucem appellavit ‘diem’ et tenebras ‘noctes:'” “and he called the light ‘day’ and the dark ‘night’.”

“Vespere occaso” “Evening having fallen.”

“Lucifer” the monk shouts a common name for the devil when he is shocked, but “Lucifer” is originally also a name for the planet Venus and means “light-bringer.” The first matches in the 19th century were called “lucifers.”

“ortus est et primo die” and morning, the first day.”

What is the effect of having the monks recite this passage as they inaugurate the lamp?

Before light bulbs were developed, the first electric lights were noisy, expensive, but extremely brilliant arc lights like this. Looking directly at one is much like looking directly at a welding tool.

Chapter 20

“Flectamus genua” “Let us bend our knees” (a ritual genuflection, briefly kneeling on one knee) (SS).

“Levate” “Rise.”

“Oremus” Let us pray.

“et Spritus Sancti, Amen.”; “and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

“Sedete” “Be seated.”

“ad absurdum” “to an absurd length.”

What is the poet implying when he suggests that Leibowitz will become the new scapegoat?

Why does the abbot pretend that he is not worried about the study Thon Thaddeo’s companions have made of the abbey’s fortifications?

“et tu, Brute” “you too, Brutus” supposedly the last words of Julius Caesar, shocked that among those who stabbed him was his former friend and ally Brutus.

What is indicated about the men at the abbey by their reaction to Thon Thaddeo’s description of Monsignor Apollo’s unscientific beliefs about the refraction of light?

What is ironic about the young monk’s use of Saint Augustine in this discussion?

What foreboding prediction does Thon Thaddeo make about the course of science in the future?

Explain the meaning of the two paragraphs toward the end of the chapter which begin “He also suffered them to know how it might be saved. . . .”

What is signified by Benjamin’s appearance and speech?p>

Chapter 21

“Regnans in Excelsis” “Reigning in the highest.” The bull Regnans in Excelsis was the document published by Pope Pius V on February 25, 1570, excommunicating Queen Elizabeth I of England (SS).

Chapter 22

The first line indicates that this chapter is set in November, since the feast of All Saints is November 1 (SS).

“Vaquero” Spanish for “cowboy.”

“interdict” In the Middle Ages an interdict was imposed when the ruler of a country was excommunicated. Essentially the Church would go on strike, halting all masses, confessions, burials, weddings, etc., in the hope of arousing popular sentiment to force the ruler to submit to the pope.

What does this chapter have to say about the relationship between science and government?

“simoniac” A term used to characterize corrupt Church officials, particularly those who buy and sell Church offices (derived originally from the story of Simon Magus in Acts 8:9-24).

What is the significance of the fact that the names of the bishops who have signed Hannegan’s proclamation are unknown to the abbot?

“Diluvium Ignis” “Flame Deluge.”

Why might Thon Thaddeo be drawn to the theory that humanity is a recent invention developed by a pre-holocaust race? What effect would that fact have on the value of his scientific research?

“Lege” “Read!”

Thaddeo has been misled into thinking that humans were created in the 20th century by reading a fragment from Karel Capek’s 1921 play R.U.R. (Rossum’s Universal Robots), in which a scientist manages to breed artificial humans, called robotniki in the original Czech, translated as “robot” into English, becoming the word for “artificial human” in later writings. Click here for Ron Webb’s comments on this reference.

Over the whole course of the novel, who do you think turns out to be “right” about the importance of knowledge: Thaddeo or Paulo?

“ad Lumina Christi” “at the lights (‘lamps’) of Christ.”

“Nunc dimittis servum tuum, Domine. . . . Quia viderunt oculi mei salutare. . “ Excerpts from the gospel canticle that is sung during Compline, the night office, as a preparation for ending the day and going to bed, known as the Nunc dimittis (SS). The quoted portions means “Now let thy servant depart, O Lord [‘in peace” is omitted here]. . . . Mine eyes have seen Thy salvation.” The passage occurs originally in Luke 2:29-32 as the speech of Simeon, an elderly pious Jew who thinks he can now die in peace because he has seen the promised Messiah. What do you think is the speech’s significance in context of Canticle?

“For God doth know that in what day soever you shall eat thereof . . .” is from Genesis 3:4. What does this passage seem to mean in its original context? How does it relate to the subject of this chapter?

What does the last sentence of the chapter mean?

Chapter 23

“Ego te absolvo” “I absolve you” what a priest would say upon granting absolution for sins during confession.

“Cathartes aura regnans” “the reigning, purifying wind”–the buzzards’ God (SS).

How optimistic or pessimistic is the end of this chapter?

Fiat Voluntas Tua

The title comes from Luke 22:42, in which Jesus, facing crucifixion, prays to God to be spared, but concludes, “Nevertheless, let Thy will be done.” What tone does this set for the final section, given the original context of the speech?

Chapter 24

“manifest destiny” originally the 19th-century belief that the U.S. had the right to extend its power over all of America.

Adam and Christ, first paired by Paul (see 1 Corinthians 15), are traditionally taken to represent respectively humanity’s fall into sin and redemption from it. Here they represent the ambivalence of the new scientific age, full of both hope and fear.

“Wir marschieren weiter wenn alles in Scherben fällt” “We march further when everything falls to pieces” From a Nazi marching song glorifying war.

“Proteus vulgaris” This is a common amoeba named after the fact that it, like the ancient Greek God Proteus, has no fixed shape and can assume many forms. It would have in common with atrophy and entropy the quality of increasing disorder, as do the destructive forces of time which taunt would-be military conquerors in this passage. If you you have further suggestions about this reference, please write Click here for Ron Webb’s comments on this reference.

Lucifer: as noted above, the Devil is often referred to as Lucifer, here alluded to as the tempter of Eve. In the Canticle of the Brethren of the Order of Leibowitz, the phrase proclaims the fall of Lucifer from Heaven, where he was an angel until he rebelled against God (see Luke 10:18). The words are used as a code phrase to communicate the success of a nuclear bomb test. Remember that “Lucifer” had also been used earlier in reference to the arc lamp invented at the abbey. Instead of good triumphing over evil, then, the phrase could suggest the extinction of light.

“Kyrie eleison” “Lord, have mercy,” the Greek phrase occurs early in the Mass text.

The slashed “V” and “R” in the Canticle label the versicle (Versiculus) to be sung by one voice and its response (Responsum) by the massed choir (SS).

“bureaucratic Dutch boys” refers to a once-famous incident in the novel Hans Brinker, or the Silver Skates, in which a young boy saves his town by plugging a leak in a dike with his finger.

What is the point of the “Lady Reporter” sarcastically asking the Defense Minister whether he is in favor of Motherhood?

Just as Arkos, whose name begins with A, is the first of the abbots we meet, Zerchi, whose name begins with Z, is the last (Olsen 138). St. George is usually portrayed slaying a dragon. More information about St. George.

The Abominable Autoscribe would seem to be an advanced sort of word processor. Remember that when this novel was written the only computers in the world weighed many tons and filled large rooms but had less power than a common pocket calculator today.

“lèse majest&eacte;” “a French legal term which describes acts which are crimes because of the noble social status of the people against whom they are committed.

Father Zerchi ironically comments that if a computer can emulate a human soul, it can also “fall” like Adam and Eve. What tone does this passage set concerning technology?

What does the existence of incompatible American dialects imply about social organization?

Vulgate Latin would be the late Classical Latin of the Vulgate Bible, used by the Church for all official purposes until the mid-60s, and still used for official papal documents today.

“Oh, ye of little faith” is a quotation from is a quotation from Matthew 6:30.

“Before the cock crows thrice” refers to Christ’s prophecy on the night before his crucifixion that Peter will betray him (Matthew 26:34; Mark 14:30; John 13:38).

“Hinc igitur effuge” “Flee therefore from here.”

“Motu proprio” “on his own initiative” (literally “by his own motion.” This is also the title of a certain category of papal documents (SS).

“Anno Domini” Year of our Lord: A.D.

“Ab hac planeta nativitatis aliquos filios Ecclesiae usque ad planetas solium alienorum iam abisse et numquam redituros esse intelligimus” ” We understand that from this planet of their birth some sons of the Church have already gone off to the planets of alien suns, and will never return.” Intelligimus should be intellegimus (SS).

“Quo peregrinatur grex, pastor secum” “Where the flock wanders, the shepherd [goes] with it.”

“Casu belli nunc remoto” “The eventuality of war now having been removed.”

The essence of the message Dom Zerchi is trying to dictate has to do with a plan by the Church to promote emigration to other worlds in case of nuclear war; the vehicles referred to are rocket ships.

“Lazar” see note on Lazarus, Chapter 16

“Luciferum ruisse mihi dicis?” “Are you telling me that Lucifer has fallen?”

“Chris’tecum” An abbreviated “Christ be with you, used as a farewell like the old “God be with ye,” now abbreviated to “good-bye.”

“Cum spiri’tuo” “And with thy spirit.” A standard part of Catholic ritual, including the text of the Mass: “Dominus tecum; et cum spiritu tuo” “The Lord be with you; and with your spirit” (SS).

“Said the namesake of my namesake” Refers to a miracle performed by Joshua, the leader of the Hebrew invasion of Canaan, commanding the sun and moon to stand still so that there would be enough time to complete their victory in the valley of Gabaon. See Joshua 10:12-14. What does Joshua mean by saying that it would be useful to be able to perform this trick “in these times too?”

“et tu, Luna, recedite in orbitas reversas. . . .” “and you, Moon, move in reverse in your orbit” (literally, “go back into reversed orbits”–slightly different from the English version given in the just preceding sentence).

“bicephalous” two-headed.

Chapter 25

“dauntless Dutch boys” see note for the preceding chapter on “bureaucratic Dutch boys.”

The American War Department was changed to the more peaceful-sounding “Defense Department” after World War II.

What does this second press conference imply about the events the Defense Minister is so carefully denying?

Phoenix: a mythical bird that once every 500 years sets itself on fire and is reborn from an egg in the ashes.

Alpha Centauri is the nearest star (actually two stars) to Earth, about four light-years away. It is now believed to be incapable of having planets which could sustain life.

Why is “Joshua” an appropriate name for the leader of the Church’s project to emigrate to another planet?

Few of the names in this novel have obvious meanings, but “Grales” seems like an ironic reference to the Holy Grail of Medieval legend: the cup which Christ used at the Last Supper, which caught his blood on the cross, and for which King Arthur’s knights sought.

“Accedite ad eum” “Approach him.”

“lingua prima” first language.

Maundy laving: On Maundy Thursday (the day before Good Friday), the clergy (including the Pope) ceremonially wash the feet of some of the poor in commemoration of Jesus’ washing the feet of the disciples (John 13:5).

Latzar shemi “My name is Lazarus” (Hebrew).

Chapter 26

What has happened between the end of the last chapter and the beginning of this? Who started it?

Cain is famous being the first murderer in the Bible, having killed his brother (see Genesis 4:1-16).

What is the meaning of the quotation from Eleventh Pius?

“Non habemus regem nisi caesarem” “We have no king but Caesar.” See John 19:15. How does this relate to the preceding quotation?

“Grex peregrinus erit. Quam primum est factum suscipiendum vobis, jussu Sactae Sedis. Suscipite ergo operis partem ordini vestro propriam” “The flock will be a pilgrim [or “traveling, wandering”] one. As soon as possible the deed must be undertaken by you, by order of the Holy See. Undertake therefore the part of the work proper to your Order.” Sactae is a misprint forsanctae (SS).

Eminentissimo Domino Eric Cardinali Hoffstraff obsequitur Jethra Zerchius, A. O. L., Abbas. Ad has res disputandas iam coegi discessuros fratres ut hodie parati dimitti Roman prima aerisnave possint. “Jethrah Zerchi, A.O.L., Abbot, complies with the Most Reverend Lord Eric Cardinal Hoffstraff. I have already collected the brothers who will depart, so that, ready today, they can be sent off to Rome on the first airplane to discuss these matters.” Roman should be Romam (SS).

“the ass he rides into Jerusalem” see see Matthew 21:2-9.

“Excita, Domine . . .” Psalms 35:23.

“Retrahe me, Satanus, et discede” “Draw away from me, Satan, and depart.” Compare with Matthew 16:23. Satanus should be Satanas.

“burning bush” Exodus 3:1-6.

Is the Church escaping into space merely to preserve itself, or does it have other aims?

“Homo loquax nonnumquam sapiens” A humorous variation of “Homo Sapiens” (“Wise Man”) “Talkative–and sometimes wise–man” (SS).

“Discede, Seductor informis” “Depart, hideous [literally ‘shapeless’] Seducer.”

“Egrediamur tellure” “Let us leave Earth.”

“abbas” Literally “Father” in Hebrew, but used as the title of the head of an abbey: an abbot.

“Audi me, Domine” “Hear me, O Lord.”

