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begs the question

An argument that improperly assumes as true the very point the speaker is trying to argue for is said in traditional logic to “beg the question.” Here is an example of a question-begging argument: “This painting is trash because it is obviously worthless.” The speaker is simply asserting the worthlessness of the work, not presenting any evidence to demonstrate that this is in fact the case. Since we never use “begs” with this odd meaning (“to improperly take for granted”) in any other phrase, most people now suppose the phrase implies something quite different: that the argument demands that a question about it be asked—raises the question. Although using the expression in its original sense is now rare, using it in the newer sense will cause irritation among traditionalists.

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Study Guides

Study Guides to Various Works and Other Course Materials

Grouped here are study guides prepared by Professor Paul Brians of Washington State University for the use of students in his classes. Nonprofit users are welcome to use and reproduce them for educational purposes so long as full credit is given to the author and the URL of the original is included, though online “mirrors” are not allowed. Please link to these pages rather than cloning them on your own site. Feel free to make corrections and/or additions by writing Prof. Brians at

Science Fiction Film
Science Fiction
18th and 19th Century European Classics (Humanities 303)
Love in the Arts
World Literature in English of India, Africa, and the Caribbean
World Civilizations
Helpful Hints for Writing Class Papers
Science Fiction Film
Science Fiction
18th and 19th Century European Classics (Humanities 303)
Love in the Arts
World Literature in English of India, Africa, and the Caribbean
The Bible as Literature

The Magic of Christmas

Commonly Misinterpreted Passages from the Bible
Part 1:

Commonly Misinterpreted Passages from the Bible
Part 2:

Commonly Misinterpreted Passages from the Bible
Part 3:




World Civilizations
Helpful Hints for Writing Class Papers

About these Study Guides

I created these study guides to help my students prepare for literature classes. They are meant to serve several functions.

  1. Some of them provide background to help readers understand what they are reading and why they are reading it (the historical status of the works).
  2. They provide useful information, explaining allusions, obscure terms, etc. in the texts and provide translations of passages written in languages other than English.
  3. They try to focus students’ attention on issues that we will discuss in class.


One of the most common student complaints in literature classes is that they can’t figure out what the teacher expects them to get out of the assignments. Homework turns into a massive guessing game, failing which, students wait for the teacher to clarify things in class. This makes for sluggish or nonexistent discussions. Students using these guides can read with more purpose. They know what issues I am going to want to them to deal with in class and can prepare much better.

I require my students to prepare written answers to the questions in these guides and come to class prepared to answer any one of them. At the beginning of class I collect the notes along with the quizzes. Not every question must be answered in the notes but they must show a diligent effort at preparation. Since I began using these guides, few students come to class without having both read and thought about the assignment, and discussions have improved enormously. Plagiarism of someone else’s notes is grounds for failure in the class, like any other kind of plagiarism.

Questions & Answers about Using the Study Guides

Isn’t this a lot of work?
For the more serious students, the guides simplify homework because they know what to concentrate on. Many things which would have to be puzzled out or looked up and simply explained. However, one of my goals is to encourage students to work harder and more productively.
But it’ll take forever to answer all these questions!
But you don’t have to write answers to all the questions. Many are simply ways of drawing your attention to features of the text I want you to notice. Others have simple answers you can easily recall if you have done the reading. Yet others are opinion-based or open-ended: you can easily answer them without notes. I expect substantial notes, at least a page or so of detail, for each assignment, to document that you are indeed preparing for class. Notes which cover only the first part of the assigned reading will be considered unsatisfactory.
But I have a great memory! Isn’t this note-taking a waste of time?
Writing something down makes you think about it in a different sort of way. It makes you focus and define your thoughts. These notes can also provide a great basis for papers you write later. I don’t require very many or very long papers in my classes. Instead, these notes and quizzes make up the bulk of the writing you will do. Think of them as a massive take-home final exam that you’re writing a bit at a time: all open book!
Won’t these guides inhibit discussion? They seem to foreclose some interpretations and privilege others.
To some degree this is true. While I hope fewer off-the-wall misreadings will occur, original readings are not required in the same way as in traditional classes. However, original thinkers seem to find it possible to offer their own readings, especially when they have mine to bounce them off of.
But what if I think some of what the guides say is just wrong?
No problem. Disagree. I change the contents of the guides in response to student comments all the time. These are not meant to be authoritative. They’re just one professor’s take based on his experience teaching these texts over the years. I not only welcome correction; I encourage it. Send corrections or suggestions to
But won’t students be inhibited about disagreeing with you if they know your opinion ahead of time?
Not in my experience. In fact, students are able to ponder my opinions ahead of time, plot out their disagreements, and prepare to disagree. We have cut way down on the incidence of students being surprised and embarrassed in class when I disagree with them. By exposing my views first, I lower the risk for students rather than raising it. Discussions are far more lively now than before I started using the guides, and I’ve changed my own readings several times on the basis of student insights.
Aren’t these a kind of amateur Cliff’s Notes or Masterplots that students can use as substitutes for really reading the texts?
Judge for yourself. I don’t think so. I try to provide information that isn’t obvious; but to do well on the quizzes, you have to do your own reading.
I’m not one of your students. How can I use these guides?
Actually, it’s people like you who I hope will become the main users for this Web version of my study guides. Use them as a set of notes to help you understand what you are reading. Ignore any parts you find uninteresting or unhelpful. But non-WSU students need to be aware that if you copy these notes and turn them in it will be quite easy for any teacher to track down the source of your plagiarism, thanks to the excellent searching tools of the Web.
I’m a teacher. Can I reproduce these for my students?
Sure, so long as you aren’t printing them in a published book. Edit them, excerpt them, so long as you cite me as the source on your copies. Permission is granted for such use to nonprofit users only. If you have handouts of your own that you think are useful or interesting, send me a copy, or put them on the Web and send me the URL. I’d like to see a clearing house of classroom handouts where we could all share the fruits of each others’ labors. Why do we all have to reinvent the wheel?

