(Duiker 15-22)

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Questions about Duiker: *What roles did the Nile River play in the development of Egyptian civilization? What does the “Hymn to the Nile” have to say about this role? What is being referred to when the hymn talks about when the Nile is “sluggish”? *What were the natural barriers which protected Egypt? Which is further north: Upper or Lower Egypt? Briefly describe the social class structure of ancient Egypt. *Why was Osiris especially important? What were the main functions of the pyramids? *What made Akhenaten different from other pharoahs? *Describe women’s roles in ancient Egypt. Lecture topics:

Lecture topics:
Narmer unites Upper and Lower Egypt
The Egyptian empire
Ramses II
Hatshepsut & her achitect Senmut

Helpful Hints:

  • If you haven’t already, draw a strong line between your notes on Sumer/Akkad and today’s notes. You don’t want to mix Egypt up with Mesopotamia when it comes time to study for the test. Hammurabi had nothing to do with Egypt.
  • A way to remember how to spell “Hatshepsut”: think of a sheep wearing a hat and a suit coat. Hat+shep+sut.
  • Be sure to note down descriptions of several of the images you’re shown today, as always.

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