“negotium perambulans in tenebris” “The pestilence that stalks in darkness.” (Psalms 91:6)

“Reminiscentur et convertentur ad Dominum universi fines terrae. Et adorabunt in conspectu universae familiae gentium. Quoniam. Domini est regnum; et ipse dominabitur.” “All the ends of the world shall remember and turn unto the Lord; and all the kindreds of the nations shall worship before Thee. For the kingdom is the Lord’s; and he will rule among the nations” (Psalms 22:27). Why is it ironic that this is the Psalm which happens to be scheduled for this night?

“de essentia hominum” “Of the essence of human beings.”

“Hoc officium, Fili–tibine imponemus oneri?” “This office, my Son–shall we impose this burden upon you?”

“honorem accipiam” I shall accept the honor.

“Crucis autem onus si audisti ut honorem, nihilo errasti auribus” “If however you heard the burden of the cross as an Ôhonor,Õ by no means have you erred with your ears.” The abbot thinks that Joshua mistook oneri “burden” for honori “honor” when he posed his original question (SS).

“Accipiam” I shall accept.

“the principle of Epikeia” The moral-legal principle that one can act against the letter of the law in a certain situation when it is supposed that the lawmaker would have allowed it, given the extenuating circumstances (SS). In this case the doctrine by which part of the Church–if separated from communication with the Roman hierarchy (in particular, the Pope)–may institute its own parallel hierarchy to assure the continuity of the Apostolic Succession (note by Steven A. Schoenig and Richard Reed).

Chapter 27

“Mori vult” “He wishes to die”

What is the essential disagreement between Father Zerchi and the Green Star representative?

“The serpent deceived me, and I did eat” Eve’s excuse for eating the forbidden fruit (Genesis 3:13).

Note that Poet from the previous story has become popularized as Saint Poet of the Miraculous Eyeball.

“Orbis Judicans Conscientias” “The globe (eye) which judges consciences.”

“Oculus Poetae Judicis” The eye of the Poet-Judge.”

“Non cogitamus, ergo nihil sumus” “We do not think, therefore we are nothing,” reversing René Descartes’ famous dictum, “I think, therefore I am.”.

“Evenit diabolus” The Devil comes forth.”

Chapter 28

“Domine, mundorum omnium Factor, parsurus esto imprimis eis filiis aviantibus ad sideria caeli quorum victus dificilior” translated “Lord, Maker of all worlds, spare especially these sons, travelling away to the stars of heaven, whose way of life [will be] more difficult.” Sideria should be sidera; dificilior should be difficilior.

Note the return of the buzzards which were circling overhead at the beginning of the novel.

“ABANDON EVERY HOPE YE WHO ENTER HERE” According to Dante’s Inferno,this is the message inscribed over the entrance gate to Hell.

“Golgatha” [More properly, Golgotha.] The “Mount of Skulls” called “Calvary” in Latin where Christ was crucified.

In your opinion, who wins the argument between Dom Zerchi and the young girl over euthanasia? Defend your opinion.

Chapter 29

“alter Christus” “Another Christ.”

“Te absolvat Dominus Jesus Christus; ego autem eius auctoritate te absolvo ab omni vinculo.”.”.”. Denique, si absolvi potes, ex peccatis tuis ego te absolvo in Nomine Patris”.”. .” translated “May the Lord Jesus Christ absolve you; I, moreover, by his authority absolve you from every bond.”.”.”. Finally, if you can be absolved, I absolve you of your sins in the name of the Father.”

“Dealba me.” “Whiten me.” (See Psalm 51:7, Revelation 7:14.)

“Dies Irae” Hymn about the Last Judgment, written by Thomas of Celano in the 13th Century and incorporated into the liturgy for the Catholic requiem (funeral) mass, obviously appropriate here considering both the plight of Zerchi and humanity in general.

“Fas est” This is a Medieval Latin phrase meaning roughly “It is lawful”–that is, according to divine law.

“Nisi baptizata es et nisi baptizari nonquis, te baptizo. . . .”Zerchi is being cautious, not at all certain that it would be proper to baptize something he suspects does not have a soul, so he covers himself by saying, roughly, “Unless you have been baptized, and unless you cannot be baptized, I baptize you. . . .”

“Domine, non sum dignus, sed tantum dic verbo” “Lord, I am not worthy, but only speak the word” Spoken by a Roman centurion to Jesus in Capernaum (Matthew 8:8), when Jesus offered to come and heal his servant: “Domine non sum dignus ut intres sub tectum meum: sed tantum dic verbo et sanabitur puer meus.” In the traditional Latin rite, the priest recites a modifed version of the centurion’s saying just before he receives the sacred host, substituting “anima” (“soul”) for “puer” (“servant”).

The first sacrament is baptism.

The Magnificat is the hymn of the Virgin Mary celebrating the fact that she is to bear the Christ (Luke 1:46-55). Dom Zerchi imagines that the newly-awakened Rachel is purely innocent, like Mary (born of an “immaculate conception,” free of all sin), and therefore does not need baptism, whose function is to wash away sins.

“Sic transit mundus” “Thus passes the world.” This is a play on the phrase used in a medieval ritual at the coronation of a pope. In the sight of the new pope, a cleric would burn some hemp and cry out, Sancte Pater, sic transit gloria mundi!, “Holy Father, thus passes the glory of the world!” He would then quench it and repeat the ritual twice more. It was meant to remind the pope of the transitory nature of earthly fame, so that he would keep humble and fix his priorities on eternal life (SS).

Tom Foster points out that the action of the last monk to enter the spaceship, slapping his sandals together, echoes such Biblical passages as Mark 6:11: “And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear you, when ye depart thence, shake off the dust under your feet for a testimony against them. Verily I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment, than for that city.”

The novel began with hungry vultures; it ends with hungry sharks. But whereas the vultures at least had a certain crude vitality, the sharks are presumably doomed like the rest of life on earth.

Is the ending of the novel optimistic, pessimistic, or something in between?

Recommended studies on A Canticle for Leibowitz:

Olsen, Alexandra H. “Re-Vision: A Comparison of A Canticle for Leibowitz and the Novellas Originally Published.” Extrapolation 38 (Summer 1997): 235-149.

Percy, Walker. “Walter M. Miller, Jr.’s A Canticle for Leibowitz.” In Rediscoveries: Informal Essays in Which Well-Known Novelists Rediscover Neglected Eowrks of Fiction by One of Their Favorite Authors. Ed. David Madden. New York: Crown, 1971.

Samuelson, David N. Visions of Tomorrow: Six Journeys from Outer to Inner Space. New York: Arno, 1975.

Senior, W. A. “From the Begetting of Monsters: Distortion as a Unifier in A Canticle for Leibowitz,Extrapoltion 34 (Winter 1993): 329-42.

Spector, Judith A. “Walter Miller’s A Canticle for Leibowitz: A Parable for our Time?” Midwest Quarterly 22 (Winter 1981): 337-45.

Spencer, Susan. “The Post-Apocalyptic Library: Oral and Literate Culture in Fahrenheit 451 and A Canticle for Leibowitz.” Extrapolation 32 (Winter 1991): 331-42.

Stoler, John A. “Christian Lore and Characters’ Names in A Canticle for Leibowitz.” Literary Onomastics Studies 11 (1984): 77-91.

Walker, Jeanne Murray. “Reciprocity and Exchange in A Canticle for Leibowitz,” Renascence 33 (1981): 67-85.
The Spring 2000 issue of Listening: Journal of Religion and Culture (vol. 35, no. 2) is devoted to “A Canticle for Leibowitz at Forty.”

More Science Fiction Study Guides

Notes by Paul Brians, Department of English, Washington State University, Pullman 99164-5020.

Latin translations by Michael Hanly and Hack C. Kim, Washington State University, nitpicked by various Latinists online to whom I am very grateful, including especially Steven A. Schoenig, S.J., whose most extensive other contributions are noted above (SS).

First published on the Web, April, 1995.
Version dated May 29, 2007.

Stanislaw Lem: Solaris (1961)


During the Soviet era, Polish writer Stanislaw Lem was the most celebrated SF author in the Communist world. Although he read Western SF when he was young, he soon found it shallow and turned for inspiration to the long tradition of Eastern European philosophical fantasy. Western readers not familiar with this tradition often misread his works, expecting more action-oriented, technophilic fiction. Solaris comes closer to being a traditional SF novel than most of his works, but its main thrust is still philosophical. There is a deep strain of irony which runs through this work, for all its occasionally grim moments.

The great Russian experimental director Andrei Tarkovsky made an important film based on the novel which is considerably more confusing that the book. (For more information about Tarkovsky and his film, see The pared-down 2002 version by Steven Soderbergh keeps amazingly close–for a Hollywood film–to Lem’s original themes and ideas, but its emotional inertness (particularly on the part of George Clooney) prevents it from having the full effect intended. This is one case where reading the book before seeing the film may help you to experience the intended effect better. Perhaps Soderbergh remembered the anguish of Kelvin so clearly from his reading that he didn’t realize the need to convey it more vividly to an audience that would not share the same memories.

Keep in mind that what you are reading is a translation from a French translation which was in turn translated from the Polish original. We are some distance from Lem’s original words.

Chapter 1: The Arrival

The novel begins as the narrator, a scientist named Kris Kelvin, is descending toward the surface of the mysterious planet Solaris. How many instances can you find in this chapter of failures to perceive, breakdowns in communication, etc.? This is to be the main theme of the book. Whereas conventional SF poses puzzles only to solve them, Solaris concentrates on the puzzling nature of reality and the limits of science. The ship that has brought Kelvin to Solaris is called the Promethus, a name associated with civilization and enlightenment in Greek mythology, but also with condemnation to terrible torment. As he enters the station suspended above the planet’s surface, note the many instances of wear, disorder and confusion. In the original Polish, Snow’s name is “Snaut.” What do the many concrete details given suggest about the state of things in the station? Snow’s strange initial reaction to Kelvin will be explained later. What features of this chapter are reminiscent of a mystery story?

Chapter 2: The Solarists

Keep in mind the scribbled word “Man!” as you read on. See if you can understand why someone would have written it. Why does Lem treat Kelvin’s “premonition” as he does? Much of this novel is a well-informed satire on the process of scientific research and publication. What may seem to the novice like tedious passages of irrelevant exposition reminiscent of Jules Verne (what modern SF fans call “info-dumps”), are in fact often amusing parodies of academic scholarship–especially those which occur later in the novel. Whether or not you catch the humor in these passages, they are crucial for understanding the central themes of the novel. They provide a wide variety of interpretations which succeed only in revealing the minds of the interpreters, leaving Solaris as mysterious as ever. In this way they are strikingly reminiscent of the writings of another Eastern European master, Franz Kafka. The ability of Solaris to control its own orbit anticipates some of the wilder fantasies built on the “Gaia hypothesis,” according to which Earth has the ability to maintain conditions favorable to life. Solaris’ ability to remodel the instruments created to study it resembles quantum physics’ uncertainty principle: studying subatomic particles affects their behavior in ways that make it impossible to separate the observer from the observation. This theory underlies the whole novel, and embodies many of the most crucial problems facing modern science. “Ignoramus et ignorabimus” is a slogan of the ancient skeptics proclaiming the impossibility of certain knowledge: “We do not know and we will not [cannot] know.” Skepticisms’ approach to knowledge is being compared to that of quantum physics. What is the difference between these two theories: the “autistic ocean” and the “ocean-yogi?” What does the condition of Gibarian’s room suggest? What plan of Gibarian’s does Kelvin discover? In what way does the manuscript of this plan reflect the themes of the novel? Note how the ending of the chapter begins to resemble the mood of a ghost or horror story or monster movie. Watch how Lem begins to depart from traditional “monsters-from-outer-space” themes as the story unfolds.

Chapter 3: The Visitors

Even in 1961 the figure of the “giant Negress” would have been offensive to many Western readers; but keep in mind that Lem was writing in Poland, where there were very few black people. As it turns out, there are good reasons for her stereotypically cartoon-like appearance. How does Kelvin try to get more information about the X-ray experiments out of Snow? How did Gibarian die?

Chapter 4: Sartorius

“André Berton” is a pun on the name of the famous surrealist spokesman and leader André Breton, who delighted in breaking down logic by irrationally juxtaposing objects in an arbitrary fashion–an apostle of disorder and madness. ÒSartoriusÓ is the name of a thigh muscle, not a common personal name in either Polish or English. Lem studied medicine, and was probably taken by the name when he encountered it in his anatomical studies. The identity and nature of Sartorius’s child “visitor” are deliberately kept a secret. One can make guesses, but it would be a mistake to treat this as a conventional “mystery” to be “solved.” How do we slowly come to realize that Sartorius’ secrecy is motivated not so much by fear as by shame? What is significant about the “Negress’s” feet? An old-fashioned technique of discovering whether one is dreaming or awake is pinching oneself. What more sophisticated method does Kelvin invent? What does this mean: “I was not mad. The last ray of hope was extinguished”?