Paul Brians’ Study Guides FAQs

I originally created these study guides for the use of my students at Washington State University, but I am happy that they have become popular with thousands of others. However, because they have become so popular, I cannot deal with all of the e-mail that comes my way concerning them. If you are about to write me about a study guide, please read through the following first.

May I have permission to reprint one of your study guides?
I routinely grant permission for such reproduction if it is done for a nonprofit educational purpose, but I like to be notified. Drop me an e-mail if you do this, please. Reproductions should include the URL of the original (omitting the outdated “:8080” string that many people are still using, please) and cite me as author. Commercial publishers should write me to negotiate reprint rights.
May I create a mirror of one of your study guides?
I rarely grant permission for mirrors. A Chinese group in Taiwan created a Chinese-language version of one of my guides with my permission, and a federal agency mirrored another of my resources for the exclusive use of employees on its intranet, behind a firewall which made the original inaccessible to them. More ordinary requests to mirror my pages are usually denied, for several reasons. 1) I like to retain control over my work, updating it whenever I need to. 2) I like people to be able to browse from one of my pages to another, exploring my site at will. 3) The only recompense I get for this work comes from “hits” showing on my counters–and visitors to mirrors don’t trip my counters.

Feel free to link to my pages, but I do like to know about it when you do.

Can you send me the answers to the questions in your study guide?
The study guides are designed to prompt careful, thoughtful readers to work out their own answers as they read through the texts discussed. I do not have a file of answers to send out. I’m occasionally willing to give advice to a student or teacher who has made an honest effort to work out an answer and wants to check with me to see whether they’ve hit on what I was thinking of; but I don’t run an answering service for the study guides.
Where can I find more study guides?
You’ll find a list of all my study guides on this page in the above right list, as well as in the site navigation on the left. For serious research in the humanities, see The Voice of the Shuttle and the eServer. But often you’ll turn up more useful material about literary and philosophical topics in a quick visit to a moderate-sized library. A librarian can often show you valuable resources in a few minutes that you could search for in vain for hours on the Internet.
I was just wondering, what do you think the principal motivations of each of the characters is and how does the conclusion relate to the introduction? (Or other obviously teacher-assigned questions).
Your teacher wants you to do these assignments yourself. I am not in the business of undermining the work of my colleagues at other schools.
an u help me write my paper its due tommorow im desperate!!!!
Please spare me this sort of thing. In the first place, you’re writing an English professor–this is not the time to use sloppy Internet-speak. I won’t nit-pick your prose, but at least take the trouble to hit the shift key to create proper capitals, and punctuate your sentences. In the second place, I’m a teacher, and I frown on my own students getting someone else to do their work. If you were my student I’d report you to the authorities and try to have you kicked out of school, so I’m not likely to do the homework of a total stranger. “Desperate” almost always means the writer didn’t care enough about the assignment to get started early–another of my pet peeves.
I don’t have time to read the book. Can you give me a plot summary?
My goal in creating these guides to encourage readers to engage closely with texts than I care about. The last thing I want to do is help somebody avoid reading them. The only study guide which contains a plot summary is the one on Rushdie’s Satanic Verses, for reasons which are explained there. Good assignments should not be doable by merely reading my guides and ignoring the assigned texts. If you’re able to get a passing grade out of your teacher by using my work alone you’re not only cheating the teacher, you’re cheating yourself of some wonderful experiences.
Why do you write about so many different topics?
Although my title is “Professor of English,” my degrees are in Comparative Literature; and I have always been interested in comparative arts and humanities topics. Most of my courses include some music, art, or philosophy, along with traditional literary texts. I consider my field to be the history of ideas. You’ll find very few traditional English and American literary works discussed here–my colleagues at WSU take care of that sort of thing.
I want more information about using these study guides.
Try reading the above section, About These Study Guides.
Can I take a course from you online?
Sorry, I’m retired now, and no longer offering online courses.
What’s your e-mail address?
Keep it clear, short, polite, and observe the above warnings, and I may well write back to you. But be aware that I sometimes travel and am not answering my e-mail.