Chapter 5: Rheya

The name rendered “Rheya” here is “Harey” in Polish, doubtless altered because it suggests the English masculine name “Harry.” In what ways is Rheya like a traditional ghost? What does the hypodermic needle scar suggest, and how is it connected to what Kelvin “had said to her five days earlier”? Why does Kelvin prick himself with the spindle? How does Kelvin discover that this is not the original Rheya? Avenging ghosts deliberately set out to haunt those who have wronged them. In what way is Rheya different? Does this make her more or less terrible? How is the behavior of this Rheya different from that of the original? Why is it significant that she knows about “Pelvis”? What stops Kelvin from strangling Rheya? Why are there no fasteners on Rheya’s dress? “Spanner” is British English for “wrench.”

Chapter 6: “The Little Apocrypha”

Why is Snow now more willing to visit with Kelvin? The reference to the well-aimed ink bottle comes from a famous incident in which Protestant reformer Martin Luther was visited by the Devil in his study one day and threw an ink-bottle at the figure to frighten it away. Supposedly the stain of the ink remained visible on the wall. What does Snow mean by saying “We have two or three hours at our disposal”? Although scopolamine is famous as “truth serum” it is also a powerful sedative, and that is its use here. What is Snow’s theory about the nature of the ” visitors”? Snow’s long speech on space exploration in the paragraph which begins “It’s almost as if you’re purposely refusing to understand” is one of the best-known and most often-quoted in the book. What are its main themes and how do they relate to traditional science fiction? “Succubi” is the plural of “succubus,” a sort of evil spirit who haunts men by having sex with them. Why is Snow convinced that Solaris is not trying to destroy them? Why does Kelvin consider it important to point out to Snow that his burn wounds have not healed? Note that this being the early sixties, a growth of beard is considered a sign of emotional collapse. Why does Snow say it might be worth while staying on Solaris although they cannot learn anything about the planet? To understand Berton’s theory of how the ocean operates, one must understand something of Freud’s theory of the unconscious (not to be confused with the “subconscious”). The unconscious consists of feelings and memories which have been suppressed from the conscious mind by “contrary feelings” mostly having to do with shame and guilt. Although they are not accessible directly, their presence is revealed in a distorted form in dreams and as a powerful distorting force which can cause involuntary mistakes in speech (“Freudian slips”), and neurotic obsessions and illnesses of various kinds. How do Solaris’ activities seem to relate to the unconscious? Be careful not to use the common misspelling “unconscience.”

Chapter 7: The Conference

What is different about Kelvin’s second encounter with a “Rheya”? Why is he so horrified by the sight of the two dresses? What are the main superhuman qualities of “Rheya”? What can you infer from “Rheya’s” eating patterns? What does Kelvin discover about the visitor’s blood? The objections to Kelvin’ s neutrino theory are perfectly sound. The whole passage is merely a pseudo-scientific way of expressing a mystery, though the basic concept is important to grasp. The ocean has somehow created objects with a structure that differs at the deepest level from ordinary atomic structure. An angstrom is one-hundred-millionth of a centimeter. A neutrino has almost no mass and hardly interacts with other matter at all. It therefore makes a good basis for an unsolvable mystery. It is not clear whether or not there is any conscious intention behind the creation of the “phi-creatures.” Which possibility is more frightening, in your opinion?

Chapter 8: The Monsters

In what way is this speech of “Rheya’s” ironic: “I’m such a coward”? What kind of book does “Rheya” choose to examine? In the long passage describing Giese’s work we learn more about the “mimoids.” Their name comes from “mimic” and the suffix “oid,” which implies similarity. This sort of loving detail is a feature of Jules Verne’s fiction, but here it serves a different function. Whereas Verne is seeking to educate (sometimes simply copying out long passages from reference books), Lem uses a Kafkaesque technique to bewilder the reader with a plethora of concrete detail which does little to unveil the mystery, only multiplying possibilities, though in brilliant language. An “erg” is the standard unit of energy, defined as the amount of work done by one dyne acting through a distance of one centimeter. A dyne is the unit of force which in one second can alter the velocity by one centimeter per second of a mass of one gram. Analyze the philosophical statement in the paragraph which begins “The human mind is only capable. . . .” What are its implications? How has Kelvin’s attitude toward “Rheya” changed? What does “I’m divorced” mean? According to Freud, the rational and moral parts of our mind dwell in the conscious realm. It is their activity which keeps the unconscious suppressed. Therefore what is the point of beaming encoded versions of their conscious thoughts at the ocean via X-rays? What is the alternative plan, and how does it differ from this?

Chapter 9: The Liquid Oxygen

How is the arrival of the “new” Gibarian different from the other strange appearances which have occurred? What has happened to the tape recorder, and why is it important? What is different about the suicide in this chapter? What does “Rheya” learn from it? How have Kelvin’s feelings changed? How have “Rheya’s” feelings about herself changed? “First contact” with an alien species is a major theme in SF. What does Kelvin have to say on this subject?

Chapter 10: Conversation

Why does Kelvin shout “You’re out of your mind!” when Snow suggests that he determine whether the phi-creatures can exist away from the planet’s surface by examining the vehicle he earlier launched into orbit? According to the Greek historian Herodotus, when the Persian general Xerxes was frustrated in his attempt to invade Europe by a storm at the Hellespont which made it too rough to cross, he had the stream scourged by beating it with rods, cursing it. This has traditionally been used as an illustration of tyrannical egotism and irrationality. In the paragraph beginning “I’ll give you an answer” Snow keenly analyzes Kelvin’s motives. What are his main points? Why is Kelvin afraid to carry out the proposed experiment?

Chapter 11: The Thinkers

According to Kelvin, what did human beings have in mind when they first set out for other worlds? This chapter contains a long satirical passage in the Kafkaesque mode tracing the history of Solaristics, a passage also reminiscent of some of the stories of Jorge Luis Borges. The more scholarship you have read, the more amusing it will be. If you are not familiar with much of this sort of thing it may well seem pointless. Identify a few of the patterns that run through this history. The most important passage, one which underlies the philosophy of the entire novel, concerns the pamphlet by Grastrom. This is the other most famous passage in the novel. What are its main messages?

Chapter 12: The Dreams

Describe Kelvin’s dream (the long one, told in the paragraph beginning “On the fifteenth day”). What do you think it means? When Snow calls Sartorius “Faust in reverse” he is thinking of the fact that one of Faust’s first uses of the devil’s powers after signing his famous contract was to make himself decades younger, greatly prolonging his life. “Agonia perpetua” is Latin for “eternal torment, referring to the punishment of the damned in Hell. Snow calls Rheya ” Aphrodite, child of Ocean.” Why? (Hint: look up Aphrodite in any encyclopedia or mythology handbook.) What do you think Kelvin is feeling in the last paragraph of this chapter?

Chapter 13: Victory

Why can’t Rheya and Kelvin “live happily ever after?” How does Kelvin’s last dream affect the emotional impact of the immediately following scene? Why does Kelvin want to destroy Solaris at first? What does this title of this chapter mean?

Chapter 14: The Old Mimoid

How has Kelvin been changed by his relationship with “Rheya?” Manicheanism was a religion founded by a third-century prophet named Mani, distantly related to Persian Zarathustrianism. Like the latter, it argued that the presence of evil in the universe could be explained by the existence of an evil god named Ahriman who was perpetually in conflict with a good God named Ahura-Mazda. The sort of imperfect god Kelvin describes had in fact been described by at least two writers before him: Nikos Kazantzakis presents such an image of God in many books, particularly The Saviors of God, and Olaf Stapledon in The Star-Maker; and Lem specifically acknowledges having read the latter. What is the argument that Kelvin makes against the ability of human beings to create gods according to their individual desires? What do you think of this argument? What do you think Kelvin is trying to do as he plays with the waves? Why is it significant that he cannot actually touch the surface of the ocean? What does the growth of the flower in his hand suggest? “Finis vitae sed non amoris” means “life ends but not love.” What does the last sentence of the novel mean?

Recommended Reading:

Scicsery-Ronay, Istvan Jr.: “The Book Is the Alien: On Certain and Uncertain Readings of Lem’s Solaris,” Science-Fiction Studies 12 (March 1985): 6-21.

Collin Hughes has created an interesting related site that links these notes to his own discussion of the film versions of the novel.

Hughes site

More Science Fiction Study Guides

Notes by Paul Brians, Department of English, Washington State University, Pullman 99164-5020.
Originally posted June 13, 1995.
Last revised November 29, 2002.

Philip K. Dick: Blade Runner (1968)


Philip K. Dick is one of the crucial figures in modern science fiction. He was too prolific for his own good, churning out dozens of novels for cheap paperback publication, often in such haste that their conclusions tend to be their weakest part. He was obsessive, disorganized, and in his later years paranoid. Yet his conceptions were often brilliant, and he has come to be looked on as one of the masters, though only a small fraction of his work is in print at any one time. His titles are often wonderfully surrealistic, as in the striking Flow My Tears, The Policeman Said; and Blade Runner was originally titled (for reasons that will become apparent as you read it) Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep.

When Ridley Scott made his 1982 film based loosely on the novel he eliminated the electric sheep (along with much else), and Dick’s title no longer made sense (nor would it have been very effective on a marquee). The film company bought the rights to another novel by a different author and threw away everything but the title–Blade Runner–a term which occurs nowhere in the book. The film eventually gained great fame, and the novel was eventually re-titled to match. Since then others of his works have been filmed (“We Can Remember It for You Wholesale” was turned into Total Recall), “Second Variety” became Screamers, and an opera has been based on Valis, all after his death shortly following the release of Bladerunner. (His non-SF novel,Confessions of a Crap Artist was also made into an obscure French film in 1992 as Confessions d’un Barjo.)

He came out of a generation of 50s SF writers who took as their task the criticism of American mass society. As a result, certain themes recur frequently in his works: the threat of nuclear war, the evil effects of rampant capitalism and marketing, and the influence of mass entertainment media, especially television. But another theme which pervades Dick’s work is more personal: an obsession with the blurring of reality, dreams and waking confused together, mechanical replicas indistinguishable from their originals, drug-induced hallucinations more real than reality. His books are often structured as a series of unexpected trap doors: you think you know where you are and who is whom, then suddenly the bottom falls out and your certainties are thrown into doubt. He loves to play games with his readers, keeping them constantly off balance. The film version, on the other hand, was shaped along the lines of a mean-streets detective novel by Raymond Chandler. In it the pervasive confusion is a puzzle to be solved, not an exercise in mind-bending.

The film turned out to be one of the most influential pieces of SF in recent decades. Without Bladerunner it is hard to imagine Max Headroom or the whole cyberpunk phenomenon. Yet almost none of its influential elements are present in the novel, which has quite different concerns. (The influential visual style of the film was largely derived from the style of French cartoonist Moebius in Heavy Metal comics.) This is not to say that one is bad and the other is good: each is an outstanding example of its own kind and should be judged on its own merits.

A word of warning: Dick’s specialty is straight-faced satire. If parts of this book strike you as absurd, they’re supposed to.

Chapter 1
Why is Rick Deckard in so much better a mood than his wife? How does Dick satirize Americans’ dependence on television? The mention of lead codpieces as a common item of apparel introduces one of the major themes of the book: widespread sterilization as a result of nuclear fallout in the wake of a war. How crowded is the city in which they live? What are the main causes of the current level of population density? “Terminus” suggests the war was an end of things; but the end is more gradual than other SF writers have imagined. In the early sixties there was widespread anxiety about the effects of fallout from nuclear bomb testing which subsided in the wake of the signing of the atmospheric test ban treaty; yet Dick continued to be concerned about the danger of nuclear war at a time when most people were ignoring it. According to Greek mythology, the Thracian Mares of Boreas were impregnated by the wind. We are introduced here to the artificial mass-media religion of Mercerism, which will play an important role later in the novel. It is characteristic of Dick’s fiction that people who live in an advanced technological culture understand little of it and resort quickly to superstition and cultism. What do you think of this view of modern civilization?
Why does Mercerism consider it a moral duty to breed and raise animals, even in the city?

Chapter 2
We learn that the setting is San Francisco. Why do you suppose the film was set in Los Angeles instead? The Rand Corporation has been the major government-financed “think-tank” whose main job was imagining various nuclear war scenarios in order to justify the building of more and more powerful bombs and missiles. What effect does it have on you to learn that no one knows who started the war or why it was fought? (This is true of the overwhelming majority of fictional nuclear wars.) The first dead animals to be noticed were owls. What is the traditional symbolism of the owl, and why are they significant here? Dick here anticipates the “nuclear winter” theory in a striking way. What effect has the war had on the atmosphere? The term “android” was invented by science fiction writers to denote an artificial human made mostly of organic parts, in distinction to a robot, made of purely mechanical parts (though Carl Capek, from whose work the term “robot” comes, actually depicted androids). It comes from the Greek word “andros” meaning “man” and the ending “oid,” meaning “similar to.” George Lucas’ untraditional use of the term ” android” to designate purely mechanical robots who could be like R2D2, not at all man-shaped, has hopelessly confused the terminology ever since. What sales angle is being used in television advertising to promote the sale of androids? What is a “special?” Sloat is the name of J. R. Isidore’s boss, but it’s also the name of a major street in San Francisco. “Mors certa, vita incerta” is Latin for “Death is certain, life uncertain.” Why does the silence have such an impact on Isidore? “Kipple” is defined in Chapter 6. Mercerism is based on the same principle as the kind of Catholicism illustrated by the Stabat Mater: emotional identification with the suffering of a martyr. What effects might such a religion be expected to have on its followers? Why does Mercerism incorporate the belief that resurrection has been outlawed?

Chapter 3
How are escaped androids distinguished from humans? The book makes clear the purpose of the weird questions that are used in the test at the beginning of the film. Why has Mercer’s law that “You shall kill only the killers” not led to a more humane world? Frank Merriwell was the atheletic hero of a series of books for boys early in the 20th century.

Chapter 4
“Flattening of affect” (pronounced “AFF-ect”) means lack of emotion. What is the significance of the possibility that some humans experience extreme flattening of affect?

Chapter 5
What kinds of responses are considered normal on the Voigt-Kampff test? If only a bone-marrow test can distinguish an android from a human, there can be little difference between the two. This underlines a major theme of the novel. Why is it in the interest of the Rosen Corporation to prove that the Voigt-Kampff test is invalid?

Chapter 6
“Buster Friendly” is a sort of non-stop television show that provides an alternative reality for many people. Dick repeatedly treated this theme in other stories and novels like The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch. What ominous qualities does Pris have? Why does she tell Isidore at first that she is Rachael Rosen?

Chapter 7
Milt Borogrove’s name comes from the opening of Lewis Carroll’s “Jabberwocky“:

Twas brillig, and the slithey toves
did gyre and gimbel in the wabe;
all mimsey were the borogroves,
and the momraths outgrabe.

“Mitteleuropäische” is German for “central European.”

Chapter 8
How does Dick begin to multiply the confusion in this chapter? What typically Hollywood change was made in Luba Luft’s occupation in the movie?

Chapter 9
Pamina’s song means “If every brave man could find such little bells, his enemies would be made to vanish without any trouble.” Entropy is the principle in physics which says that on the largest scale, over time, order tends to disintegrate into disorder. “Derain Associates” are named after the French artist André Derain, who painted human figures composed of machine-like forms. How does Luba Luft turn Deckard’s logic against him when he tells her what defines an android? This chapter is classic Dick. What characteristic discussed in the introduction to these notes is illustrated here?

Chapter 10
The first sentence speaks of “baroque, ornamented spires; complicated and modern.” At the time the novel was written, the “international style” of rigid geometrical shapes shorn of all decoration was triumphant. Clearly Dick anticipated a reaction, though so-called “postmodern” architecture has not gone so far toward a neobaroque style as this suggests. But here is the source for the film’s memorable architectural style. Dick continues to play with the reader here, but more is going on than mere obfuscation. Think about what Rachael, Luba Luft, and these policemen have said about Deckard. Even if he is not an android, what evidence is there that could cause him to be mistaken for one?

Chapter 11
What argument does Phil Resch offer at the end of the chapter to try to convince Deckard that he is human?

Chapter 12
The painting hanging in the opera house is Edvard Munch’s famous “The Scream” (1893). Note how Resch’s example continues to blur the lines between androids and humans. Besides creating suspense, what is Dick trying to accomplish by increasing the confusion? Munch’s “Puberty” is a typically harrowing adolescent nude. How does Resch seem to show Luba that she is right about him? What signs are there that Deckard is beginning to have doubts about his profession? How does the outcome of Resch’s test further blur the lines?

Chapter 13
What slip does J. R. Isidore make that makes Pris think he is like an android? What is the function of science fiction in this period? What kind of comment is Dick making on SF?

Chapter 15
What is ironic about Deckard’s using his new money to buy an animal? How has he changed? What lesson about life does Mercer try to teach him?

Chapter 16
Note the line “Do androids dream?” which was reflected in the original title of the novel. Why do you think Dick put his title into the form of a question? How does Rachael say she feels about Pris? Why is this significant? How about her feelings for Deckard?

Chapter 17
What important and tragic fact about androids do we learn only at this point? Why has Dick postponed giving us this information? What is Rachael’s real motivation for getting involved with Deckard?

Chapter 18
What effect does the revelation about Mercer have on the novel? How does it fit with the novel’s themes? “Al Jarry” is a tribute to the wild French writer Alfred Jarry, much admired by the Dadaists, author of Père Ubu and other plays. Why does Pris look so much like Rachael? Why is Roy Baty’s reaction to the death of his wife significant? Has he proven Rachael wrong about him by carrying out the “retirements?” What else has he proven?

Chapter 19
How does Rachael take vengeance on Deckard?

Chapter 21
Why is it appropriate for Deckard to fuse with Mercer now?

Chapter 22
Does this story have a happy ending? Explain.

More Science Fiction Study Guides

Notes by Paul Brians, Department of English, Washington State University, Pullman 99164-5020. Copyright Paul Brians 1995

Version dated October 7, 1999.

Margaret Atwood: The Handmaid’s Tale (1986)


Many readers are surprised to hear Atwood’s novel labeled science fiction, but it belongs squarely in the long tradition of near-future dystopias which has made up a large part of SF since the early 50s. SF need not involve technological innovation: it has been a long-standing principle that social change can provide the basis for SF just as well as technical change. The Handmaid’s Taleis partly an extrapolation of Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring, attempting to imagine what kind of values might evolve if environmental pollution rendered most of the human race sterile. It is also the product of debates within the feminist movement in the 70s and early 80s. Atwood has been very much a part of that movement, but she has never been a mere mouthpiece for any group, always insisting on her individual perspectives. The defeat of the Equal Rights Amendment, the rise of the religious right, the election of Ronald Reagan, and many sorts of backlash (mostly hugely misinformed) against the women’s movement led writers like Atwood to fear that the anti-feminist tide could not only prevent further gains for women, but turn back the clock. Dystopias are a kind of thought experiment which isolates certain social trends and exaggerates them to make clear their most negative qualities. They are rarely intended as realistic predictions of a probable future, and it is pointless to criticize them on the grounds of implausibility. Atwood here examines some of the traditional attitudes that are embedded in the thinking of the religious right and which she finds particularly threatening.

But another social controversy also underlies this novel. During the early 80s a debate raged (and continues to rage, on a lower level) about feminist attitudes toward sexuality and pornography in particular. Outspoken feminists have taken all kinds of positions: that all erotica depicting women as sexual objects is demeaning, that pornography was bad though erotica can be good, that although most pornography is demeaning the protection of civil liberties is a greater good which requires the toleration of freedom for pornographers, however distasteful, even that such a thing as feminist pornography can and should be created.

The sub-theme of this tangled debate which seems to have particularly interested and alarmed Atwood is the tendency of some feminist anti-porn groups to ally themselves with religious anti-porn zealots who oppose the feminists on almost every other issue. The language of “protection of women” could slip from a demand for more freedom into a retreat from freedom, to a kind of neo-Victorianism. After all, it was the need to protect “good” women from sex that justified all manner of repression in the 19th century, including confining them to the home, barring them from participating in the arts, and voting. Contemporary Islamic women sometimes argue that assuming the veil and traditional all-enveloping clothing is aimed at dealing with sexual harassment and sexual objectification. The language is feminist, but the result can be deeply patriarchal, as in this novel.

Without some sense of the varying agendas of mid-20th-century feminists and the debates among those agendas this novel will not make much sense. Women who participated in the movement from the late sixties and early seventies responded to this novel strongly, often finding it extremely alarming. Younger women lacking the same background often found it baffling. Ask yourself as you read not whether events such as it depict s are likely to take place, but whether the attitudes and values it conveys are present in today’s society.

Atwood’s strong point is satire, often hilarious, often very pointed. Humor is in short supply in this novel, but it is a satire nonetheless. Atwood’s love for language play (apparent in the anagram of her name she uses for her private business “O. W. Toad”) is a major feature of the protagonist of this novel. Her jokes are dark and bitter, but they are pervasive.

There are numerous biblical references in the following notes. You should provide yourself with a Bible, preferably a King James Version, which is what Atwood uses most of the time. Or use a great searchable Web Bible.


Genesis 30:1-3 is one of several passages that make clear that in patriarchal Hebrew times it was perfectly legitimate for a man to have sex and even beget children by his servants (slaves), particularly if his wife was infertile. It is unknown how widespread was the custom described here, of having the infertile wife embrace the fertile maidservant as she gave birth to symbolize that the baby is legally hers. Atwood extrapolates outrageously from this point, as is typical of dystopian writers: it is highly unlikely that the puritanical religious right would ever adopt the sexual practices depicted in this novel; but she is trying to argue that patriarchal traditions which value women only as fertility objects can be as demeaning as modern customs which value them as sex objects. She makes clear that this is a reductio ad absurdum, a theoretical exercise designed to stimulate thought about social issues rather than a realistic portrait of a probable future by comparing herself to Jonathan Swift, who in A Modest Proposal highlighted the hard-heartedness of the English in allowing the Irish masses to starve by satirically proposing that they should be encouraged to eat their own children. It is not so obvious what the application of the third epigraph is to this novel. It seems to say that no one needs to forbid what is undesirable. Can you interpret it any further?


Section I: Night

Chapter 1

Read the first sentence. What can you tell about the period just from this sentence? People generally sleep in gymnasiums only in emergencies, after disasters. But this “had once” been a gymnasium, which implies that it was converted to its present use a long time ago. Some major change has taken place, probably not for the good. A “palimpsest” was created when a medieval scribe tried to scrape clean a parchment in order to reuse it. Sometimes the scraping process was not complete enough to obliterate all traces of the original text, which could be read faintly underneath the new one. What is suggested by the fact that the immediate supervisors of the girls are women but these women are not allowed guns? What is suggested by the fact that the girls have to read lips to learn each others’ names?


Section II Shopping

Chapter 2

The setting has shifted. It is now much later. What is suggested by the fact that the narrator observes “they’ve removed anything you could tie a rope to?” Note the play on the proverb “Waste not, want not.” What is implied by the sentence, “Nothing takes place in the bed but sleep; or no sleep”? “Ladies in reduced circumstances” is a 19th-century expression usually applied to impoverished widows. How does the narrator pun on it? In the gospels, Martha was one of two sisters. She devoted herself to housework while her sister Mary sat and listened to Jesus. The irony here is that Jesus praised Mary, not Martha; but the new patriarchy has chosen Martha as the ideal. What is suggested by the existence of “Colonies” where “Unwomen” live? What are the crimes the Martha’s gossip about in their “private conversations”?

Chapter 3

What evidence is there on the second page of this chapter that the revolution which inaugurated this bizarre society is relatively recent? What evidence to reinforce that idea was presented in the opening chapter? Note that Serena Joy bears more than a passing resemblance to Tammy Fay Bakker.

Chapter 4

The automobile names are all biblical. Can you guess from the context what an “Eye” is? “Some of you will fall on dry ground or thorns:” see Mark 4:1-9. We will learn eventually that the narrator’s name is “Offred.” Her partner is named “Ofglen.” How do the names of Handmaids seem to be formed? How are we informed that this society is under attack? The place name “Gilead” features as a sort of ideal land in the Bible, in Numbers 36. It is mentioned many other times in the Bible as one of the twelve traditional divisions of the land of the Hebrews. But Atwood was probably thinking of Jeremiah 8:22: “Is there no balm in Gilead; is there no physician there? Why then is not the health of the daughter of my people recovered?” This verse is famous because of its use in the old Black spiritual: “There is a balm in Gilead, to heal the sin-sick soul.” In this Christian context, Gilead becomes the source of healing: Jesus Christ. One can imagine a fundamentalist group calling itself Gilead because of these associations; but the original context in Jeremiah (the fall of Jerusalem to the Babylonians) causes considerable irony. It may even be that Atwood was thinking of that verse when the narrator is not allowed to have hand lotion (“balm”). Baptists have a long-standing tradition of local control and individualism. Can you guess at the function of the black-painted vans? What power does Offred have over men, powerless as she is? How traditional is this kind of power? Has the elimination of pornography stopped women from being regarded as sex objects?

Chapter 5

What is Gilead’s attitude toward higher education? Why is it ominous that the number of widows has diminished? Examine the passage that begins “Women were not protected then.” This is the heart of the ideology that underlies the founding of Gilead. What is its essential rationale? Analyze the narrator’s attitude toward the freedoms of which she speaks. Analyze the play on words in “Habits are hard to break.” The clothing store name “Lilies” is derived from Matthew 6:28. “A land flowing with milk and honey” is a common biblical phrase, often used to describe Canaan, the “Promised Land.” What is the women’s reaction to the pregnant woman? “All flesh” originally means “all of humanity” (see Isaiah 40:5) but here is given a more literal sense as the name for butcher shops. How are the Japanese women different from the women of Gilead? Is Atwood idealizing them? What do you think the point of the contrast is?

Chapter 6

What is the function of the Wall? Why have the doctors been executed? The rule that the evidence of one single woman is not adequate is based on Islamic tradition. What is significant about the shift to the present tense in this passage, “Luke wasn’t a doctor. Isn’t”?