any more

In the first place, the traditional (though now uncommon) spelling is as two words: “any more” as in “We do not sell bananas any more.” In the second place, it should not be used at the beginning of a sentence as a synonym for “nowadays.” In certain dialects of English it is common to utter phrases like “anymore you have to grow your own if you want really ripe tomatoes,” but this is guaranteed to jolt listeners who aren’t used to it. Even if they can’t quite figure out what’s wrong, they’ll feel that your speech is vaguely clunky and awkward. “Any more” always needs to be used as part of an expression of negation except in questions like “Do you have any more bananas?” Now you won’t make that mistake any more, will you?

Some Americans now distinguish between the one-word and two-word versions. “Anymore” is recommended for uses meaning “nowadays,” and “any more” for other uses. Examples: “I don’t bet on horses anymore” vs. “I don’t want any more neckties.” This distinction is not universally observed by any means. In the UK, the two-word spelling is still preferred.

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Like “only,” “almost” must come immediately before the word or phrase it modifies: “She almost gave a million dollars to the museum” means something quite different from “She gave almost a million dollars to the museum.” Right? So you shouldn’t write, “There was almost a riotous reaction when the will was read” when what you mean is “There was an almost riotous reaction.”

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You can remember this one by remembering how to spell “accidental.” There are quite a few words with -ally suffixes (like “incidentally”) which are not to be confused with words that have “-ly” suffixes (like “independently”). “Incidental” is a word, but “independental” is not.

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More Errors (Eggcorns)

More Errors

People send me quite a few word confusions which don’t seem worth writing up but which are nevertheless entertaining or interesting. I simply list a number of these below for your amusement. Many of them are discussed on the Eggcorn Database site.

Note: if you don’t find what you’re looking for below, please be aware that this is only a supplementary page to a much more extensive site that begins here.