Section III: Night

Chapter 7

To what time can Offred travel in her imagination that can be called “good”? The narrator’s pun on “date rape” depends on the fact that “rapé ” means “grated” or “shredded” in French; a date is a fruit, of course. Be careful not to leap to the conclusion that Atwood is mocking the concept of date rape; her attitude is far more complex than that. But why is this reference especially appropriate to the present context? What was the narrator’s reaction as a little girl to her mother’s participation in the burning of pornographic magazines? What relevance does this memory have to her present situation? The next passage is too fragmented to make much sense now, though more context will be provided later. What can you guess about its meaning now? Stories are rarely told in the present tense, as this one is. If a narrator speaks in the past tense, we can be fairly confident that she knows the end of her own story, and that she has survived to tell it. Note how much more open-ended and suspenseful Offred’s narrative is.


Section IV: Waiting Room

Chapter 8

What is “Gender Treachery?” The passage on the etymology of the term “Mayday” is correct. During World War II, the opening rhythmic pattern from Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony was interpreted as the Morse code for “v” (dot dot dot dash), and used to symbolize “victory”. What do we learn about Offred’s family in this passage? If a miscarried fetus may or may not be an “Unbaby” what would an “Unbaby” seem to be? “All flesh is grass” (Isaiah 40:6) is a quotation from the Bible meaning that all humans are mortal. Why does Aunt Lydia use instead the saying “all flesh is weak?” Does she really mean all humans? How about women? How is Offred’s silent correction a reply to her comment? Serena Joy’s speech making on behalf of housewifery is a clear satire on the career of Phyllis Shlafley, lawyer, right-wing activist, and co-founder of the Eagle Forum, who put most of her energy for many years into leading the fight against the Equal Rights Amendment while admonishing other women to stay home and raise their children. The Shape of Things to Come is the title of one of H. G. Well’s novels, alluded to ironically at the end of the paragraph beginning “She’s looking at the tulips.” Why does Offred envy Rita her access to the knife? Why is she startled at the end of the chapter when she realizes she has called the room “mine”?

Chapter 9

What feelings does she have as she looks back on the early days of her affair with Luke? Nolite te bastardes carborundorum will be explained in Chapter 29. Note that a posting lasts two years. This will be important later.

Chapter 10

Why are the words to the hymn Amazing Grace now considered subversive? Who did Aunt Lydia blame for the “things” that used to happen to women? What sorts of memories does she keep returning to in this chapter?

Chapter 11

What do we learn about the Handmaid system during the scene at the doctor’s office? “Give me children, or else I die.” (Genesis 30:1). Deuteronomy 17:6 requires that for a couple to be stoned to death on account of adultery there has to be two witnesses to the act.

Chapter 12

To what were women vulnerable in bathrooms “before they got all the bugs ironed out”? For Paul on hair, see 1 Corinthians 11:6-15. What does this mean: “I don’t want to look at something that determines me so completely”? The old sexist society was said to reduce women to mere physical objects. Has this changed? What does Offred suggest by saying of the attempted kidnapping of her daughter “I thought it was an isolated incident, at the time”? “Inheriting the Earth”: see Matthew 5.5. If Offred was parted from her daughter when she was five and she is eight now, the separation must have happened three years ago. Since at eighteen months the pattern of change was not clear to Offred, the revolution which established Gilead must have been quite recent. It is difficult to believe that such a thorough transformation of society in such a short time, but it is important to remember that this is not a realistic novel, but a satirical dystopia. What associations are aroused by the tattoo on Offred’s ankle? She is remembering scenes from the end of World War II, in which women who dated the Nazi occupiers had their heads shaved in public. What two meanings of the word “compose” is she playing with in the last paragraph?


Section V: Nap

Chapter 13

What do you think about her comments on boredom as erotic? Offred lets herself go back in time to when she was in training with Moira. Does anyone blame women for being raped today? How has Offred’s attitude toward her body changed? What do her dreams about her husband and daughter have in common? What does she mean by saying at the end of the chapter “Of all the dreams this is the worst”?

Section VI: Household

Chapter 14

The mention of a Montreal satellite station reminds us that Atwood is a Canadian, but Montreal is evidently outside of the territory controlled by Gilead. The endless war, always on the brink of victory, is very reminiscent of the war depicted in Orwell’s Nineteen-Eighty-Four. What other locales seem to be on the edge of Gilead? You should be able to gradually construct a rough map of its territory. “The Children of Ham” is a designation for African-Americans. We are finally told that the narrator is called “Offred,” though it isn’t her real name. Why are we never told her real name? Why was the family warned not to look too happy when they are trying to escape Gilead?

Chapter 15

Why is the Bible kept locked up? In what era were Bibles routinely sequestered from the general population? Note the series of unflattering phallic images Offred runs over. What is the point of the joke in saying “One false move and I’m dead.” The passages the Commander is reading from the Bible are Genesis 8:17 and 30:1-8. The section beginning “For lunch” uses Matthew 5:3-10 (emended) to switch scenes back in time. When we return to the scene in the sitting room, the Commander has just read Genesis 30:18. The scene ends with Second Chronicles 16:9. Why is this verse chosen as the ritual ending of all Bible readings?

Chapter 16

Although this chapter depicts what is clearly the most sensational aspect of Gilead society, it is important not to use it to condemn the novel as “unrealistic.” Refer back to the note on the third epigraph of the novel. Even the perfume has a biblical name, “Lily of the Valley,” from The Song of Songs 2:1. Why is women’s pleasure in sex no longer valued?

Chapter 17

What is her reaction to Nick’s coming to fetch her?


Section VII: Night

Chapter 18

What hope keeps Offred alive?


Section VIII: Birth Day

Chapter 19

In thinking about the missing cushions, Offred is referring to 1 Corinthians 13: 13. What are the odds that any baby will be seriously deformed? What has caused this situation? The name of Jezebel, the wicked wife of King Ahab, is sometimes used as a label for any shamelessly wicked woman (see 1 Kings 21:1-29). The film shown the women about the former way of giving birth follows the same pattern as other themes in this novel: ambivalence about feminist reforms. Some women have argued strongly for natural childbirth, but others see this as a step backward. And many positions in between are advocated. Atwood points out that it was modern medicine that first made pain relief possible during childbirth, though it was at first denounced by preachers who cited the passage quoted at the end of this paragraph, from Genesis 3:16. Anesthetics used during childbirth can be harmful to the infant, but they can also be very beneficial for the mother. This example illustrates well Atwood’s general approach in this novel: certain radical feminist positions and their opposite conservative positions are both depicted as too extreme. Reality is more complex, she seems to be saying. “Agent Orange” was the defoliant widely used on the forests of Vietnam and which was later blamed for numerous biological problems among soldiers.

Chapter 20

Birthing stools were once in widespread use and have been reintroduced by women who argue that giving birth in a sitting position is both more natural and more comfortable. Do you know the real source of the quotation, “From each according to her ability; to each according to his needs”? (It has been slightly but significantly altered.) How valid is the use of sadistic porn films by the Aunts to argue against the old society? “Take Back the Night” originated as the slogan of Women Against Pornography, but has developed in more recent years into an anti-rape slogan. What themes of the women’s movement is Atwood blending together here? What do you think her attitude toward them is? It may be difficult to imagine now, but in some feminist circles in the seventies a woman who chose to bear a child could come under considerable pressure from other feminists, like Offred’s mother. What are the main tensions between Offred and her mother? These distinctions are part of the crux of the novel, which is about a society which reacted to the older feminists by repression and which the younger women did not sufficiently combat. Why did she rebel against her mother as a young woman? How does she feel about her mother now?

Chapter 21

What do we learn in this chapter about how an “Unwoman” is defined? The reference to a “women’s culture” at the end of the chapter refers to certain kinds of feminists who have argued that women possess superior values and could build a superior society. What is Offred’s attitude toward this idea?

Chapter 22

In what way is Moira a “loose woman”?

Chapter 23

How does Offred try to defend herself against her terror when she first enters the study? Playing scrabble seems like an absurdly trivial form of transgression; why is it significant in this setting? Why does she lie about her reaction when the Commander asks her to ki ss him?


Section IX

Chapter 24

How does Offred interpret Aunt Lydia’s teachings about men? What do you think of this idea? What does the story about the death camp commander’s mistress convey? In ancient medicine, hysteria was a disease of women, caused by unnatural movements of the womb. How does Offred describe the sound of her beating heart?


Section X: Soul Scrolls

Chapter 25

Why does Offred covet Serena Joy’s shears? What do these occasional dark comments tell us about the state of her mind underneath her usual bitterly sarcastic narrative? Women’s fashion magazines such as the Commander shows Offred were once the target of fierce criticism from feminists. What does she say these magazines offered? How do the pictures of the women impress her? “My wife doesn’t understand me” is such an old cliché as uttered by men trying to start an affair that it has become a joke.

Chapter 26

A British expression says that a pregnant woman has a “bun in the oven.” How have her feelings changed toward the Commander? How have his feelings changed toward her?

Chapter 27

Loaves and Fishes refers to a miracle story told in the Gospels (see the account in Mark 6:34-44). Note how the memory of the ice cream store leads Offred to thoughts of her daughter. The Soul Scroll machines are most obviously like Tibetan prayer wheels, which are turned to activate the prayers inside them; but they are also reminiscent to the old Catholic practice of paying priests to say prayers for the repose of the dead. What do Ofglen and Offred see immediately after they have revealed their true views to each other?

Chapter 28

Why did Moira criticize Offred for “stealing” Luke and how did Offred defend herself? “Discothèques” nightclubs with recorded rather than live music originated in France. The name was soon abbreviated to “disco.” The main feature of the book of Job is intense suffering. Why would a totalitarian dictatorship prefer computer banking to paper money? Note the statement by the newsstand clerk that sex-oriented enterprises can never be gotten rid of entirely. She turns out to be right later. The law prohibiting the ownership of property by women reinstates the law as it stood in the 19th century and earlier. Many of the extreme aspects of Giladean culture have actually existed in the past. In the passage which begins “Remembering this, I remember also my mother,” note how anti-porn and abortion riots are blended together, though her mother must have been against porn and for abortion. Her opponents in the abortion demonstrations must have been her allies in the anti-porn demonstrations. Why did Offred find her mother embarrassing when she was an adolescent? How has her attitude changed now? Why was Offred afraid to ask Luke how he really felt about her losing her job?

Chapter 29

“Pen Is Envy” is of course a pun on Freud’s “penis envy,” the notion that women who want to be like men are neurotic. When the Commander says of the previous Handmaid who killed herself “Serena found out,” what does this mean, and what is Offred’s reaction?


Section XI: Night

Chapter 30

There is a traditional Jewish prayer for men which thanks God for not having made them women. This prayer is satirized and parodied in this chapter.


Section XII: Jezebel’s

Chapter 31

What has changed about the holidays the Fourth of July and Labor Day? Why would Offred like to be able to have a fight with Luke? Taliths are the prayer shawls worn by Jews. “Magen Davids” are Stars of David, symbols of Judaism. How do you imagine Serena Joy’s offer of the picture affects Offred? Explain.

Chapter 32

“You can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs” is a paraphrase of Napoleon justifying the carnage he caused in attempting to build his empire. When a character in fiction uses it, it almost always indicates the speaker’s ruthlessness.

Chapter 34

Arranged marriages seem hopelessly exotic to many Americans, but in Western civilization they were the rule rather than the exception until a couple of centuries ago. Evaluate and respond to the arguments that the Commander at the Prayvaganza makes against the old dating and marriage system. The “quoted” passages which begin “I will that women adorn themselves in modest apparel” are from 1 Timothy 2:9-15.

Chapter 35

React to Offred’s comments on love. In the next to the last paragraph, what does Offred mean when she says she has been “erased”?

Chapter 37

What is the Commander’s rationale for the existence of places like Jezebel’s? How does he misunderstand when Offred asks him “Who are these people?”

Chapter 38

“The Underground Femaleroad” is of course a pun on the old “underground railroad” along which escaped slaves were smuggled to freedom. What kind of work do the women in the Colonies do? What does Moira say the advantages are in working at Jezebel’s over being a Handmaid?


Section XIII: Night

Chapter 40

Why does Offred feel she has to make up stories about what happened between herself and Nick?


Section XIV: Salvaging

Chapter 41

Why does she say on the bottom of page. 268 “I told you it was bad”?

Chapter 42

Why are the crimes not described at “Salvagings”?

Chapter 43

Why does Ofglen attack the “rapist” so fiercely?

Chapter 44

Why does Offred tell her new companion that she met the former Ofglen in May?

Chapter 45

“She has died that I may live” is of course a parody of “He died that we may live,” a central Christian doctrine referring to Christ’s crucifixion as a source of salvation for believers.


Section XV: Night

Chapter 46

How does Nick reassure Offred when the black van comes? Note the offhanded, ambiguous, but emotionally loaded nature of the last line of Offred’s narrative, typical of her.