What was said What was meant
a stigmatism astigmatism
abolishment abolition
abraded upbraided
acrosst across
ad homonym ad hominem
aerobic numbers Arabic numbers
affidavid affidavit
alphabeticalize alphabetize
alsome, allsome awesome
altercations alterations
alterior ulterior
anachronism acronym
ambliance ambulance
anticlimatic anticlimactic
anchors away anchors aweigh
ancy antsy
aperpo à propos
apples and organs apples and oranges
arm’s way harm’s way
artical article
as a pose to as opposed to
ashfault asphalt
assessible accessible
assumably presumably
at leased at least
authoritarian source authoritative source
back round background
balling out bawling out
based around based on
batter an eyelid bat an eyelid
bear the blunt bear the brunt
beautify a saint beatify a saint
beckon call beck and call
begs belief beggars belief
besiege beseech
beyond approach beyond reproach
bids well bids fair, bodes well
binded bound
Bladerunner (film title) Blade Runner
bled like a stuffed pig bled like a stuck pig
blessing in the sky blessing in disguise
blindsighted blindsided
blow a casket blow a gasket
a board of director a member of a board of directors
boom to the economy boon to the economy
bonafied bona fide
bored of bored with
bottles the mind boggles the mind
bowl in a china shop bull in a china shop
bran new brand new
built off of built on or upon
BVD player DVD player
by in large or enlarge by and large
Cadillac converter catalytic converter
card shark cardsharp
carport tunnel carpal tunnel
case and point case in point
cease and decease cease and desist
cease the day seize the day
chalked full chock-full
cheap at half the price cheap at twice the price
chester drawers chest of drawers
chicken pops chicken pox
chomp at the bit champ at the bit
chow ciao
circus sized circumcised
clearified clarified
cohabitate cohabit
collaborating evidence corroborating evidence
component opponent
conversate converse
conservative effort concerted effort
copywrite copyright
copywritten copyrighted
coronated crowned
coronet cornet
cortage cortege
coruscating excoriating
a couple guys a couple of guys
coup de gras coup de grace
cream de mint creme de menthe
crimp my style cramp my style
crossified crucified
the crutch of the matter the crux of the matter
culvert sack cul de sac
cumberbun cummerbund
cursing through his veins coursing through his veins
cut to the chaff cut to the chase
dappled in dabbled in
darkest before the storm darkest before the dawn
dead wringer dead ringer
debockle debacle
decidated dedicated
deformation of character defamation of character
deja vous deja vu
Samuel R. Delaney Samuel R. Delany
detrius detritus
diabolically opposed diametrically opposed
dialate dilate
differ payment defer payment
die heart diehard
diswraught distraught
do diligence due diligence
do to due to
documentated documented
doggy dog world dog-eat-dog world
dottering doddering
down the pipe down the pike
dresser draw dresser drawer
drownded drowned
drownding drowning
drudged up dredged up
dry reach dry retch
electorial college electoral college
end justifies the meaning end justifies the means
enervate energize
Episcopalian church Episcopal church
escape goat scapegoat
esculate escalate
exasperated exacerbated
excape escape
exhilarator accelerator
expecially especially
expeculation speculation
expediate expedite
exuberant price exorbitant price
exulted status exalted status
eyesaw, eye soar eyesore
face the piper face the music, pay the piper
fair to midland fair to middling
far and few between few and far between
fathom a guess hazard a guess
fast majority vast majority
fate accompli fait accompli
Federal Drug Administration Food and Drug Administration
final throws final throes
first come, first serve first come, first served
flamingo dancer flamenco dancer
flustrated frustrated
focus like a razor focus like a laser
foilage foliage
foul swoop fell swoop
four-stair heating forced-air heating
Franklin Delanor Roosevelt Franklin Delano Roosevelt
frentic frantic or frenetic
front in center front and center
full ball full bore
garner wages garnish wages
gave me slack gave me flak
gentile manners genteel manners
gentlelady gentlewoman
genuses genera
glaucomole glaucoma
glaze over gloss over
gleam glean
godforsaken right God-given right
gone array gone awry
gorilla warfare guerilla warfare
got my dandruff up got my dander up
grant it granted
greatfruit grapefruit
harbringer harbinger
heared heard
harps back harks back
hearst hearse
heart-rendering heart-rending
Heineken remover Heimlich maneuver
here on end here on in
hewn cry hue and cry
High Iraqi hierarchy
hobbiest hobbyist
hold down the fort hold the fort
hurtles to overcome hurdles to overcome
howsomever however
I seen I saw or I’ve seen
ice tea iced tea
imbedded embedded
flaw in the ointment fly in the ointment
hare’s breath hair’s breadth
high dungeon high dudgeon
hit a high bar clear a high bar
ideallic ideal or idyllic
immaculate degeneration macular degeneration
impaling doom impending doom
imput input
in another words in other words
in lieu of in light of
in loo of in lieu of
in mass en masse
if I don’t say so myself if I do say so myself
in sink in synch
in the same vane or vain in the same vein
incredulous incredible
indiscrepancy discrepancy
insinnuendo insinuation or innuendo
insuremountable insurmountable
in tact intact
interduce introduce
internally grateful eternally grateful
International Workers of the World Industrial Workers of the World
intragul integral
Issac Isaac
it’s beggars belief it beggars belief
ivy tower ivory tower
jack of all traits jack of all trades
jaundra genre
just assume just as soon
key fab key fob
kindly kind of
kit gloves kid gloves
klu klux klan ku klux klan
lacksadaisical lackadaisical