Historical Notes on The Handmaid’s Tale

This is the real end of the story, of course, told as a parody of a scholarly symposium. Note the date, two centuries from now. The title which Offred’s narrative has been given resembles those of Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales: “The Knight’s Tale,” “The Wife of Bath’s Tale.” Most SF dystopias end with a heroic conspiracy or uprising leading to the destruction of the evil government which has oppressed everyone. The jarring shift to pretentious scholarly jargon, while amusing to scholars, may be off-putting for most readers; but Atwood is trying to avoid fatalism and sensationalism at the same time. She is also parodying the ponderous, self-conscious attempts of scholars to be humorous. There is a long tradition of “nowhere” names in utopian fiction. “Utopia” means “nowhere” and Samuel Butler called his utopia “Erewhon.” The Chair comes from the University of “deny” which is in the country of “none of it.” But Gord Turner of Selkirk College comments further on these place names:

The Northwest Territories in Canada as an area has been associated with two large native groups–the Dene (read “Denay”) in the Western Arctic and the Inuit in the Eastern Arctic. In fact, the Northwest Territories through referendum (already held) will be divided into two massive land areas known as Denendeh and Nunavut. “Nunavut” means “Our Land” to the Inuit.So it’s quite likely that Atwood meant the University of Denay to be coloured by the Dene and its massive land claims in the 1980s and the huge area to the East of the Mackenzie River Valley known as “Nunavut.” That she changed the spelling of “Nunavut” to “Nunavit” is also interesting as “Nuna” still means “land” and “vit” may mean “our land.”

Anthropology has traditionally been carried out by whites on minorities. Here an evidently Native American scholar has as her specialty studying whites, a deliberately ironic twist. Other names suggest that this conference is in fact dominated by Native Americans. It is difficult to see what Krishna (the erotic lover in Hindu mythology) and Kali (the also erotic avenging demon slaying goddess) have to do with Gileadean religion, though that may be Atwood’s point. Scholars tend to read what they already know into what they are less familiar with. Certainly plenty of scholars have analyzed Krishna as a Christ figure. The reference to the “Warsaw Tactic” is more grim: the Nazis walled up the Warsaw Jews in the ghetto and proceeded to starve most of them to death. The reference to Iran is of course the most pointed, because of that nation’s conservative Islamic revolution which involved strenuous demodernizing and drastic restrictions on the freedom of women. The Iranian example is one of the main inspirations of this novel. Given what Professor Pieixoto has to say about the discovery of “The Handmaid’s Tale,” how drastically would America seem to have changed between the end of the last chapter and now? Anthropologists are famous for their refusal to judge the societies they study. What do you think is Atwood’s reaction to this striving for objectivity in the case of Gilead? How do you feel about it? William Wordsworth famously defined poetry as “emotion recollected in tranquillity.” Note the allusion. Many details about the Gilead society’s policies are revealed here. Atwood takes the opportunity to point to current tendencies which could lead in the direction depicted in the novel. The speaker’s jibe at Offred’s education is not a comment on women, but the smugly superior observation of a South American mocking the inadequacies of North America, clearly much fallen from its previous dominance. Note the Canadian references in this section. “Particicution” would seem to be a scholarly term formed out of “participant execution” to label what Gilead called “salvaging.” Gord Turner points out a parallel term promoted by the Canadian government: “participaction” for “participant action.” For the scapegoat, see Leviticus 16:10. Prof. Pieixoto’s talk is of a type familiar to literary historians: the attempt to connect a the author of a text with some historical person known from other records, particularly in Medieval studies. But for us, the identification is irrelevant, it is the knowledge that Offred survived and the rebellion eventually triumphed that matters. The final call for questions is traditional, of course, but also serves here as an invitation to further discussion of the issues Atwood has raised.

Recommended reading:

Raffaella Baccolini: “Gender and Genre in the Feminist Critical Dystopias of Katharine Burdekin, Margaret Atwood, and Octavia Butler” in Future Females: The Next Generation, ed. Marleen S. Barr. Lanham, Md.: Rowmont Littlefield, 2000, pp. 13-34.

More Science Fiction Study Guides

Notes by Paul Brians, Department of English, Washington State University, Pullman

First mounted March 27, 1996.

Last revised September 24, 2004.

William Gibson: Neuromancer (1984)


When Neuromancer by William Gibson was first published it created a sensation. Or perhaps it would be more precise to say that it was used to create a sensation, for Bruce Sterling and other Gibson associates declared that a new kind of science fiction had appeared which rendered merely ordinary SF obsolete. Informed by the amoral urban rage of the punk subculture and depicting the developing human-machine interface created by the widespread use of computers and computer networks, set in the near future in decayed city landscapes like those portrayed in the filmBlade Runner it claimed to be the voice of a new generation. (Interestingly, Gibson himself has said he had finished much of what was to be his body of early cyberpunk fiction before ever seeing Blade Runner.) Eventually it was seized on by hip “postmodern” academics looking to ride the wave of the latest trend. Dubbed “cyberpunk,” the stuff was being talked about everywhere in SF. Of course by the time symposia were being held on the subject, writers declared cyberpunk dead, yet the stuff kept being published and it continues to be published today by writers like K. W. Jeter and Rudy Rucker Perhaps the best and most representative anthology of cyberpunk writers is Mirrorshades., edited by Sterling, the genre’s most outspoken advocate.

But cyberpunk’s status as the revolutionary vanguard was almost immediately challenged. Its narrative techniques, many critics pointed out, were positively reactionary compared to the experimentalism of mid-60s “new wave” SF. One of the main sources of its vision was William S. Burroughs’ quasi-SF novels like Nova Express, (1964), and the voice of Gibson’s narrator sounded oddly like a slightly updated version of old Raymond Chandler novels like The Big Sleep, (1939). Others pointed out that almost all of cyberpunk’s characteristics could be found in the works of older writers such as J. G. Ballard, Philip K. Dick, Harlan Ellison, or Samuel R. Delany. Most damning of all, it didn’t seem to have been claimed by the generation it claimed to represent. Real punks did little reading, and the vast majority of young SF readers preferred to stick with traditional storytellers such as Larry Niven, Anne McCaffrey and even Robert Heinlein. Gibson’s prose was too dense and tangled for casual readers, so it is not surprising that he gained more of a following among academics than among the sort of people it depicted. Heavy Metalcomics and Max Headroom brought more of the cyberpunk vision to a young audience than did the fiction

Yet Neuromancer is historically significant. Most critics agree that it was not only the first cyberpunk novel, it was and remains the best. Gibson’s rich stew of allusion to contemporary technology set a new standard for SF prose. If his plots and characters are shallow and trite, that mattered little, for it is not the tale but the manner of its telling that stands out. His terminology continues to pop up here and there. Whereas an earlier generation borrowed names from its favorite author, J. R. R. Tolkien, like “Shadowfax” (a new-age music group), “Gandalf” (a brand of computer data switch), and “Moria” (an early fantasy computer game), there has been a proliferation of references to Neuromancer: there was a computer virus called ” Screaming Fist,” the Internet is commonly referred to as “Cyberspace” or–occasionally–“the Matrix,” and there are several World Wide Web sites are named “Wintermute.” (The rock group named “The Meat Puppets” existed before Gibson borrowed the term.) Gibson produced his vision in a time when many people were becoming haunted by the idea of urban decay, crime rampant, corruption everywhere. Just as readers of the 50s looked obsessively for signs that Orwell’s Nineteen-Eighty-Four was coming true, some readers keep an eye out for the emergence of cyberpunk’s nightmare world in contemporary reality. The fiction may not be widely read, but through movies and comics it has created one of the defining mythologies of our time.

The vision of Neuromancer was too confining for a writer of Gibson’s originality, and after a couple of sequels–(Count Zero and Mona Lisa Overdrive )–he turned to other experiments, such as his “steampunk” collaboration with Bruce Sterling: The Difference Engine, depicting an alternative Victorian Age in which huge, steam-driven computers were developed. In 1994 he returned to Cyberpunk with Virtual Light and in 1995 published another novel set in Japan, Idoru.

Note that Gibson’s related story Johnny Mnemonic Official site of the forthcoming Neuromancer film.

In classic SF, a strongly independent individual often overcomes huge obstacles to solve problems affecting vast masses of people. In what ways does Neuromancer depart from this pattern?

Part One: Chiba City Blues

Chapter 1

In the eighties, the American image of Japan underwent a profound transformation. For generations it had been on the margins of our imagination: as the exotic land of cherry blossoms and geishas, later as the war machine sending out kamikaze bomber pilots in World War II, and later still as the source of every sort of cheap, shoddy, imitative gadget. All of these were shallow images, of course. Japan industrialized not long after northern Europe, and Western influences had been strong for centuries. But the success of brands like Sony and Toyota changed everything. Japan suddenly became perceived as the cutting edge of modernity. Whereas the rest of the world had looked toward the U.S. for innovation in the past, young Americans began to think of Japan as the future, and it became a frequent setting for science fiction. Not that the new image was any more profound or less stereotyped, but it was certainly different. Chiba City in this novel has developed into a small section of the megapolis. “The Zone” is the decayed inner core of Chiba City. Today Japan has half the population of the U.S. crowded in the area of California. Urban sprawl is a reality.

The opening image of the book, comparing nature to technology, sets the tone of the narrative. “Case,” the name of the protagonist, could suggest detective fiction, or it could suggest technology. His body–which he treats as almost an alien entity with which he is not friendly terms–is a kind of case for his mind and for the cyberspace with which it fuses, no more significant in itself than the case of a computer CPU. The persistent cyberpunk obsession with the mixture of flesh (called “meat” in the novel) and machinery is introduced through Ratz’s stainless steel teeth–unnatural looking but commonplace in Communist Eastern Europe. Why is it significant that Ratz is ugly? Ratz’ reaction to the unexpected moment of silence is an old cliché, but startlingly incongruous in this setting. Case’s addiction to cyberspace is certainly prophetic; someone half-jokingly set up a Usenet support group for victims of cyberspace addiction: (alt.usenet.recovery). A “coffin hotel” is a building which rents out cheap sleeping space not much larger than a coffin. How is a cyberspace cowboy similar to a traditional cowboy? Different? Case is a classic illegal hacker; but his present dilemma is caused by a classic crime-novel situation, a crook attempting to skim the proceeds from organized crime. Presumably the Russians developed the mycotoxin (fungal poison) as a chemical warfare weapon. It has blocked his ability to experience cyberspace. Why has he come to Japan? What evidence of pollution is contained in the paragraph beginning “Now he slept”? “Arcologies” are huge, self-contained cities enclosed in a single building, imagined by Paolo Soleri. “Dex” is dexedrine, a popular form of amphetimine. What characteristics make Case an anti-hero? What does he do for a living? The possibility of an underground market for body parts has been around since organ transplants became commonplace and has often been treated in SF.

“Miss Linda Lee” may be an allusion to the Velvet Underground song “Cool It Down,” which contains the lines “But now me l”m out on the corner/ You know I’m lookin’ for Miss Linda Lee/Because she’s got the power to love me by the hour.” Where had Case first met Linda Lee? Repeated references to war in Europe suggest it has been devastated in the recent past, probably by nuclear weapons. “Pachinko” is a very popular kind of Japanese gambling machine vaguely like vertically-oriented pinball. “French orbital fatigues” would be the uniform worn by French astronauts in orbit.” “Yakitori” is Japanese barbecued chicken, a common street snack always cooked on skewers. “Sarariman” is the Japanese word for a businessman employed by a large corporation, formed on the English words “salary” and “man.” Compare with English slang: “suit.” What does it tell us that the Japanese industrial giant Mitsubishi seems to have absorbed the U.S. genetic engineering firm Genentech? Although the computer images in the novel have had more impact, the biological ones are almost as important. Why is the “sarariman” in danger in Night City? “Gaijin” is a Japanese term for Westerners. The Yakuza is the biggest Japanese organized crime syndicate, their Mafia. A VTR is a “videotape recorder,” a “simstim” deck is a kind of virtual reality machine to simulate stimuli, Manriki chains and shuriken (sharp-pointed steel stars) are both familiar weapons from ninja movies. Hong Kong is famous for its tailors who can cut and deliver a custom-made suit in hours. Can you guess why the wearing of glasses would be an affectation rather than something normal in this society? The pioneering Russian abstract painter Wassily Kandinsky specialized in shapeless blobs, lines, and smears in bright colors. More Kandinsky.Salvador Dali frequently depicted “melted” watches and clocks (for example, “The Persistence of Memory, ” 1931). Julius Deane uses expressions (“boyo,” “old son”) which indicate a British background. In the paragraph beginning”The cultivation of a certain tame paranoia” he sees in a display window an elaborate alternative to a pocket watch. What is it? A taser stuns its victims with an electrical shock, but is not meant to be lethal. In Japan gasps of pure oxygen could at one time be had from streetside vending machines. What is Case trying to sell now? Why can Ratz crush a shatterproof plastic ashtray to shards in his hand? “Wig”=”crazy;” after old hipster jazz, “flipped his wig,” “wigged out.” Flechettes” are darts (flèche is French for “arrow”). Molly is an extrapolation of the “tough dame” of Chandler-style mean-streets crime fiction. Suchfemme fatale assassins are a mainstay of modern futuristic fiction. Do they represent women’s liberation? What is her characteristic implant?