lamblasted, landblasted lambasted
land up end up, land
landlover landlubber
lapse into a comma lapse into a coma
larnyx larynx
laxidaisical lackadaisical
lively hood livelihood
love nuts lug nuts
love one and other love one another
low and behold lo and behold
ludicrust ludicrous
Lex Luther Lex Luthor
Martin Luthor King Martin Luther King
Lykert scale Likert scale
magnate school magnet school
make ends meat make ends meet
make head or tale make head or tail
marquis marquee
masonary masonry
mean time meantime
memorized mesmerized
menestrate menstruate
meter out justice mete out justice
misconscrew misconstrue
Mississippi Marsala Mississippi Masala
mister meaner misdemeanor
mix words mince words
momento memento
muncho man macho man
muriel mural
myocardial infraction myocardial infarction
new leash on life new lease on life
neck in neck neck and neck
needles to say needless to say
nitch niche
no holes barred, no bars held no holds barred
Nobel lariat Nobel laureate
notary republic notary public
notch it up a bit take it up a notch
odiferous odoriferous
odviously obviously
oject d’art objet d’art
off my own back off my own bat
off the deep edge off the deep end, over the edge
on mass en masse
on the same hand on the other hand, by the same token
once and a while once in a while
one pony-trick one-trick pony
orthoscopic arthroscopic
overhauls overalls
overjealous overzealous
pacific specific
paddle lock padlock
pain-staking painstaking
pair of parenthesis pair of parentheses
palatable feeling palpable feeling
pantent patent
parody of virtue paragon of virtue
part in parcel part and parcel
partying gift parting gift
pastorial pastoral
patriarticle patriarchal
permiscuous promiscuous
peacemeal piecemeal
peak of health pink of health
pedastool pedestal
pension penchant
pentacle of his career pinnacle of his career
peon of praise paean
periphial peripheral
perk up its ears prick up its ears
perscription prescription
Peruvian interest prurient interest
perverbial proverbial
phantom fathom
pick fun poke fun or pick on
piece of mind peace of mind
pigment of his imagination figment of his imagination
pillow to post pillar to post
pin a finger pin the blame on, point a finger at
plain around playing around
play it by year play it by ear
plentitude plenitude
plural pneumonia double pneumonia, pleural pneumonia
poison ivory poison ivy
portentious portentous
poseable thumbs opposable thumbs
pot-bellied politics pork-barrel politics
poultrygeist poltergeist
predominately predominantly
pratfall pitfall
present company accepted present company excepted
prevaricate procrastinate
prevert pervert
prolong the inevitable delay the inevitable
protagonist proponent
punkin, pumkin pumpkin
radical chick radical chic
radioactive increase retroactive increase
ramsack ransack
ranking file rank and file
readdress the balance redress the balance
rebel rouser rabble rouser
recluse recuse
recreate the wheel reinvent the wheel
repel rappel
repungent repugnant
roiling boil rolling boil
rotating rumors circulating rumors
rubble rousing rabble rousing
rockweiler rottweiler
ruffled grouse ruffed grouse
run rapid run rampant
schrap metal scrap metal or shrapnel
screed door screen door
seizure salad Caesar salad
self-defacing self-effacing
sense of false security false sense of security
sequences sequins
set a president set a precedent
shock ways shockwaves
short sided shortsighted
should’ve went should’ve gone
shutter to think shudder to think
side by each side by side
similiar or simular similar
six and a half of one,
a dozen of the other
six of one,
half a dozen of the other
skewer the results skew the results
skiddish skittish
skun your knee skinned your knee
sleep acnea sleep apnea
slither of cake sliver of cake
smack dad smack dab
smashed potatoes mashed potatoes
smoking mirrors smoke and mirrors
smothered onions smothered with onions
soak and wet soaking wet
something or rather something or other
somulent somnolent
sorted past or story sordid past or story
St. John’s wart St. John’s wort
stain glass stained glass
stainless teal stainless steel
stolled stole
strident stringent
strum up support drum up support
subsiding on subsisting on
substantative substantive
sufficive to say it suffices to say
supremist supremacist
tactile squad tactical squad
terminity temerity
thankyou thank you
techknowledgy technology
Theolonius Monk Thelonious Monk
time and memorial time immemorial
time and time and again time and time again
thread a fine line tread a fine line
Tiajuana Tijuana
tie me over tide me over
times the number multiply the number
tittering on the brink teetering on the brink
to eaches own to each his own
took it for granite took it for granted
tooth and tong tooth and nail, hammer and tongs
trader to the cause traitor to the cause
turpentime turpentine
two sense worth two cents’ worth
tyrannical yolk tyrannical yoke
unchartered territory uncharted territory
ungangly ungainly
unloosen loosen
udderly utterly
underlying contest underlying context
up and adam up and at ’em
upgraded upbraided
valevictorian valedictorian
Valentimes Valentines
vaulted vaunted
verbage verbiage
very close veins varicose veins
viadock viaduct
visa versa vice versa
vocal chords vocal cords
voiceterous boisterous
vunerable vulnerable
wait ago way to go
weary wary
wetted to the idea wedded to the idea
wheedle down whittle down
whelp welt
Wimbleton Wimbledon
wideth width
windshield factor wind chill factor
witch which
without further adieu without further ado
wither in agony writhe in agony
withering around writhing around
world-renown world-renowned
worldwind whirlwind
working progress work in progress
worse case scenario worst-case scenario
worth its weight in salt worth its salt or worth its weight in gold
worth wild worthwhile