Chapter 2

A “fletcher” shoots “flechettes” (see above). In the operation called “Screaming Fist” (a typical karate film title, though Gibson probably got it from the title of a 1977 song by the Vancouver punk band The Viletones) a team had been hired to destroy a Russian computer network (“nexus”) in Kirensk with a virus, but Armitage failed and was caught. What does “ICE” stand for? What is an “icebreaker?” Note how computers have altered the economy. Molly tells Case that his surgery is being paid for in software. Samurai originated as the faithful defenders of feudal lords during the Kamakura period, but as Japan fell into disorder, many of them roamed the country as “hired swords” and as such are one of the most popular subjects for Japanese fiction, drama, and film. “Ninjas” are a related group who tend to have a worse reputation, though they could be just as honorable as samurai. “Working girl,” is slang for prostitute, though when Molly uses the term it is at first ambiguous, suggesting that she may be willing to work as a street samurai for anyone. Later we learn the horrifying truth. Note the mechanical crab in the courtyard. Endorphins are natural chemicals which provide pleasurable feelings and suppress pain. If Case has been injected with “endorphin inhibitors,” clearly his tormentors have been trying to make him feel as much pain as possible. Note that his surgery was carried out mostly without incisions. To what is the sex Case experiences with Molly compared? Note how Molly is presented as dominant, highly competent, and–most important–better informed than Case. Such women are very common in contemporary action fiction. Why do you think they are so popular with male readers? What is her job?

What is Case trying to find out from Deane? Note how “Watergated” has become a verb, evidently meaning that the “Screaming Fist” conspiracy proliferated in many directions. “Emp” stands for “EMP”=”Electromagnetic Pulse” weapons. Nuclear bombs detonated at certain altitudes with certain characteristics can destroy electrical circuits, effectively destroying the enemy’s defenses. Arpanet, the ancestor of the Internet was first constructed in an attempt to work around this problem. Here “emps” would seem to be a lower-level weapon aimed at penetrations like “Screaming Fist.” In a turkey shoot the birds are released to be shot at, therefore a turkey shoot is a very easy form of killing. Screaming Fist was a turkey shoot because the Soviet military had been informed in advance that it was coming. “Ivan” is the Russian government. Zaibatsus are the giant Japanese corporations which traditionally employ their male workers for life. What is the entertainment like at Sammi’s arena? Why was killed? (Her name is probably derived from that of a woman mentioned in the lyrics of the Velvet Underground Song “Cool It Down.”) Note the recurring question: “Who is behind all this?” This question characterizes this sort of paranoid conspiratorial fiction.

Part Two: The Shopping Expedition

Chapter 3

The New-York to Washington D. C. corridor is often discussed as an evolving megapolis. Here the process has gone much further, to develop into “the Sprawl.” Note that the map described on the first page of this chapter depicts not population density, but the frequency of the exchange of data: the new definition of civilization. When a star “goes nova” it explodes. Narita Tokyo airport, Schipol [or more correctly Schiphol] is in Amsterdam, Orly is in Paris. The silent train they rode on is a maglev (magnetic levitation) vehicle of the kind which has been tested in various places. A powerful electrical charge turns the rails into electromagnets which actually lift the train above them a fraction of an inch, reducing friction essentially to zero and allowing for great speed at a low expenditure of energy. “The heat” is old gangster slang for “the cops:” here, any form of law enforcement officer. How has Armitage tried to guarantee that Case will not betray his employers? Krill is the tiny shrimp on which baleen whales live. The Japanese process it into various fish and meat imitations. It has been proposed as a source of protein for an over-populated world. New York is enclosed by a dome, but typically Gibson introduces this fact by observing its malfunctioning: a freak wind blowing a piece of newspaper along the street.

The cerebral cortex is the most complex and vital part of the brain. A “cortex bomb” would obviously be very ominous. The team is being slowly assembled. “Dixie Flatline’s construct” is an electronic recording of the mind of a dead “cowboy” (free-lance hacker specializing in penetrating computer security systems) whose actual name was McCoy Pauley. His nickname suggests death (alluding to a flat line on an intensive-care room monitor) because he experienced brain death three times. We will learn more about the monstrous Peter Riviera later.

One of SF’s narrative difficulties is explaining future technology to the reader in a setting in which such explanations should not be necessary. How does Gibson justify providing his “info-dump” explaining the origin of the matrix? “Dermatrodes” would be electrodes which attach to the epidermis, or skin. A mandala is a complex Buddhist symbol, often in circular form. “Spiral arms” alludes the arms of distant galaxies, unreachable by any current technology. Here they are a metaphor for unreachable distant centers of power on Earth. The idea of a computer or network in which one can experience virtual reality has been around in fiction for a long time, but was first popularized in the movie Tron /CITE> (1982).

The stolen module the Finn has brought will enable Case to experience the world from inside Molly’s body without leaving cyberspace–telepathy made technological.

Chapter 4

What distinguishes simstim addicts from cyberspace explorers like Case? Tally Isham is a simstim star. What does Case experience about Molly’s effect on other people? Note the ironic use of the name “Memory Lane.” The sockets implanted in people’s heads were to become a standard feature of cyberpunk. “Softs”=software; the word is an abbreviation for “microsoft,” an obvious allusion to the giant software corporation. The Hosaka computer can function somewhat like the computer on the Starship Enterprise: query it vocally and it will tell you what it knows. The answer is given in multimedia form. Many Japanese women undergo surgery to remove the epicanthic fold in the eyelid, giving them “Western” eyes. What does it mean that people are now having epicanthic folds surgically created? Dr. Rambali alludes to the fact that terrorists depend on the news media to publicize their causes, but the media concentrate so exclusively on their acts of terror that the message they are trying to convey is usually suppressed. How have the Panther Moderns short-circuited this process? “Panther” is usually short for the Black Panther movement of the sixties and early seventies which advocated violent resistance to racism, but in this group is named after the San Francisco rock band “The Panther Moderns” led by Gibson’s friend and fellow cyberpunk author John Shirley. “Big Science” is a term for large, expensive research projects such as the Human Genome Project or the recently-cancelled Superconducting Supercollider; but the name here probably alludes to the title of a Laurie Anderson CD. Anderson’s fusion of live theater and technology is very suggestive of the kind of environment in which Neuromancer is set.

Molly is trying to penetrate the Sense/Net headquarters in Atlanta to steal the Dixie Flatline construct, assisted remotely by Case interfering with Sense/Net’s security software, the two of them linked by the broadcast network created and run by the Panther Moderns. Case’s mind is using Molly’s body. Why do you think Gibson chose Atlanta as media headquarters? A “blackbox” is any kind of illicit electronic device which can bypass normal circuits: the original permitted its users to make long-distance phone calls without paying for them. Strobe lights are known to induce seizures in certain people when pulsed at precisely the right frequency. How do the Panther Moderns terrorize the people in the Sense/Net building? Computer viruses are written mostly to do simple kinds of mischief today; but in the novel viruses are tools which can penetrate secure computers, retrieve information, and cover their traces. Case’s code name is “Cutter.” Molly is “Cat Mother.” “Brood” is the Panthers. How did Molly break her leg? How does Case fool the security system into letting Molly take the construct?

“Lupus” means “wolf” in Latin, although it’s also the name of a disfiguring skin disease. Describe Lupus Yonderboy’s appearance. “Mr. Who” is an allusion to the long-running British SF TV series, Dr. Who, featuring an unnamed hero usually alluded to only as “The Doctor.” Note that although this transaction is taking place in BAMA, the currency is new yen. The “Doppler” effect makes sounds seem to rise in pitch as the sound source approaches the hearer, fall as the recede. Note how Linda Lee continues to haunt him. Here we are first given the name “Wintermute.”

Chapter 5

Why is Molly able to dissect her crab “with alarming ease?” What is “jive” and what is its function in this environment? Artificial Intelligence (“AI”) is a much-discussed concept which would involve the creation of a complex computer system which would replicate the functions of a human brain. Debates rage about whether such a construct would possess consciousness, but research goes on toward developing AI. Molly and Case are both bent on learning who Armitage is working for. The tip that Wintermute is involved leads them to its parent corporation: Tessier-Ashpool S. A. “The gravity well” is a concept describing the difficulty of getting objects and people off the earth’s surface into orbit, where space colonies have been built. Cyberpunk seldom depicts travel to other worlds, but takes high-orbit space colonies for granted. An archipelago is usually a group of islands. What is the meaning of the term here? “Spook” is slang for ” spy.” Freeside is an orbiting space colony shaped like a spindle (or cigar). Explain why it is “hard to keep track of what generation, or combination of generations” is running Tesssier-Ashpool at any time? What does the slogan “Travel was a meat thing” mean? What does a “joeboy” seem to be?

Chapter 6

In this chapter we learn that “Armitage” is really Willis Corto, one of the agents who tried to carry out “Screaming Fist.” What does “Watergating” seem to mean in this context? How was he used by the military? How is Armitage another variation on the machine/human interface theme? How does the pattern of Armitage’s record suggest that he, like Case, is just a hireling and not an integral part of whatever force is behind this mission?

Chapter 7

Why does the Mercedes talk to its passengers as it takes them into Istanbul What is the significance of the existence of letter-writers? How many different kinds of mutual distrust can you find in this chapter among the various characters? Riviera has had an implant which allows him to project onto the retinas of his victims whatever he chooses–far-fetched, but not so unscientific as mental telepathy. What is significant about the horse that they see? How does Riviera deceive Case while Terzibashjian captures him? A seraglio is a harem. According to Case and Molly, who is probably responsible for rebuilding “Armitage” and sending him on this mission? Alan Turing<, a pioneer theoretician of machine intelligence, suggested that a computer might be made indistinguishable from a human being. The “Turing heat” would therefore be police assigned the task of preventing computers from reaching improper levels of intelligence and power. “Shopping politicals”=betraying dissidents. How do we learn that Germany was hit with at least one nuclear weapon during the war? What does the last line of this chapter signify?

Part Three: Midnight in the Rue Jules Verne

Chapter 8

The scene now shifts from Istanbul to Paris. Freeside is called “an orbital Geneva” in relation to that city’s emphasis on offering secret bank accounts which are very attractive to those involved in illegal transactions. What subliminal image does Riviera project to Case to symbolize his opinion of Molly? Since they are taking a Japan Air Lines shuttle from Paris to the orbital station called “Freeside” it is natural that koto music is playing the background. Rastafarianism is a movement that originated in the 1930s in Jamaica, which involves the hairstyle called “dreadlocks,” the hope for blacks to return to Ethiopia (identified with the Biblical Zion), reggae music, and the smoking of ganja (marijuana). It was inspired in part by the movement founded during the early 1920s by Marcus Garvey, who advocated a return of blacks to Africa. He created a fleet of ships called “The Black Star Line,” though it was never used for emigration purposes. Rastas refer to White civilization, and the U. S. in particular as “Babylon,” the demonic city of Christian apocalyptic writing. God is called “Jah,” short for “Jahweh,” which scholars think was the original pronunciation of the Hebrew name for God (though in the scholarship the “J” is pronounced as in German, as a “Y” sound). The rasta dialect is used by the characters in this chapter. Without rotation, an orbiting space station is in free-fall, and this creates an apparently weightless environment familiar from televised orbital missions. However, if such a station is spun around a central axis, centrifugal force pushes everything toward the rim. The closer to the rim one is, the stronger the apparent gravity is; whereas at the center of rotation, freefall weightlessness prevails. Note the various visual games Riviera continues to play. What reveals that Dixie Flatline is in fact bothered by knowing that he is dead? “Rue [Street] Jules Verne ” is of course a tribute to the French grandfather of science fiction. “Stepping Razor” is a 1977 song by Reggae great Peter Tosh (from his album Equal Rights). The lyrics of the opening verse and refrain indicate why Molly’s razor implants would remind the rastas of the song:

If you wanna live
Treat me good
If you wanna live, live
I beg you treat me goodI’m like a stepping razor
Don’t you watch my sides
I’m dangerous, said I’m dangerous
I’m like a stepping razor
Don’t you watch my sides
I’m dangerous, dangerous

Complete lyrics.

(Thanks to Thom Cosgrove for this note.)

Names spelled “Aerol” and “Maelcum” are approximations of the rasta pronunciations of “Errol” and “Malcolm.” Dub is a form of Jamaican rap music, popular throughout the Caribbean. Who has persuaded the rastas to cooperate with the team, and how?

Chapter 9

A “g-web” would be a retaining net able to absorb the impact of acceleration and deceleration as the tug maneuvers. Such impact is measured in “g’s” or Earth gravity equivalents. To experience 2 gs, for instance, is to be feel a force equal to two times Earth’s gravity. Rastas avoid saying “we,” using “I and I” instead. A “frog” company would be French. Gibson has no hesitation about using rather dated slang in his narrative mixed with futuristic locutions. When Case’s attempt to penetrate Wintermute is repelled, where and when does his mind seem to take him? Where is he really? What does Wintermute reveal to Case about its true nature?

Chapter 10

The description of the plants tumbling over the balconies of Freeside strongly suggests traditional images of the Hanging Garden of Babylon. The blue sky overhead is artificial, a recording made in the French sea resort of Cannes. Why does the pseudo-death of Deane haunt Case so much? How does Case react to trees and grass? What bizarre style does he encounter worn by three Japanese wives? Why is Case so puzzled about being sent the Kuang Grade Mark Eleven icebreaker virus? What is Dixie Flatline’s theory?

Chapter 11

“Vingtième Siècle” is French for “Twentieth Century,” now a “period.” Here we first encounter Lady 3Jane Marie-France Tessier-Ashpool. Why does Peter Riviera’s show upset Case so much? Of the expensive shops, Gucci is Italian, Tsuyako is Japanese, Hermès is French, and Liberty is English. What does Case learn about Linda from Wintermute in this chapter? Wintermute seems to be behaving like an old-fashioned melodrama villain: manipulating the protagonist by endangering the woman he cares about. The girl in Case’s cubicle is a “meat puppet,” a prostitute who has had her conscious mind artificially disconnected from her body by a “neural cutout” so that she can carry out her duties on “automatic pilot.” Why was Molly so furious at Riviera’s sadistic fantasy performance? “Snuff” refers to film or performances involving the killing of women for the sexual pleasure of sadists. Snuff films have a long-standing status as an urban legend–nobody has ever found an authentic commercial example–but they are commonly cited as the quintessence of pornography. So Molly’s boss was planning to have her killed. Why did she kill the Senator? This story makes clear what Molly has to gain by remaining an outlaw. What is Molly’s theory about how Wintermute is manipulating her?

Chapter 12

Why has Gibson invented the term “nighted”? “Le Monde” is French for “The World.” “Old money” means wealth combined with social status in old families such as the Rockefellers. “Old credit” would be mean the same in a culture where physical money no longer has a function. Remember that Case is using the name “Lupus” now. Origami (traditional Japanese paper-folding) cranes have come to be symbols of peace because of their association with the anti-nuclear bomb campaigns in Japan. What do you think is the significance of Cathy’s crane? Examine the metaphors in the paragraph describe the Case’s sensations when the drug hits; can you see any pattern in them? What do they have in common? Why is the zodiac on Freeside referred to as a “loser’s” zodiac? Cath had hoped to seduce Case with this drug. What goes wrong with her plan? What is Case’s attitude toward his anger the next morning? “Turing”=”Turing police,” defined above.

Part Four: The Straylight Run

Chapter 13

Case learns for the first time what his real mission is, from the police. What is it? “Good cop/bad cop” is a familiar routine in which one interrogator is angry and threatening while the other feigns sympathy. The suspect is meant to shrink from the first into the “protective” arms of the other and reveal his or her guilt. The “Recording Angel” is a mythical being who records all deeds good and bad to decide who makes it into heaven. Case’s surgical implant procedure, evidently designed by Wintermute, was so innovative it enabled the illegal clinic in Chiba City to capitalize on the knowledge involved to get rich. How has this fact led to Case’s arrest? Why does Michèle say that Case has no “care” for his species? Why will it be difficult for Sense/Net to protest the destruction of the Dixie Flatline construct? Since both the pilot of the biplane and the gardening robot have struck, to whom is Case speaking in the last lines of this chapter?

Chapter 14

When Case loads the Chinese icebreaker software, Dixie Flatline observes from outside it that it appears invisible–reassuring for the team. Dixie’s description of the way the virus works is a well-written example of SF pseudo-science talk: a set of metaphors that make a kind of sense without any real technical explanation. When Case finds himself facing what appears to be the Finn back in Metro Holografix, who is he really talking to? For the reference to the burning bush, see Exodus 3:2-6. An old philosophical puzzle asks, “If a tree falls in the forest where there’s no one to hear it, does it make a sound?” How is Wintermute able to recreate people and places Case knows? In what sense is the imaginary vacuum tube part of Wintermute’s DNA? What threat does Wintermute claim to want to protect humanity from? A “folly” is the sort of fantastic architectural construction built in late 18th-century England to suggest medieval or classical ruins. The explanation given by the jeweled head of the Villa Starlight is another example of an “info-dump.” What is the source of this one? “Semiotics” here refers to the meaning of the patterns of the Villa. Why does Wintermute need the team to penetrate past the head? Wintermute’s last speech is highly ambiguous. Can you puzzle a meaning out of it? In Exodus Chapter 3, God speaks to Moses from within a burning bush.

Chapter 15

The meeting with Wintermute this time “killed” Case temporarily. When he reestablishes simstim contact with Molly, Wintermute informs her of the connection on her implanted ocular display which normally acts as a digital clock. This trick is what she reacts to when she says “Cute.” The words in ALL CAPS in the rest of this chapter are similar displays. Molly uses her tongue to flip a control in her mouth that switches her vision from perceiving normal light to some kind of substitute which works in the dark. What is a “stash ” as Molly defines it? Molly’s story about Johnny reveals that she and Case have something important in common. What is it? Why do you think the ordinarily very private Molly is telling him this story? “Fancy dress” is British for costumes of the sort one would wear to a costume party. Note how compact discs, invented shortly before this novel was written, are treated here as antique technology. The combination of hypodermic and spoon indicates heroin use. The heroin is melted over heat in the spoon, then injected via the hypodermic needle. What is the symbolism involved in the rerouting of Molly’s tearducts? The Egyptian Pharaohs had their servants killed and buried with them. Ashpool has been in a sort of suspended animation for the last thirty years, forever on the brink of death but never dying, an idea that was earlier explored in Philip K. Dick’s brilliant novel Ubik. What does Case see in the face of the dead 3Jane? (It turns out later that this is not the real 3Jane, by the way.) What is suggested by the fact that a fiberoptic cable is connected to her neck? The theme of a rich, self-indulgent family, fallen into decadent madness, is a cliché of popular fiction, and can be found in Gibson’s model, Raymond Chandler.

Chapter 16

What does Molly like about her relationship with Case? His computer completes the search Case had directed it to make for the name “General Girling” and the result is displayed by Dixie Flatline on Molly’s optic implant since Case is jacked into her brain at present. Since the display is not very wide, only a few letters can be shown at a time. The crazed Armitage is trying to order the Rastas around, but they refuse because this is a “Babylon war”–a struggle involving outsiders, not really their concern. “Rude boy” is rasta slang for a tough gang member. Maelcom boasts that he is tough enough to defy the Zionite leaders and stay with Case. “Rocksteady” is one variety of Jamaican pop music, a predecessor to reggae. We learn why Riviera was important, to seduce 3Jane into giving up some of the secrets of how to penetrate Straylight to Armitage/Corto. When the latter next shows up, he has flipped back into the past, into the ill-fated “Screaming Fist” run. Why is Case so upset about Armitage falling apart? The maddened Armitage/Corto has not only killed a man in order to destroy one of the computers being used on the run, but he has set the escape pod that he is in to separate from the ship without closing its seals; he imagines he is escaping Russia for Finland, but in fact he is hurled into the vacuum of space.

Chapter 17

What makes the Tessier-Ashpool corporation more vulnerable than the zaibatsus? Who is ultimately behind the deaths of Armitage and Ashpool? What motivates Dixie Flatline to work for Wintermute? The way the books in the Straylight library are described suggests that books are antique rarities. The Dada artist Marcel Duchamp created a large sculpture out of glass and paint depicting some chocolate-grinding machinery and molds and gave it the characteristically surrealistic title “La mariée mis à nu par ses célibataires, même” The Bride Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors, Even. The object was badly cracked when it was being moved early in its history, and the lines of the shards have become a familiar part of the work of art. Knowing how Molly hates Riviera, her message to him to be delivered by Case is ominous. Why would spacial disorientation hold a peculiar horror for cowboys?

Chapter 18

Run Run Shaw owned one of the busiest film studios in the world in Hong Kong, churning out hundreds of martial arts films for distribution throughout Asia. Bruce Lee and Clint Eastwood are pioneering “bad-ass heroes” of action movies East and West, respectively. Riviera encases Molly’s hands in a variation of old paper “Chinese handcuffs”: the more you struggle, the tighter you’re trapped. As in classic hardboiled detective fiction (like The Maltese Falcon) , the lines of alliance are constantly shifting, and you never know whom you can trust. Cray manufactures the world’s most popular supercomputers. Using their brand name for a little commonplace monitor raises the ante on the technology. Molly reveals that she had her own agenda when she killed Hideo and tried to kill Riviera. Why has Riviera decided to ally himself with 3Jane against the team? Chairman Mao Tse Tung’s most famous saying was “Power comes out of the barrel of a gun.” How did Riviera prevent Molly from really killing the two men at the pool?

Chapter 19

With Molly crippled, Case and Maelcum have to penetrate Villa Straylight themselves to complete the mission, and to rescue her. How do the life-support systems of the Villa Straylight symbolize the role of the corporation itself? What does “decanted” usually mean? (Look it up.) What does it mean when 3Jane says “I was decanted?” Why does she use the present tense when she says “He strangles her in bed?” 3Jane’s mother’s idea of blending the family with artificial intelligences to achieve a sort of immortality is an old SF theme. 3Jane reveals an important fact about the AIs, which holds the key to the novel: Wintermute is only one of two AIs. When Molly abruptly sees her mutilated face, it is of course Peter taunting her again.

Chapter 20

When Case next jacks in, he is sent by Neuromancer back to Lady Marie-France Tessier’s recorded memory of a summer in Morocco, where she isolated herself in the bunker that Case moves into with the simulacrum of Linda Lee. Japanese Zen gardens consist of a few well-placed rocks and sand raked in elaborate patterns. Case discovers that the AI manipulating him at the moment is not Wintermute; it is the other one. What is the point of Case’s complaint about the food? The tan Case has acquired on Freeside is an expensive luxury. What is Linda’s reaction to it? When Case feels himself drawn down to the “meat” level by the projection of Linda Lee, he defines the latter in terms of information: spiral DNA molecules and pheromones, molecules which convey messages through smell. His seduction from the world of the Net down into the flesh is highly ironic, of course. Why?

Chapter 21

“Event horizon” refers to the border of a black hole and is used here to refer to the limit of the illusion the AI has constructed. It was widely believed in ancient times that you could only summon up and control a spirit whose secret name you had learned. There is a famous scene in Goethe’s Faust in which the protagonist tries and fails to identify the demon Mephistopheles. The name “Neuromancer” is a variation on “necromancer,” a magician dealing in evil spirits and death (“neuro”=nerves, artificial intelligence, “mancer”=magician). “Romancer” is yet another pun.

Chapter 22

The Coriolis force, which causes movement to deviate slightly from a straight line on rotating bodies (like the Earth) is perhaps exaggerated in the rapidly spinning spindle; but in fact it would be very small. Case thinks 3Jane may spare Molly because he has experienced the latter’s attraction to her through the simstim rig. A ROM construct would be fixed, whereas RAM is indefinitely expandable. Why does Riviera’s blinding of Hideo fail to defeat him? How has Molly gotten her revenge on Riviera? In an electronic world, old-fashioned mechanical locks are unexpected obstacles.

Chapter 23

In what ways is Neuromancer different from Wintermute? How are the dwarfs’ quarters in the palace of the Duke of Mantua like the Villa Straylight for the Tessier-Ashpools? Case needs to energize himself with hate to succeed in breaking through the final barriers. Whom does he hate? Again the Jamaican “dub” music welcomes him back to Freelight.

Coda (Chapter 24)

Why does Molly leave Case? The shuriken, so prominent throughout the novel, was never used. What does Case think it symbolizes? Why did Wintermute want to fuse with Neuromancer? What does this metaphor represent: “a series of warm blinks strung along a chain of winter”? Alpha Centauri is the nearest star to Earth. So what does it mean that Wintermute/Neuromancer has found recorded evidence of another AI there? Michael or Mikal is not a really rare name for a woman; so it’s difficult to know if we are supposed to read anything into the name. Constructs of Case, Riviera and Linda will exist forever in the AI’s mind. Why do you think male authors so frequently imagine highly desirable but dangerous women like Molly who get devastatingly involved with their protagonists and then leave?

Recommended reading:

Nicola Nixon: “Cyberpunk: Preparing the Ground for Revolution or Keeping the Boys Satisfied?” Science-Fiction Studies, vol. 19 (July 1992): 219-235.
Lance Olsen: William Gibson. San Bernardino, Calif.: Borgo Press, 1992.

More Science Fiction Study Guides

Notes by Paul Brians, Department of English, Washington State University, Pullman 99164-5020.

First mounted May 1994.
Version of July 16, 2013.

Thanks to Tom Mathews for catching the “Miss Linda Lee” reference.